NDS Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled

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Ich benutze schon seit Jahren alle möglichen Chipsets aus den alten SE-Games und irgendwie sehen sie schon denen von Black Sigil extrem ähnlich und doch sind sie nicht identisch.

Studio Archcraft hatte auch schon mal einen Anwalt angagiert um sie rechtlich abzusichern, warscheinlich basiert vieles auf gerippten Tiles, nur dass sie sie warscheinlich bis zur Legalität überarbeitet haben.

EDIT: Ein paar aus den Tiefen der Website gefischte Maps aus dem Spiel:
oha, das erinnert sogar sehr stark an FF6. wer entwickelt das spiel?

Finds auch sehr schön.
Das Game sollte nun doch am 1 April rauskommen, oder täusch ich mich? ^^ (US natürlich ^^) Hoffe es erscheint dann auch wirklich.
@ Sasuke

Das Game soll schon einen Publisher haben

Graffiti Entertainment and Studio Archcraft Team Up for Real Time Tactical Combat RPG on Nintendo's DS System (PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance)

Leading video games publisher and developer Signature Devices, Inc. and their wholly owned video game development and publishing subsidiary Graffiti Entertainment, LLC , announced today that they have signed an agreement with Studio Archcraft to publish their title "Project Exile," a real time tactical combat Role Playing Game for the Nintendo DS.

Das hier stand gerade auf der Entwickler-homepage:


March 8th, 2008

Studio Archcraft inc. announces that Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled (formerly Project: Exile) will be delayed until Q2 2008, due to unexpected delays in production. Unfortunately, putting the finishing touches on the product took longer than expected. However, while we regret this delay, we have good news to go along with the bad. Specifically, Studio Archcraft has begun preliminary work on a second project. This second project will be developped in parallel with Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled, by an entirely different team. In other words, we are switching from developping one project at a time to two at a time - a significant milestone in the growth of Studio Archcraft inc..

Es ist also auf Q2 verschoben worden. Ich hoffe ,dass es dann nicht zu einen Release nahe FFIVR kommt, da es dann floppenw ird
Blog eines Entwicklers:

I’ve mentioned before that I’m currently working on an indie game for a small Canadian studio. For a while I’ve needed to be vague on the details, until we could be sure that everyone was comfortable with me blabbing about it here, to what is often thought of as a large audience. (Apparently I sometimes underestimate the impact of my traffic, but only because I’m too busy looking at all the sites ahead of me.) But now we’ve reached the point where I can speak freely…

The project I’m working on is Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled from Studio Archcraft. (The game was called “Project Exile” during development, and that’s still the name you’ll see on the website in various places.)

I’ve actually only played the first couple of hours of the thing so far. I know it’s unfair to compare it to something like Final Fantasy VI, which is older and has earned its place of legend among titles of the past, but as a recent newcomer to both titles I’d say the start to Black Sigil hooked me in better than the start to FFVI. It’s a shame, really - I’ve read the Black Sigil design docs and I know how the story unfolds, which kind of ruins it for me.

The game began development as a GBA title, and has since moved on to the Nintendo DS. It’s been in development for a while and I’m only getting involved now as the thing gets ready to cross the finish line. The bulk of the work I’ve been doing is simple stuff: Scripting pre-written dialog and choreographing cutscenes. It’s not creative work, but it’s important and a natural way to get to know the technology and tools. I’ve also been doing some writing and game design stuff for another project, but that stuff is still in the preliminary stages and hasn’t evolved very far past mere brainstorming. It’s the kind of stuff I live for, but the scripting needs to be done first.

Actually I shouldn’t call the scripting work “simple”. I know from experience that no system is ever as simple as it looks from the outside, but being aware of this truth and being subjected to this truth are always two different things. The work was actually rife with eye-crossing complexity until I figured out what I was doing. In my very first session with the tools, it took me something like two hours to get a couple of NPC’s to have a little conversation - five lines of dialog - in front of the player. This is the sort of experience that will bestow humility in short order.

Being introduced to a new toolset has several distinct phases:

1. This is very confusing. There are so many buttons! Why does this have to be so complex!?!?
2. Okay. I sort of get it now. I guess I can live with this system.
3. You know, this thing is actually pretty powerful and well-organized once you understand how it works.
4. This tool is the best for this particular job, the standard by which all other tools should be judged. You can have it when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

I’m somewhere between steps 2 and 3 right now. I do not claim to be at all proficient with the thing yet, but I’m at the point where I can make the characters have a little conversation without expending an entire evening in the effort. A lot of this stuff would be done in minutes if I could somehow download, Matrix-style, the knowledge and familiarity normally acquired through repeated exposure.

This demo movie is pretty old, but this is more or less what the game looks like, and should give a good overview of the plot:


Since I’m not going to be playing the game normally, I don’t plan on doing a regular review series for this. That would be pointless anyway, since the game isn’t out yet. But I do expect to talk about the game more as it nears release. The usual disclaimers apply: I’m working on the game and have a certain attachment to it at this point. Calibrate your perceptions of my words accordingly.

Quelle: http://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?tag=black-sigil
da kommt bei mir richtiges FF6 feeling auf.
sieht schön aus und wird weiterhin beobachtet.
achja, wenn man das spiel so sieht erwartet man eigentlich einen japanischen entwickler hinter.... schräg.
da kommt bei mir richtiges FF6 feeling auf.
sieht schön aus und wird weiterhin beobachtet.
achja, wenn man das spiel so sieht erwartet man eigentlich einen japanischen entwickler hinter.... schräg.

Ironischerweise gab es mal im Forum zu PE einen Japaner der mit gebrochenem Englisch erklärt hat, dass er hoffe das Spiel werde eines Tages in Japan erscheinen weil es den Geist der alten RPG besser einfängt als die heutigen J-RPG's! :ugly:
Das Spiel war n' Kaufgrund für den DS.
Will es verdammt noch mal JETZT haben :(
Das sieht richtig super aus ^_^
Der Charme ist einfach unvergleichlich. Den versprühen moderne RPGs normalerweise überhaupt nicht mehr. :)
Genial, endlich ein vernünftiges RPG, in dem alles stimmt. Musik, Grafik, (Touchscreen Möglichkeiten sind natürlich absolut belanglos) alles für was der DS gemacht wurde und nicht 3D, wofür der DS/PS1 ja eigentlich gar nicht geeignet ist/war. :)
Hoffentlich kommt es bald. Und das Tolle ist, das man nicht auf eine englische Übersetzung warten muss. :)
Hmmm, scheint so, als könnte man durch das Lesen der bücher etwas erlernen. Bisher waren Bücher in allen RPGs die ich gespielt habe, vollkommen belanglos
Grad die filmchen angeguckt...
wie oben schon gesagt... ICH WILL ES JETZT! :D
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