Alan Wake

Ob da irgendwas detaillierter ist, kann man anhand des Screens gar nicht sagen. Er hat einfach etwas anderes an. :ugly:

Immerhin scheint es wohl nicht so eine kaputte-Traumwelt-Grütze zu werden, wie die DLCs. :kruemel:
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nail gun confirmed.

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* Night Springs is 15 miles away. Could the aim of the game be to reach Night Springs?
* New clothing. As if you didn't notice that.
* The torch seems to be a little brighter than usual. New battery model perhaps?
* The nail gun in his hand. Alan is gonna nail some Ta- um... yeah.
* There's a watch tower to the far right of the image. Could it hold some significance? There was a watch tower in episode three. Could it be the same one, and if so, are Bright Falls and Night Springs closer than you may think? Could Night Springs be more than just a TV show Alan wrote for once?
* Motel must hold some significance of some kind, surely.
* Some people think Alan looks a little younger. Maybe its just the way he was 3D modelled? What do you think?
* Seems like Alan has a long road to travel on. Maybe there's multiple path ways to a destination leading off from that road?
* While he's holding a nail gun, it's unclear what else he is holding in his right hand. Looks like a mirror from a car... hmmm?

1. Obvious desert setting vs. forest.
2. "Diner" missing letters - "dver" - "Diver" - more Zane?
3. Desert Shore - implying body of water (whether literal or figurative) - tying into the whole lake/ocean thing. Same with "Night Springs" - water theme.
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Joa, im Alan Wake Forum wird jetzt anhand den Screens jeder Stein umgedreht. Sieht aufjedenfall super aus, freue mich riesig auf das Spiel und den 10. Dez. :D Infos bis dahin wird es aber nicht mehr geben, haben die Devs angekündigt.
Naja, an allen David Lynch Filmen habe ich keinen spaß :ugly: Gibt genug Filme wo ich nur davor saß und wirklich null gerallt habe :oops: Mag aber auch dran liegen das ich mir die Filme bisher selten alleine angeschaut habe, meist mit Bier und Kumpels :ugly:

Dafür liebe ich Twin Peaks :goodwork:

Lohnt sich eigentlich der zweite DLC zu Alan Wake? Habe den immernoch nicht geladen und wollts dann eigentlich nochmal vor dem neuen Titel machen.


Originally Posted by RiotPelaaja:
All I'm gonna say is that the tech for this game is seriously upgraded especially when it comes to facial animations. Just wait :)
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