L15: Wise
- Seit
- 9 Jan 2005
- Beiträge
- 8.195
Der Affe auf Bild 2 macht mir irgendwie... Angst
Ist aus einem anderen Spiel, aber hast recht, sieht strange aus

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Der Affe auf Bild 2 macht mir irgendwie... Angst
Der gehört doch nicht mehr zu Arc Rise
Die Bilder kenne ich aber schon.
- "Now that publishers have had time to feel out what does and doesn't work on Wii, Mizutani (Marvelous Producer) and producer Ryoie Mikage of ImageEpoch expect to see the dearth of Wii RPGs come to an end."
- Part of the Tales of Symphonia team (game designer, CG director, scenario writer, and main battle programmer - among others) are working on the game. They say it feels like a Tales game, as a result.
- You see the enemies on the field, so no random battles.
- "Instead of the Tales series' frantic real-time battling, Arc Rise Fantasia uses an original turn-based system with a dash of strategy-RPG flavor. In our early version of the game, the battle system is a clear highlight,"
- Battles load quickly. "The trio has a set number of ability points to spend each turn, and you can distribute them however you like - by having your best fighter attack three times, for example, or by having each member attack once."
- The main story will be around 30 hours plus optional side quests.
- The game doesn't use IR or waggle, but some of the optional casino mini-games will.
- They say it's nice to hear Mitsuda working on a disk-based platform again.
- "As proud as the developers are of Arc Rise Fantasia's battle system, soundtrack, and character designs, both men go straight for the storyline when asked to name the team's primary focus. ... The game features a huge supporting cast, dozens of plot threads, and a worldview built around numerous intersections between divinity and technology."
- "the stage is set for a perfect storm of political upheavals, spiritual awakenings, and ecological catastrophe. What more could you ask for from Wii's first original RPG epic?
EPIC!!!- Part of the Tales of Symphonia team (game designer, CG director, scenario writer, and main battle programmer - among others) are working on the game. They say it feels like a Tales game, as a result.
- You see the enemies on the field, so no random battles.
Ach Quatsch. Welches Spiel erreicht denn heute noch 30 Stunden? Kaum eines.-Kein IR ist im Menü aber doof
-Waggle nur für Minigames passt
-30 Std sind eher kurz
Moar Pix
Ich mag das Kampfsystem der Tales of Spiele, aber das klingt auch sehr interessant. SRPG-Elemente machen mich automatisch neugierig.- "Instead of the Tales series' frantic real-time battling, Arc Rise Fantasia uses an original turn-based system with a dash of strategy-RPG flavor. In our early version of the game, the battle system is a clear highlight,"
Wenn du von Shootern, Action-Adventures etc. sprichst geb ich dir recht. Bei einem RPG (vor allem JRPG) ist das aber eher im unteren Drittel der Skala.
Finds auch sehr interessant, hoffe nur, dass es nicht zu viel von nem S-RPG hat, ich hasse nämlich S-RPGs.Ich mag das Kampfsystem der Tales of Spiele, aber das klingt auch sehr interessant. SRPG-Elemente machen mich automatisch neugierig.
Kann man nur hoffen, dass sie bei ARF auf sowas verzichten.^^30h sind übrigens viel. wenn ein RPG länger geht liegts meistens an den Animationen oder ähnlichen unnötigen schnickschnack.