Checkt das (ON Video doch richtig?)

  • Thread-Ersteller Thread-Ersteller pd2
  • Erstellungsdatum Erstellungsdatum
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
meine fresse, da verfolgt man einamal nen thread nicht mit, und dann entpuppt sich daraus sowas...

aber ich kann und will nichts dazu sagen. das ist mir zu krass. ich warte morgen ab, ob was kommt, und wenn ja, WAS da kommt :yeah2:
pd2 schrieb:
So auf ist eine FF CC Online Ankündigung in der unter anderem steht:

Yoichi Wada, president of Square Enix. "The Revolution may embody a new platform beyond a portable or console, which makes possible a new structure in the network gaming system, changing the ways communities are built and supported."

Nur warum sagt er beyond a portable or console ? ;)

Immer mehr und mehr Rätsel.
eki schrieb:
Jenova schrieb:
hrelescu schrieb:
LOL, dieses Bild trifft das Ganze sehr gut.... :lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sehr geschmacklos! Ich bin nämlich Christ.

LOL das find ich schon fast lustiger als das bild an sich xD

Ja, sehr lustig, ich lache mir gerade den Arsch ab. Hab in den Spiegel geguckt, erkannt, daß ich ein Mensch bin, und fing dann das große Lachen an...
Gottlosigkeit erkenne ich zuhauf auf dieser Welt. Aber dann sollte man als Atheist bitte ganz die Finger von religiösen Inhalten lassen, anstatt sie ins Lächerliche zu ziehen... alles andere muß ich als große Idiotie bezeichnen.
Hi, habe mal in anderen Foren rumgelesen und bin auf etwas intressantes gestossen. Lesst es euch durch ! DER HELM KOMMT DOCH YEAHHH BABY ;)

Some people wanted a summary of the two or three hundred posts about the On theory last night, so here it is. These are all taken from user posts on here, in most cases directly quoted without the names. It's a good read if nothing more, and certainly gets you thinking. Please feel free to list any more coincidences or points you have.

1. Electroplankton "may not even be considered a game". He says "it should be actually be considered a creative tool" Electroplankton could be used with Revolution to create the Music for your own games.

2. At the E3 presentation, Reggie keeps mentioning in the number 2 along with the "right side of the brain". The 2 sides of the unit (left & right side), 2 billion game titles moved

3. Iwata says "I hope you let me create some elements of mystery to my further remarks today. Maybe we can look at this as a form of puzzle game".

4. Iwata says " The advances in our technology will also relate to areas that have no direct baring on game play" . This goes back to the creation part of the unit.
He also mentions how that quote was a mysterious comment.

5. Iwata says "Our competitors have taken time at detail the power of their co processor and their onscreen display....the added benefit of our technical approach with Revolution...every home game machine in history have married a controller to a console and a console to a the next generation the addition of the these 4 elements controller, console TV, internet interact with each other forms a central difference in Revolution design. This tells you that Revolution will not be like other video game consoles.

6. Iwata also mentions the game experience will separate them from the other competitors

7. Iwata says "Samus will take you places you've never gone before....The key here is not what you are playing how you'll be playing"

8. Iwata says "We are convinced game creation on Revolution can be the most periphery friendly, simpler, faster, and less expensive that any other new system." This means that anyone can create games. The system probably has a dev kit built into it. "The big idea that can prevail over big budgets"

9.The Nintendo On system that is seen in the video is the real thing. Reggie says "We look forward to seeing you on the show floor tomorrow and be prepared to let your right brain run wild." Remember the right brain is the part where the games are played.

10. According to their we site, IGN doesn't know who sent the in video or who made the video. So there is no way to discredit the authenticity of the video. Just because IGN said it is fake doesn't mean it's fake. This could in fact be a "leaked" video from Nintendo.

11. Another piece of evidence is how who the person how made the Nintendo On video know about "the brain". The "right side of the brain" was mentioned several times during the presentation. how would they know about this. This is too much of a coincidence.

12. Remember the system it is true that Reggie was talking about the right side of your brain now if you think about it the Nintendo ON system looked like a brain and on the right side of the system you could play games on it and on the left side you can make games. Also is it possible that the video was kind of meant to look fake.

13. Maybe the part about making games and little 3rd party support would be because it doesn't need it if it can make games fast. Maybe the community will make games too, which would be first party support.

14. In the Nintendo ON video it shows that "the brain" connects you PC and TV. This shows that you can use your PC to help in the game making process.

15. Maybe the guy worked for Nintendo and this was all Nintendo’s idea in the first place.

16. IGN says that the video is fake. Gamespy is owned by IGN. Gamespy must know what Nintendo is doing in regards to Revolution since Gamespy was mentioned in the presentation today. That means IGN must know also. IGN just suckered everyone with disinformation. IGN sited no sources about who sent in the video or if it is real or fake. Use your "brain"

17. In the ON the part where they show the TV and comp connecting to the helmet after they showed a GC and some sort of box (could have been the rev). Now the ON video might haven been fake...but is the whole concept fake?

18. If you really look at the video you will see that it isn't a helmet but a glasses type visor. I think that is one of the reasons why people think the video is fake because they think it is a helmet.

19. The Nintendo rev base station, or the thing they revealed today is where you put the game in, then the base station will send a signal to your glasses and the glasses will play the game.

20. In the video at appox. 5:50 there is a Samus part. That little Samus clip is what they played in the conference. If you compare closely you will see! So, the samus clip in the Nintendo On is very similar to the one in the conference.

21. Reggie said something about the Brain at the end of the Presentation. and the Right side is for making things, Creativity is as important as competitiveness. There is another number I would like to talk about and that’s the number 2. Aries said Nintendo was playing a "Game" and the 19 would be his proof. This is starting to get good. VoliticX puts EP III pic in his hints. Samus will take you places you have never been.

22. You know I just thought about it maybe the video is a mock up created in a week. On the revolution brain system. Showing the world that anyone can create a game and it wont take 2 months like unreal 3s tech demo for ps3.

23. not sure if u guys noticed but ill tell u my opinion, did u notice at the beginning of the "on" video that they showed a bunch of castles all getting zoomed out and it spelled Nintendo, well I think that was meant that people can create there own Nintendo games and everybody could make there own games that’s why it showed so many copies.

24. Ok well since we're on the ON topic, let me say I would LOVE IT. However I'm skeptical. But if you were able to make games, they obviously wouldn't be as high quality as "Real" games... so maybe that explains the look of the characters? i.e.: ostrich Mario...

25. All the castles was that he was trying to show how much more powerful the revolution was compared to the n64. it is able to show 512,000,000 of the castles from Mario 64.

26. Remember when the game cube was revealed and they had the Mario model from mario64 running around? Then he pressed a key and 128 Mario showed up? That was a tech demo showing off how powerful game cube was compared to n64. This was the same type of demo. Just showing off the technical prowess of the Nintendo. If it truly is real and able to show that many mario64 castles on screen at once, then there is our proof that it is just as powerful as Xbox 360 and ps3.

27. there’s a lot of mention in the video for the helmet thing at the beginning about the number "2"...meaning 2 sides of the brain, comparison, Reggie made this number very significant in his speech

28. the video showed a history of Nintendo consoles, showing revolutionary things that Nintendo has done, but they also showed the virtual boy has one of their consoles. since when has Nintendo praised or noted the virtual boy disaster? well if the video is true at all, they may be hinting at a 3D visor type deal

29. the video showed Metroid and when the person put the visor on, what game did it show first? metroid, and samus walking towards a door. isn’t it interesting that during the press conference, Nintendo only showed samus as a demo of sorts of how the revolution would look....and iwata said that samus would go places like never before...but in game play terms

30. And does anyone else think the music during this video sounds very much like something Nintendo would play during one of their promos?

31. and of course the right side of the brain comment by Reggie. he said that because tomorrow people will play games using the right side of the brain...but what if on Thursday, the left side will be explored...meaning making games. he wouldn’t just say "let the right side of your brain run wild" without there being a left side.

32. the Nintendo on video was cut short, just as Mario was jumping/running. why would whoever made it cut their own masterpiece short and then put it on the internet?

33. and seriously, how long do you think that video took to make??? its way too long, and way too involved for someone with spare time to make. looks like to me, somebody was hired to make it or at least it has been put together by pro's....not just a "talented individual".

34. the more i think about it, the less far fetched the helmet visor thing is. would that be why they don’t show the controller? because there is none? its all done with your motions? the "feeling" and "touching" part of the ds and the comparison made by Nintendo saying that the revolution would be similar...could that be a sign as well to actually feeling your games?

35. Reggie is with Nintendo for a reason he does the Marketing and this is obviously a marketing campaign from Nintendo. IGN is in on it as is Game Spy there’s NO WAY Reggie would say let your right Brain run wild without it meaning something.

36. The advances in our technology will also relate to areas that have no direct baring on game play Iwata going back the original poster saying that this has to do with the LEFT side of the brain the creation part. New technology has nothing to do with game play. But creation!

37. A lot of things are matching up with the ON video. Like how they reshow all the previous systems Nintendo has put out; well the Revolution will be able to play games on all of their previous systems, what a coincidence. Just look at it and match point by point from the ON video and the new found info. The future looks bright Nintendo fans. I never accepted IGN's debunk of the ON video, and now I am glad. Nintendo, Gamespot, and IGN seem to be collaborating with each other to work with the Revolution's revealing. IGN had NO good reason for denying the ON video.

38. the Nintendo on video was cut short, just as Mario was jumping/running. why would whoever made it cut their own masterpiece short and then put it on the internet?

39. Ok, I want the ON to be real, but I can't figure out one thing. Why were the dates wrong? Other than to throw us off thinking it's fake. Everything else can be explained it seems. Even the funky characters if we can make games ourselves... the big thing that tells me ON may be real is the whole Brain thing. I mean, in Nintendo’s speech it was all right brain, left brain... and when I first saw the ON video, I thought it was weird the unit was pointed out as being the Brain of the system... but after Nintendo’s brain remarks...

40. There are too many coincidences for it to be fake

41. Why would he put an unfinished video? Especially with such a strange 'walking' animation for Mario...
'Walking' like that, would be the only way to emulate walking, in a VR environment.

42. Nintendo could easily have put out, and put forward a silly guy to claim it.

43. It is WAY too good for a single guy to do, no way... unless he had months.

44. There are too many similarities between the conference and the video..

45. maybe someone hacked into Nintendo’s system and started downloading and it got cut off

46. Maybe the motion capture would be used to animate your characters

47. There are pre-made characters with pre-made animations

48. He didn't do it in a week. I do a fair amount of 3D work, I'm not a guru or anything.. but I'm 100 percent sure, NOBODY can do that in a week

49. more interesting news is the system with the ? looks almost exactly the size of the Revolution…. the rev wasn’t really three DVDs cases it was a little bigger and it looked practically exactly the SAME as the question mark in the video.

50. Not all games would be in first person if it's an add on.. I mean, if the Revolution we saw today was a powerful console, then it could play regular games, and these could be special titles.... & that could be a game creation station/VR Rendering Unit

51. It would just allow you to have stereoscopic vision making a non real image appear to be real and tangible. You could still have Link in 3rd person, it would just look like you where a camera man filming it (aka there in the game) instead of a camera man reviewing what you have already shot (aka watching a movie).

52. So it can be a traditional gaming machine as well... Not all the games would be in VR.. I mean what about all the old games.. it has to offer both options.

53. I was thinking it would be more of take a step forward to "auto-run." Take a step back to "stop." Then you just turn your body around to "turn around." So you just need two square in. of space to play. Everyone has that. No injury. Also, I am thinking it would make more sense if they had a pad. Just to hard to see how a sensor on your goggles tracks movement like that

54. I think... that you'll have this new controller.. I think it'll be like the two controller idea, one for each hand maybe, and it has the gyroscopic control.. so you can control the characters arm movement, so you could point a gun for instance.. then the glasses you could simply look left & right & all around. Because you have joysticks on the controller... or you could simply be sitting down & tilt your head towards the console to move forward.. I mean they did call it a proximity sensor or something right?

55. Nintendo ON was released a week ago. In this video we were shown a 3D type console of sorts; it had a short clip with Samus in it, and it showed a ton of towers from the Mario game. The console had 2 sides, the left and the right. Each side had a drive; the console looked like a head. On the head there was a visor that was demonstrated on a person (drawn). Everyone said this was fake. In the E3 conference video the speaker kept referring to "Left/Right side of your brain" and the number 2, which might mean 2 sides. They also showed a clip of samus which looked almost exactly like the one in the ON video.

56. As far as the cost thing... remember all the talk about Nintendo perhaps coming up with a way to produce some kind of graphics at a much lower cost?

57. But maybe it's not Virtual reality? only simulated. I mean, Sony has had those sweet glasses that you put on and it looks like a movie theater screen in front of your eyes.. they where like $1000 several years ago. My cousin works in Micro Display Development, and there has been a huge advance the last few years, along with a big price drop in Micro Displays. Nintendo could be rolling out some sweet HD type glasses that had gyroscopic control. It couldn't be VR unless the glasses surrounded you more it seems, like a helmet. The glasses could incorporate some 3-D effects, like the sweet I-Max ones, again, not expensive anymore. I think that type display seems the most affordable and plausable technology wise.

58. wow I just thought about something you will not have to be in same room as console that’s what the helmet base is for

59. So a new question comes to mind. What about durability. They would have to be well made, and very break resistant, well tested glasses.

60. Some Nintendo Reps gave a statement that the REVOLUTION was 2x more powerful than GCN. They stated this to USA Today but later people found out that they made an error about it. The reps now say that it will compete with PS3 graphics

61. Nintendo logos?? they are all THE SAME!!!! if you look at the logo in the video, its missing the little (R)

62. For one thing the price of basic VR tech has gone down considerably in the last 10 years. Also I think the internal processing components will be a fair but cheaper than the super computer like components of the PS3. And as some have said it might just be a display and is not really "VR" which makes it cheaper again. It also may be a separate accessory and the base system runs all the new games on a TV.

63. While we were all buzzing about E3, Nintendo filed a few new patents yesterday. There are a few that could work with the "Nintendo On" theory.

It seems to be a user programmable graphics processor, with built-in pre-sets. Will we create our games?

Take a picture of yourself, or surroundings and put them into the game!?!?.

Cursor control using a tactile feedback device. Novint Techonlogy??

64. Ones filed at the end of last month:

Event driven motion. Could this be the "brain"?

Controllers with built-in Mic, Speakers, and Video Cameras!!!!!!

Custom Soundtracks!!!!

Directional tactile feedback for haptic feedback interface devices. Haptic = Touching or Feeling. More Novint type technology?.


It links to IGN. Very, very interesting. Who denied the video being real.

Some guys on the ign boards have posted that they trace the registration on that address and who do you think its registered to...........Reggie Fils-Aime!
Ich dachte, du bist angehender Wissenschaftler? Dann sieh's realistisch: es ist Satire...
dragonshining schrieb:
Leute kommt mal runter…
Glaubt ihr wirklich Nintendo zieht so ne riesen Show ab, verarcht alle und läßt die Pressekonferenz Teil einer Marketingkampagne werden um dann zwei Tage später im Interview mit Reggie ne riesen Bombe platzen zu lassen… :oops:

Das ist Nintendo… in Sachen Maketing hatten die noch nie viel drauf…

Stimmt, was das Marketing angeht war BigN nie wirklich so toll, aber glaub mal, dass da auch nich nur Trottel sitzen vorallem NoA hat marketingmäßig schon einiges mehr drauf als wir es von NoE gewohnt sind.
Letztes Jahr war die PK schon fast zu Ende und dann kam Zelda und hat alle umgehauen.
Es gibt definitiv dieses Puzzlespiel mit der Presse und den Fans. Wurde ja so von Iwata gesagt. Und macht es dich nicht stutzig, dass er als einzige Zahl ausgerechnet schon die 512 MB erwähnt hat. Sowas lässt man doch nicht als einzigen Fakt stehen. Für mich sieht das alles sehr nach Puzzleteilen aus....
Jenova schrieb:
eki schrieb:
Jenova schrieb:
hrelescu schrieb:
LOL, dieses Bild trifft das Ganze sehr gut.... :lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sehr geschmacklos! Ich bin nämlich Christ.

LOL das find ich schon fast lustiger als das bild an sich xD

Ja, sehr lustig, ich lache mir gerade den Arsch ab. Hab in den Spiegel geguckt, erkannt, daß ich ein Mensch bin, und fing dann das große Lachen an...
Gottlosigkeit erkenne ich zuhauf auf dieser Welt. Aber dann sollte man als Atheist bitte ganz die Finger von religiösen Inhalten lassen, anstatt sie ins Lächerliche zu ziehen... alles andere muß ich als große Idiotie bezeichnen.
jetzt muss ich sogar schon soviel lachen, dass ich mich angemeldet habe :D harhar diese ganzen religiösen sachen sind doch sowieso verfälscht bis zum geht nicht mehr...erstmal die ganzen jahre die diese dokumente hintersich haben und dann noch die uebersetzungen und und und würde man nur an gott glauben ohne einer religion bei zu tretten so würde es viel viel mehr frieden auf der welt geben :evil:
Motorbass schrieb:
Ich dachte, du bist angehender Wissenschaftler? Dann sieh's realistisch: es ist Satire...

Was ich geschrieben habe, ist als ein GUTGEMEINTER Ratschlag zu verstehen. Ob er angenommen wird, bleibt jedem selbst überlassen. Mich selbst tangiert es nicht, ob jemand religiöse INhalte ins Lächerliche zieht oder nicht - dadurch wird mir mein Christsein ja nicht genommen. WEnn jemand sagt, daß ich ein Schwein bin, dann bin ich immer noch ein Mensch. Aber ich fühle mich verpflichtet, auf gewisse Zusammenhänge hinzuweisen. Und ich glaube zu wissen, daß eine solche Respektlosigkeit gegenüber religiösen INhalten den Respektlosen NICHT GUT BEKOMMEN.

Mit dir möchte ich hier keine Diskussion um Religion anfangen, Neral. Ich habe gesagt, was ich sagen wollte, damit bin ich zufrieden. Kommen wir wieder zurück zum eigentlichen Thema des Threads...
Neral schrieb:
Jenova schrieb:
eki schrieb:
Jenova schrieb:
hrelescu schrieb:
LOL, dieses Bild trifft das Ganze sehr gut.... :lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sehr geschmacklos! Ich bin nämlich Christ.

LOL das find ich schon fast lustiger als das bild an sich xD

Ja, sehr lustig, ich lache mir gerade den Arsch ab. Hab in den Spiegel geguckt, erkannt, daß ich ein Mensch bin, und fing dann das große Lachen an...
Gottlosigkeit erkenne ich zuhauf auf dieser Welt. Aber dann sollte man als Atheist bitte ganz die Finger von religiösen Inhalten lassen, anstatt sie ins Lächerliche zu ziehen... alles andere muß ich als große Idiotie bezeichnen.
jetzt muss ich sogar schon soviel lachen, dass ich mich angemeldet habe :D harhar diese ganzen religiösen sachen sind doch sowieso verfälscht bis zum geht nicht mehr...erstmal die ganzen jahre die diese dokumente hintersich haben und dann noch die uebersetzungen und und und würde man nur an gott glauben ohne einer religion bei zu tretten so würde es viel viel mehr frieden auf der welt geben :evil:

Ja genau Neral.

Scheiß Christen, Moslems und alle die es noch so gibt. Wegen Relegionen sind bestimmt schon 1 Milliarde Menschen gestorben. Sorry will niemand Persönlich angreifen aber ist halt so Relegionen kann man vergessen.
Neral schrieb:
Jenova schrieb:
eki schrieb:
Jenova schrieb:
hrelescu schrieb:
LOL, dieses Bild trifft das Ganze sehr gut.... :lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sehr geschmacklos! Ich bin nämlich Christ.

LOL das find ich schon fast lustiger als das bild an sich xD

Ja, sehr lustig, ich lache mir gerade den Arsch ab. Hab in den Spiegel geguckt, erkannt, daß ich ein Mensch bin, und fing dann das große Lachen an...
Gottlosigkeit erkenne ich zuhauf auf dieser Welt. Aber dann sollte man als Atheist bitte ganz die Finger von religiösen Inhalten lassen, anstatt sie ins Lächerliche zu ziehen... alles andere muß ich als große Idiotie bezeichnen.
jetzt muss ich sogar schon soviel lachen, dass ich mich angemeldet habe :D harhar diese ganzen religiösen sachen sind doch sowieso verfälscht bis zum geht nicht mehr...erstmal die ganzen jahre die diese dokumente hintersich haben und dann noch die uebersetzungen und und und würde man nur an gott glauben ohne einer religion bei zu tretten so würde es viel viel mehr frieden auf der welt geben :evil:

Mann Mann Ihr habt problems und was hat das mit NintendoOn zutun
Neral schrieb:
jetzt muss ich sogar schon soviel lachen, dass ich mich angemeldet habe :D harhar diese ganzen religiösen sachen sind doch sowieso verfälscht bis zum geht nicht mehr...erstmal die ganzen jahre die diese dokumente hintersich haben und dann noch die uebersetzungen und und und würde man nur an gott glauben ohne einer religion bei zu tretten so würde es viel viel mehr frieden auf der welt geben :evil:

1. Wir sind nicht mehr in der Zeit der Inquisition

2. Wenns dich Religion nicht interessiert dann hör auf es runterzuziehen wie Jenova schon sagte

3. falscher Thread

sonst willkommen auf CW :P
FlirtBoy089 schrieb:
@Deniz: Sag wos steht kein Bock zu lesen da ich eh kein Englisch kann

Da stehen viele Information darüber, warum das Video "Nintendo On " doch wahr ist. Haber erhlich gesagt nicht Lust alles zu übersetzten sorry. Aber Morgen ist es ja so weit ;) DER HELM YEAHHH BABY
chrisi schrieb:
Neral schrieb:
Jenova schrieb:
eki schrieb:
Jenova schrieb:
hrelescu schrieb:
LOL, dieses Bild trifft das Ganze sehr gut.... :lol:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sehr geschmacklos! Ich bin nämlich Christ.

LOL das find ich schon fast lustiger als das bild an sich xD

Ja, sehr lustig, ich lache mir gerade den Arsch ab. Hab in den Spiegel geguckt, erkannt, daß ich ein Mensch bin, und fing dann das große Lachen an...
Gottlosigkeit erkenne ich zuhauf auf dieser Welt. Aber dann sollte man als Atheist bitte ganz die Finger von religiösen Inhalten lassen, anstatt sie ins Lächerliche zu ziehen... alles andere muß ich als große Idiotie bezeichnen.
jetzt muss ich sogar schon soviel lachen, dass ich mich angemeldet habe :D harhar diese ganzen religiösen sachen sind doch sowieso verfälscht bis zum geht nicht mehr...erstmal die ganzen jahre die diese dokumente hintersich haben und dann noch die uebersetzungen und und und würde man nur an gott glauben ohne einer religion bei zu tretten so würde es viel viel mehr frieden auf der welt geben :evil:

Mann Mann Ihr habt problems und was hat das mit NintendoOn zutun

hi chrisi ;) kleien ablenkung vor dem ganzen gewühle und gelese ;)

stell dir vor mit dem nintendoON koennte man die kreuzigung jesus nachspielen
MoX schrieb:
Neral schrieb:
jetzt muss ich sogar schon soviel lachen, dass ich mich angemeldet habe :D harhar diese ganzen religiösen sachen sind doch sowieso verfälscht bis zum geht nicht mehr...erstmal die ganzen jahre die diese dokumente hintersich haben und dann noch die uebersetzungen und und und würde man nur an gott glauben ohne einer religion bei zu tretten so würde es viel viel mehr frieden auf der welt geben :evil:

1. Wir sind nicht mehr in der Zeit der Inquisition

2. Wenns dich Religion nicht interessiert dann hör auf es runterzuziehen wie Jenova schon sagte

3. falscher Thread

sonst willkommen auf CW :P

jup danke :) lasst uns lieber zusammen aufn helm freuen :D

also ich denke morgen wird nichts grosses kommen aber dafuer beim letzten termin wie es hier vor einigen seiten stand
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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