Teil 3 des Interviews mit IW:
Die einzelnen Perks lassen sich aufleveln!
GamerZines: Are there any new additions to the perk system? Will there be more custom class slots than in Modern Warfare, and will you use the World at War idea of unlocking an extra class slot each time you go prestige?
Robert Bowling: We've made extensive additions to the perk system and create-a-class system as a whole. As I've stated, you can now customize killstreak rewards, so your reward for multiple kills without a death can be customized to how you like to play. For example, I forego any 3 Killstreak or 5 killstreak and focus on the bigger payoffs for longer killstreaks. This new addition along with the ability to rank up Perks from their base benefit to an upgraded Pro version with additional bonuses allows you to really customize your Classes to your preferred play style per gametype. For example, for objective gametypes I like to focus on upgrading perks and customizing killstreaks, which allow me a lot of speed, mobility, and ability to get to objectives quickly and hold off enemies from defusing, planting or securing objectives, where my TDM / Free for All classes are focused purely on staying alive longer and taking enemies down quicker.
Die einzelnen Perks lassen sich aufleveln!