Also für mich ist von den drei Shooter wo für die Wii dieses JahrC2 bis jetzt der vielverprechenste. Wird auch auf jedenfall gekauft. Weil das Setting und die Waffen nicht so ausgelutscht sind wie bei Cod:BO und Goldeneye.

Hier mal auch ein paar Infos wo mich vor allem überzeugen (besondere rot gemacht, wichtigste zum Schluss!):
Game Informer hands-on summary:
-Approximately 15 multiplayer maps.
-Seven new maps.
-Remaining maps are ported from the original after being retooled for compatibility with the new gameplay mechanics.
-21 unique weapons - including seven new firearms & weapons of the first game.
-12-players for competitive online.
-4-player split screen for competitive and cooperative modes.
-Aiming tightened with the Wii Motion Plus attachment.
GamePro preview summary:
-Ability to play online with a friend on split-screen (e.g. Mario Kart Wii) :o
-Vortex Cannon renamed to Aegis Device.
-Sprint with all the weapons.
-Longer campaign mode.
-Four boss battles in total. :-D
-Each boss will be taken down in multiple stages of the fight.
-Perk system similar to Call of Duty's.
-Perks can be unlocked in the single player mode.
Conduit 2 >Single Player
-Updated AI.
-Ability to take cover.
-Able to pick up weapons from the ground.
-15 multiplayer maps. Looking to add more by launch date.
-Adding new maps and those voted by players. (Possibility of all old maps returning)
-Uncapped FPS: When staring at a wall it can get up to 70 FPS. With explosions and action can drop to 28 fps
-Still 12-players online.
-4-player co-op, online and local.
-Missions can be played together. Not the campaign.
-Sniper rifle (phase rifle): Slow to use; long reload time; can shoot through some walls; if locked onto someone heat sync.
-Wii Motion Plus
NOT being used for melee attacks. (An article this week said WM+ was being used for melee)
-WM+ used to keep the curser on-screen when remote points away - Works really well.
-Still in discussions regarding DLC: Added maps, guns, etc...
-Post release patches to be released: help fix bugs & balance game.
weitere Infos:
-You can voice chat with friends and non-friends.
-Ally list can hold up to 96 players you meet online (most likely separate from the friend list added via FC).
-Friend codes required to add "friends".