ein neuer patch ist draussen:
11/30/11 Update:
Major Fixes:
- MP - Major optimzation work to improve host frame-rate issues ("host-lag")
- Spec Ops - Major optimization improvement to help with reports of spec ops "rubberbanding/lag"
- Session Host Migration Fixes
- Added "Add Friend" option in the MP shell when selecting a player's playercard
Other Fixes:
- Fix for crosshairs always going to the center of the screen when scoping in if "Control Stick" was selected for scope aiming
- Exploits Reported in MP map "Outpost"
- Fix for Proposal list only displaying first 8 proposals in the list.
- IK Settings for clients were disabled whenever the host mantled through certain windows.
- Fix for Stinger not locking onto UAVs when using the Wii Remote.
- The GIGN SMG character would disappear when looking at him from a short distance.
- Fix for M.O.A.B. locking out user's gun but still allow ability to pull out the radio.
- The "Mission Select" menu would remain locked if a player launched a Single Player "Campaign" after creating the profile in the "Multiplayer" Shell.
- Fix for player having no secondary weapon after turning off the Overkill Pro perk.
- Spec Ops - Fix for the accuracy total on the end of match screen not always equaling what the player should have received
- Fixed missing bomber emblem during gameplay
- Fix where after a player exits the remote tank, their character would pop out of sight for a brief period of time.
- Fix for when player was able to mantle the sentry gun
- Fix for when player could not pickup flag when placed on a turret
- Fix for reports of players experiencing a freeze while a Remote Sentry is active in a Private FFA match
- Fix for when emptying the clip of a SCAR-L with the Heartbeat Sensor and the Hybrid Sight in the short range position would cause the player to be unable to reload until they put the sight in the long range position
- Fix for message stating weapon rank had increased when it hadn't
- Fix for some imcomplete or incorrect playlist descriptions
- Fix for "Assist" message not appearing in private matches
- Several minor player collision issues fixed
- Various stability improvements
komme leider nicht zum zocken da inet wegen anbieter wechsel momentan offline ist.
hoffe das läuft innerhalb der kommenden woche wieder