PS4 Bloodborne

Battle has a lot in common with previous games, but there are lessons to learn above the fundamentals. Backstrikes make a return for an instant death on regular grunts, and a bespoke parry, named Counter Shot, takes advantage of your left-hand Blunderbuss; a buck-shot that involves tapping L2 just before the enemy strikes. Mixing up the weak and strong attacks works as usual, while a bottom item slot grants a choice of either pebbles or Molotov cocktails here. One for discrete luring, and the other for a more direct affront.

But there are also changes to the control layout, which may, at first blush, flummox players set on the Souls standard. For starters, From Software tosses the shield off the castle bridge, and instead allots the L1 button a new role; transforming the right-hand weapon between short and long-ranged forms. Want to break the opponent's guard with broad, arcing sweeps? Use the latter. Need faster, lower-risk strikes? You're covered. Plus there's the option to attack mid-transformation to build up a more varied sequence of strikes, and even hold R2 for a charged lunge. That's all new, and the move potential becomes a bit mind-boggling.

Even with the demo's nerfed difficulty, this offense-focused design made the learning curve of Bloodborne a touch steep for me. After all, Dark Souls lets most character builds settle into a simple sword and shield combo to start, just to play defensive until you find your feet and advance - in my case - to riskier two-handed weaponry. But here we cut to that fiery end-point; from the off, you're expected to roll and sprint around enemy attacks with little backup, while wielding the firepower to make quicker dispatches.

Rolls are faster, sharper to compensate, and there's also a reserve of healing items to the left of the health and stamina bars. The evasive options are leeches on that stamina gauge, as always, which means pacing of movement is still key. But crucially for those low on health, another handy lifeline is offered to the player: the Regain System.

Through this you get one chance at redemption; lost health can be reclaimed by attacking an enemy, with a depleting yellow bar indicating the maximum that can be salvaged. Once this has ebbed away from the HUD, it's gone, and likewise, this meter fizzles out after any nick on the nose from the enemy. It's critical to also learn that the same logic applies for your (mostly undead, ghoulish-looking) opponents.

I died, of course. Several times, in fact, and just as well. From the opening menu this opened the chance to try the other weapons available, with a total of three available n the demo. The inventory includes the stock saw-cleaver, with its lengthened form allowing knock-back effects on shielded enemies. A short one-handed axe is also up for grabs, transforming into a double-handed, elongated version with the added perk of regaining more health per landed hit.


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sieht übertrieben gut aus!

ich hoffe das es ein wenig mehr richtung action adventure/hacknslay (im sinne von GOW oder DMC) geht.
kann mit RPGs nichts anfangen.
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