Nintendo Allgemeiner Nintendo Thread (Diskussionen, Gerüchte, Directs)

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"Nintendo, warum bist du so...?"
Ich denke, dass Nintendo VOR Corona ungefähr folgenden Timetable hatte:

März 2017: Switch Release
Herbst 2019: Switch Lite
Frühjahr 2021: Switch OLED
Frühjahr 2023: Switch 2

Das wären dann sechs volle Jahre für die Switch gewesen, das ist für erfolgreiche Nintendoplattformen eigentlich immer eine gute Zeitspanne (siehe NDS). Durch Corona ist das Ganze wohl nun um 6-12 Monate verlängert bzw. nach hinten geschoben worden. Deswegen denke ich, dass wir irgendwann zwischen November 2023 und März 2024 nun mit der Switch 2 rechnen können.
Ich habe bei den Bundle Switch oled und Metroid zugeschlagen.
Da ich die jaycon schlecht finde besonders fürs Handheld gaming.

Könntet mir Drittanbieter Controller empfehlen besonders für Handheld Modus sollten aber auch als Controller nutzbar sein.

Die Hori split Pad pro scheiden aus da ja nur in Handheld gehen.
Dem Mochizuki glaubt man lieber nicht mehr so schnell was. Versucht jetzt wahrscheinlich irgendwie sein Switch Pro Debakel zu erklären.

Kann sein, aber es gibt halt schon mehr Gerüchte zu einer auf Orin basierenden Nin Konsole/Hybrid, der eine Nvidialeaker hat den Chip mit Dane bekannt. Ob das ne Switch Pro oder ne Switch 2 ist oder nen neuen Namen kriegt weiß halt niemand.

Skeptisch kann man bei Mochizuki auf jeden Fall sein, besonders bei den Einzelheiten, aber dass Nin seit längerem an einem neuen Gerät sitzt glaube ich, auch dass frühe Devkits draußen sind.

Brainchild der alle seine Posts gelöscht hat weil er jetzt für Nin entwickelt meinte von Anfang an dass er von einem anderen Gerät/Chip gehört hat als die Oledvariante, das war vor dem Bloomberg Artikel. Er meinte auch von Anfang an dass das Teil nicht 2021 erscheint, da noch nicht im tapeout.

Also ich denke dass das noch erscheinen wird was die ganze Zeit als Gerücht umging, Hybrid auf Orin Basis mit DLSS. kann auch bullshit sein und Nintendo kann in 3 Jahren ne weitere Revision mit Mariko rausbringen, aber ich bevorzuge die Dane Story zu glauben und hoffe dass das Teil zum Zelda BotW 2 Release fertig wird.

Viel zu früh. Der Nachfolger wird wahrscheinlich nicht vor 2024 erscheinen. Dafür müsste die Nintendo Switch schon sehr stark einbrechen, damit der Nachfolger früher kommt.

Kann man ja ne Zeitlang nebenher laufen lassen und beide Geräte unterstützen. Ich bleibe dabei, ein Gerät das eigentlich ein Nachfolger ist oder von dne Specs her sein könnte aber erstmal die gleichen Ninspiele abkriegt. Und um nicht zu lügen reicht es ja schon, dass echtes 4k nativ nicht erreicht wird oder angestrebt, da DLSS :coolface: Oder das Teil heißt nicht Switch.

Ich tippe auf Ende 2023. Dennoch dürfte dann so kurz vorher keine große Revision kommen. Irgendwas passt da nicht zusammen vom Timing.
Gabs Afaik schon mal ähnlich mit nur einem Jahr dazwischen, ich gebe 2022 noch nicht auf

  • Nintendo 3DS (2011-present, discontinued in Europe)
  • Nintendo 3DS XL (2012-present, discontinued in Europe and Japan)
  • Nintendo 2DS (2013-present, discontinued in North America)
  • New Nintendo 3DS (2014-present, discontinued in Europe and Japan)
  • New Nintendo 3DS XL (2014-present, discontinued in Europe and Japan)
  • New Nintendo 2DS XL (2017-present)
Der New Nintendo 2DS XL erschien sogar nach Switch Release wenn ich mich nicht irre.

Also insofern ist alles möglich. Erst recht wenn die Geräte kompatibel sind, also es könnte ja auch ein kompatibler nachfolger sein.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hat man die Pro immer noch nicht aufgegeben nach der OLED xD
Nintendo bringt viele Revisionen und es könnte ebenso ein Nachfolger sein, "Pro" war immer nur ein Fillerwort. Laut nem Nvidialeaker arbeitet Nin an einem Gerät dass auf einer custom Variante von Orin setzt, der Chip soll Dane heißen, also der Codename.

Und Digital Foundry sagte vor kurzem auch in einem Video dass das Teil kommt.

A next generation Switch is in development and Nvidia DLSS upscaling is widely tipped to become a part of the spec, radically improving visuals for docked play.

Digital Foundry sagte auch richtig vorraus dass die 2021er Version (später als Oled bekannt) kein Chipupgrade bekommt.

Letztes mal hieß es noch Ende 2021 oder Anfang 2022. Irgendwann muss er dann fast schon richtig liegen.

Zynga hat den Bericht ebenfalls zurückgewiesen, keines ihrer Nintendo Devkits wäre 4k

Würden die zugeben wenn sie ein "4k" oder whatever DLSS fähiges Devkit von Nin hätten? :coolface:

In der Firmware findet sich laut sciresM keinerlei Hinweis auf neue Hardware (außer der Oled und einer Modullosen TV-only Konsole an der seit 2018 hin und wieder gearbeitet wurde, die aber wahrscheinlich eher nichts wird). Ist halt die Frage ob ne Switch 2 so offen in der Firmware sichtbar wäre nach all den Hacks und Leaks

Also alles weiterhin mit Vorsicht genießen, Mochizuki kann sich das zeug sonstwoher saugen oder verarscht werden, aber genauso kann Nintendo lügen, wer Bock auf die Oled hat sollte sie kaufen da kein Mensch weiß wann oder was da passiert.

Nintendo scheint schon länger mit DLSS oder sowas ähnlichem rumzuprobieren, auch wenn ein Patent nicht bedeutet dass was daraus wird, sieht auf den ersten Blick wie ein Nintendo DLSS aus, das sie Notfalls auch auf andere Hardware mitnehmen könnten. Nvidia Tensor Cores werden erwähnt, auch dass es mit diversen Systemen von Intel bis Arm genutzt werden kann:

two patents for "SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR MACHINE LEARNED IMAGE CONVERSION". essentially AI upscaling akin to Nvidia's DLSS and Intel's XeSS.

these patents were filed on March 25, 2020 and published today. the inventors are all listed from France, so this is probably the work of NERD. the patents mention the methods can be accelerated by matrix multiplication hardware, like Nvidia's Tensor Cores

also note that they were not granted the patents.


"Applications of the technology include converting images of one resolution into another (e.g., higher) resolution and may be used in real-time applications from images generated by, for example, a video game engine."

Jigen said:

I was going through this myself. Yes, the inventors are from NERD (Nintendo European Research and Development). Alexandre Delattre is the managing director and Theo Charvet is an R&D engineer. As for the scope of this, this may lend some more understanding:

For example, a neural network for upconverting to 1080p from 540p will be different than one upconverting from 1080p to 1440p (e.g., 2560.times.1440). It will also be appreciated that while the example shown in FIGS. 3-7 relates to transforming a 540p image to a 1080p image, the techniques herein may be applied to other image sizes (e.g., 720p to 1080p; 480p to 1080p, 1080p to 1440p, 1080p to 4k/3840.times.2160, 720p to 4k, etc.).

Klingt als habe sich Nintendo seit 2019 mit DLSS oder sowas ähnlichem beschäftigt. Das Timing der Veröffentlichung ist witzig
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
aber genauso kann Nintendo lügen
Die Aussage von Nintendo, dass keinerlei neue Hardware in Planung sei, ist doch sowieso und vollkommen unabhängig vom Wahrheitsgehalt der Gerüchte ziemlich sicher unwahr. Und das ist kein Vorwurf, sondern normal. Nintendo dürfte sich schon seit 2017 durchgehend Gedanken machen, wie ein Nachfolger aussehen könnte und nach über 4 Jahren wird man auch schon Konzepte haben. Das hört man aus Interviews doch immer wieder, egal ob bei Nintendo, Sony, MS, dass die neuen Konsolen schon Jahre vorher in Planung gehen. Insofern ist die Aussage ziemlich nichtssagend und bedeutet bloß, dass man aktuell nichts ankündigen wird.

Nintendo wäre auch ziemlich dumm, sich die quasi Ankündigung abnehmen zu lassen, wenn man selber erst viel später darüber reden möchte. Ein Switch Nachfolger in egal welcher Form existiert schon, selbst wenn die Gerüchte bislang alle vollkommen erlogen sein sollten. Und wenn es nur Notizen auf einer Serviette sind.
Die Aussage von Nintendo, dass keinerlei neue Hardware in Planung sei, ist doch sowieso und vollkommen unabhängig vom Wahrheitsgehalt der Gerüchte ziemlich sicher unwahr. Und das ist kein Vorwurf, sondern normal. Nintendo dürfte sich schon seit 2017 durchgehend Gedanken machen, wie ein Nachfolger aussehen könnte und nach über 4 Jahren wird man auch schon Konzepte haben. Das hört man aus Interviews doch immer wieder, egal ob bei Nintendo, Sony, MS, dass die neuen Konsolen schon Jahre vorher in Planung gehen. Insofern ist die Aussage ziemlich nichtssagend und bedeutet bloß, dass man aktuell nichts ankündigen wird.

Nintendo wäre auch ziemlich dumm, sich die quasi Ankündigung abnehmen zu lassen, wenn man selber erst viel später darüber reden möchte. Ein Switch Nachfolger in egal welcher Form existiert schon, selbst wenn die Gerüchte bislang alle vollkommen erlogen sein sollten. Und wenn es nur Notizen auf einer Serviette sind.

So schauts aus.

Jeder Hersteller macht sich doch direkt nach Veröffentlichung Gedanken über den Nachfolger
Keine Ahnung ob das hier schon irgendwo angesprochen wurde, Gerücht/Infos zu Retro allgemein und dem angeblichen Metroid Prime Full Asset Remake, lest selbst. Der Typ gab damals wohl Imran Infos und der soll sie falsch weitergegeben haben.


I don't usually comment on these things, but given there's been a lot of irresponsible reporting around this project that's led to a lot of misconceptions and (imo) undeserved negativity, I want to clear up a couple of things here. As the cat's out of the bag now and Emily has already broken the news, I figure it can't do anything but help. First off though, I don't know whether or not this is being announced in the direct today. I was expecting it to be announced in the E3 direct, but when they announced Dread instead I assumed they were going to hold off on this announcement until after Dread released. So I'd be surprised if they talk about it today, but if they do then that's great because I've been waiting for this to be announced for years now.

Just so people understand what this is and what it isn't, I just want to clear up the history here so people can make accurate judgments about this project and whether it's worth their money. To start, most every rumor that's supposedly leaked about Retro the last several years has been complete bullshit. The stuff about them doing Star Fox Grand Prix and Labo stuff was complete bullshit. The only thing that was accurate was the rumor about the project they'd been working on since Tropical Freeze released was canceled. That was true.

After that, Nintendo had them start working on this project. It was designed from the beginning as a full asset remake of the original Metroid Prime Trilogy. They didn't want them making any changes to the design. They just wanted a 1:1 remake of the original games with new art built to modern standards. Down to them even reusing the original collision meshes and just replacing the art. They didn't want to mess with perfection. So this was never at any point a simple remaster of any of the games. They were always planned to be full remakes.

But it was only the art that was being rebuilt so that left their design staff with nothing to do. At the time, NOJ was having issues with Namco's work on Prime 4. Particularly the level design. So they started having the Retro design staff start helping with the level design on Prime 4. Meanwhile, art and programming staff were working on the MP1 Remake. After seeing the quality of Retro's level design work on Prime 4 and the quality of their art for the remake, NOJ decided, "Why are we not just having Retro do Prime 4 altogether?" So that was the point where they cancelled things with Namco and made the announcement they were rebooting things with Retro and put them back together with Tanabe.

So I think it was a few months after this or somewhere around then where the rumors about a MP trilogy first came out. I believe Imran Khan was first to "scoop it." However, what he reported was largely bullshit. He said the full trilogy was finished as a remaster and was just sitting around waiting to be released. Also, that Retro had secretly put a demo together to scoop MP4 from Namco. That was completely untrue. That is not how things work in this industry and definitely not how the relationship between Retro and NOJ works. This is not Spangleberg-era Retro where they're just secretly working on their own projects supposedly to steal projects from other studios. I feel like that was really irresponsible for Imran to claim that as that's a really bad look for Retro and is the kind of thing that creates bad blood. Retro are good guys and classier than that.

I privately messaged Imran back in early 2019 that his reporting was largely wrong. This was not a simple remaster. Work had not yet even begun on the later two games and this first game wouldn't be ready for some time. Also, that his statements about Retro sniping Prime 4 from Namco was completely untrue. It had been NOJ's decision and they were just following orders. Imran stopped responding to me as I guess rather than do his due diligence to correct any bad reporting he'd rather just let those bad rumors fly and soak up his fifteen minutes of fame. So instead these rumors about a Prime Trilogy being finished and waiting in the wings just kept circulating and getting reported by more people.

Before Retro got Prime 4 back they'd been planning for them to redo the whole trilogy. Obviously that was not going to be possible with them now doing Prime 4. So the new plan became for them to just finish up the first game, then Nintendo would contract out the work for the subsequent games to be redone by other studios with the Prime 1 remake serving to establish the visual bar and style for other studios to emulate. I don't know whether this is still the plan or if that work has even begun. I'm sort of doubtful. They've just barely finished up the work on Prime 1 just a few weeks ago. So this is definitely not something Nintendo has been sitting on for years and releasing them individually to nickel and dime everybody.

Retro has put a lot of work in to this project. They've seriously been working on it for years. I hope that can be appreciated. This is not one of Nintendo's usual quick minimalist re-release cash grabs. I think this is the kind of thing we want to see from them and should reward. That's why it irritates me that all this irresponsible reporting from years past is casting a negative shadow over it with people being led to believe Nintendo is just trying to take advantage of the fan base. Yes, that has happened from time to time, but this is not one of those cases. I don't know what the price point would ultimately be, but given the amount of work put into it I would fully expect it to be full price. Again, there's not any new added content to my knowledge but all the art assets have been completely rebuilt from the ground up a la Shadow of the Colossus/Demon's Souls remake. I have not seen the game running so I can't comment on the finished quality of the art remake, but I have heard it's impressive for what it's worth. So hopefully that clarifies the situation here.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Klingt tatsächlich alles realistisch. Würde auch erklären, dass wir von Retro seit langem nichts mehr gehört haben. Ein Projekt müsste gecancled worden sein. Gegen ein aufwendiges Metroid Prime 1 Remake sage ich tatsächlich nicht nein. Jeder mit bisschen Videospiel Erfahrung weiß, was für ein Meisterwerk die Prime-Reihe ist. :)
Keine Ahnung ob das hier schon irgendwo angesprochen wurde, Gerücht/Infos zu Retro allgemein und dem angeblichen Metroid Prime Full Asset Remake, lest selbst. Der Typ gab damals wohl Imran Infos und der soll sie falsch weitergegeben haben.


I don't usually comment on these things, but given there's been a lot of irresponsible reporting around this project that's led to a lot of misconceptions and (imo) undeserved negativity, I want to clear up a couple of things here. As the cat's out of the bag now and Emily has already broken the news, I figure it can't do anything but help. First off though, I don't know whether or not this is being announced in the direct today. I was expecting it to be announced in the E3 direct, but when they announced Dread instead I assumed they were going to hold off on this announcement until after Dread released. So I'd be surprised if they talk about it today, but if they do then that's great because I've been waiting for this to be announced for years now.

Just so people understand what this is and what it isn't, I just want to clear up the history here so people can make accurate judgments about this project and whether it's worth their money. To start, most every rumor that's supposedly leaked about Retro the last several years has been complete bullshit. The stuff about them doing Star Fox Grand Prix and Labo stuff was complete bullshit. The only thing that was accurate was the rumor about the project they'd been working on since Tropical Freeze released was canceled. That was true.

After that, Nintendo had them start working on this project. It was designed from the beginning as a full asset remake of the original Metroid Prime Trilogy. They didn't want them making any changes to the design. They just wanted a 1:1 remake of the original games with new art built to modern standards. Down to them even reusing the original collision meshes and just replacing the art. They didn't want to mess with perfection. So this was never at any point a simple remaster of any of the games. They were always planned to be full remakes.

But it was only the art that was being rebuilt so that left their design staff with nothing to do. At the time, NOJ was having issues with Namco's work on Prime 4. Particularly the level design. So they started having the Retro design staff start helping with the level design on Prime 4. Meanwhile, art and programming staff were working on the MP1 Remake. After seeing the quality of Retro's level design work on Prime 4 and the quality of their art for the remake, NOJ decided, "Why are we not just having Retro do Prime 4 altogether?" So that was the point where they cancelled things with Namco and made the announcement they were rebooting things with Retro and put them back together with Tanabe.

So I think it was a few months after this or somewhere around then where the rumors about a MP trilogy first came out. I believe Imran Khan was first to "scoop it." However, what he reported was largely bullshit. He said the full trilogy was finished as a remaster and was just sitting around waiting to be released. Also, that Retro had secretly put a demo together to scoop MP4 from Namco. That was completely untrue. That is not how things work in this industry and definitely not how the relationship between Retro and NOJ works. This is not Spangleberg-era Retro where they're just secretly working on their own projects supposedly to steal projects from other studios. I feel like that was really irresponsible for Imran to claim that as that's a really bad look for Retro and is the kind of thing that creates bad blood. Retro are good guys and classier than that.

I privately messaged Imran back in early 2019 that his reporting was largely wrong. This was not a simple remaster. Work had not yet even begun on the later two games and this first game wouldn't be ready for some time. Also, that his statements about Retro sniping Prime 4 from Namco was completely untrue. It had been NOJ's decision and they were just following orders. Imran stopped responding to me as I guess rather than do his due diligence to correct any bad reporting he'd rather just let those bad rumors fly and soak up his fifteen minutes of fame. So instead these rumors about a Prime Trilogy being finished and waiting in the wings just kept circulating and getting reported by more people.

Before Retro got Prime 4 back they'd been planning for them to redo the whole trilogy. Obviously that was not going to be possible with them now doing Prime 4. So the new plan became for them to just finish up the first game, then Nintendo would contract out the work for the subsequent games to be redone by other studios with the Prime 1 remake serving to establish the visual bar and style for other studios to emulate. I don't know whether this is still the plan or if that work has even begun. I'm sort of doubtful. They've just barely finished up the work on Prime 1 just a few weeks ago. So this is definitely not something Nintendo has been sitting on for years and releasing them individually to nickel and dime everybody.

Retro has put a lot of work in to this project. They've seriously been working on it for years. I hope that can be appreciated. This is not one of Nintendo's usual quick minimalist re-release cash grabs. I think this is the kind of thing we want to see from them and should reward. That's why it irritates me that all this irresponsible reporting from years past is casting a negative shadow over it with people being led to believe Nintendo is just trying to take advantage of the fan base. Yes, that has happened from time to time, but this is not one of those cases. I don't know what the price point would ultimately be, but given the amount of work put into it I would fully expect it to be full price. Again, there's not any new added content to my knowledge but all the art assets have been completely rebuilt from the ground up a la Shadow of the Colossus/Demon's Souls remake. I have not seen the game running so I can't comment on the finished quality of the art remake, but I have heard it's impressive for what it's worth. So hopefully that clarifies the situation here.
Mal angenommen, da steckt wahres drin: Wenn man bei NoJ die Primes als "perfection" betrachtet, warum hat man MP4 dann erst Namco und nicht direkt wieder Retro anvertraut?
Wird mir keiner beantworten können, aber das frage ich mich gerade nach lesen des Artikels.
Ein Remake/Remaster der Trilogie (oder nur Teil 1) ohne neuen Content, hätte auch weiß der Teufel wer machen können.
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