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PS4/XOne/PC Dark Souls III

grad gelesen das dark souls 3 in japan von from selbst vertrieben wird ... huren bamco, was für ein drecksladen.
xbox one version mit 900p und wenn die 30 fps mal erreicht werde gibt es frame pacing probleme:

We were curious about the game's resolution, first and foremost. While Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 run at a full 1080p on PS4, there were no certainties of the resolution setup on other formats. On a close pixel count, it turns out Xbox One dials its native resolution back to a straight 1600x900 in this case. Essentially, this puts us at 70 per cent of the PS4's overall pixel output.
Sadly, some of the engine's more notorious quirks also translate to Xbox One. Take for instance the frame-pacing issue; Dark Souls 3 targets a v-synced locked 30fps on console, but once again, we see the engine producing irregular ordering of frames. This means that while we do hit a 30fps line on average, we still get the perception of stutter anyway, with several unique frames running in a row, followed by multiple duplicates.
However, the bigger concern is the genuine hits in frame-rate on Xbox One. At our very first step, we get a continuous stretch of play at 25fps in the opening section - a drop incurred by the heavy volumetric fog effects around this area's frosty high-rises. Boss battles produce similar issues on Xbox One, and we even reach frame-rates at near 20fps for larger-scale encounters on the High Wall of Lothric.

hmm möchte im store dark souls 1 kaufen, klicke auf "nur paket" und dann steht dort nichts gefunden. kann es also nicht kaufen/laden/spielen :(

oder muss ich dark souls 3 vorbestellt haben im xbox store? möchte es nähmlich für die ps4 holen
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