DJDREAM schrieb:
Bei MS rechne ich fest mit Halo 3 und Killer Instinct 360.
Ist afaik nicht in Entwicklung, welches Team sollte es auch bringen? Das PDZ und Kameo Team sind gerade fertig, auch das Conker Team kann nicht sehr weit sein. Bleiben das GBA Team und das Banjo/Ghoulies Team, ersteres arbeitet an DS Spielen, letzteres an Your Garden. Da bleibt nur das Stampede Team übrig, was die machen, ist ja nicht schwer von der Hand zu weisen
Was würdet ihr bei Nintendo eigentlich von einem Super Smash Bros. DS halten?
OK, ich gehe davon aus, dass das Conker Team, welches früher für KI zuständig war, jetzt an KI3 arbeitet, das ich aber nicht vor 2007 erwarte (als Präsentation).
Hello Rare Team,
i want to ask you something and i hope to get back an email with the answer (pleeeeeeease)
Ive read the History Line and ive seen that the last Killer Instinct Game is 9 years old, so how long will it take that KI3 will be released? And which Platform will it take?
And Im hoping that all Danger Moves will be more bloody and violency like Mortal Kombat, more real like an 3D Real Life combat with bones and flesh and all of the incredians a human being will carry inside.
Please give my regards to the whole Team of yours, thanx for your time.
Michael Fish
There's a famous British weatherman called Michael Fish, but that's not the funniest thing about this email. No, that honour goes directly to 'incredians'. I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel so jam-packed full of incredians that there's barely any room for the bones and flesh.
If we'd plucked an estimate for KI3's likely platform and year of arrival out of thin air the first time we were asked this question, we might well have said it'd appear on the N64 within a couple of years, so look how far blind guesswork gets us. There's no point in us announcing KI3 until we're actually developing it. But if it helps to narrow things down, let's say a spring 2006 release is unlikely, and I wouldn't put money on a Gizmondo, Amstrad CPC or Konix Multisystem version.