32. Xbox360 vs. Wii vs. PS3

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Gaijin schrieb:
Und wo sind dann die ganzen N-Boys? :lol2:

Zocken, keine Ahnung.

Entweder auf Marktführer 1, DS
oder auf Marktführer 2, Wii
oder auf (ehemaligem) Marktführer 3, GBA

Und repent, dito :oops:
Microsoft’s XBox secret: failure rates?

Extremely high failure rates are being suggested for the XBox 360. Last week 360 Gamer reported over 4,469 XBox owners responded to their online survey — and over 62.5% of them have now reported a defective XBox. Over 22% even reported that they’d had more than one console fail on them.

The survey is unscientific, since angry XBox owners would be more motivated to respond than satisfied owners. (And it’s first question is “How many 360s have you had die on you” — which could be said to introduce a bias.) But there have already been anecdotal reports of customers who received a series of defective units. In February the San Jose Mercury News reported on a true XBox fan who went through seven units.

Kommentar: Oje, oje MS! Wie will man so jemals Gewinne erwirtschaften oder gar oben mitreden können? :shakehead:

quelle: http://www.n4g.com/industrynews/News-42693.aspx
Nerazar schrieb:
Zocken, keine Ahnung.

Entweder auf Marktführer 1, DS
oder auf Marktführer 2, Wii
oder auf (ehemaligem) Marktführer 3, GBA

Und repent, dito :oops:

denk eher die zählen grad die verkauften (oder gekauften) wiis zum schnelleren einpennen :oops:
size=18]Epic Threatens to Move Gears to PS3?[/size]

It would seem that Developer/Publisher relations between Epic and Microsoft Game Studios is at an all time low and even spilling out into the public. In short, Epic has had to break every rule they've laid down for themselves and their reputation with the PC gaming community in the name of Microsoft profiteering... and they know it!

Cliff Bleszinski of Epic has even been quoted as threatening Microsoft to port over GeOW to the PS3 to try to leverage some developer rights over the content of the game and XBox Live, but they have already inked the contract and Microsoft is winning much to the chagrin of Epic.

quelle: http://www.n4g.com/News-42702.aspx

Naja, viel braucht man dazu niht sagen. :lol2:
2 Neue Mass Effect-Screens



Gaijin schrieb:
Ich hab morgen auch nen Kanji Test und heul nit rum :lol2:

Hab' meine erste Vorlesung um 8 (und das kommt nur einmal die Woche vor! ;) ) und lunger hier rum, aber wenn man wie die meisten Nintendos langsam dem Herbst des Lebens entgegen sieht, dann braucht man halt seinen Schlaf :oops:
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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