Q: "How does it effect you, and Square Enix, that FFXIII is such a big project that it's been divided in a lot of separate projects?"
Toriyama:"We've definitely been forced to change our habits and work in new ways. In the center you have the crystals that define Final Fantasy and unite the three XIII projects. But every single game is evolving in its own direction and take place in their own worlds with their own characters. Nomura has designed Lightning, but she's our character."
Q: "So who is she then?"
A: "I can't say much more than that she likes to call herself that. And that she's a female character who's vastly different compared to Yuna."
Q: "Ten years ago, Final Fantasy VII became a symbol to the entire PlayStation format. Could FFXIII come to mean as much for the PS3?"
A:"FFVII was a milestone in PS history. The game changed the entire RPG genre and set a lot of new trends. Strictly content-wise, the theme alternated between fantasy and futurism and we're doing something similar with FFXIII. The game mixes a new kind of fantasy with futuristic elements that have never been seen in a game before. It's very interesting to explore the new hardware. When you've managed to harness the power in it the results become unbelievable. We're accomplishing things you hardly can manage without the PS3."
Q:"So there will be a mix between fantasy and sci-fi again?"
A: "Last time, our time worked with the Asian-influenced world in FFX and wanted to do something completely different this time around. So we took the futuristic theme to its limit. FFXIII will truly define the term futurism. You've never seen anything like it."
Q:"You've worked at Square Enix for a long time, but this is the first time you're in charge of such a big FF project. How do you cope with the pressure?"
A: "The difference between the side projects and the big games, the one with numbers, isn't really that big. I know I have to deliver, but I knew that when I worked on Revenant Wings as well. The pressure from outside is almost worse. A lot of people view FFXIII as a title that can decide the success for the PS3. But I can't think about that. We've had a lot of time on our hands to prepare our game, and now we're working full-speed."
Q: "If you look past the visuals, how will FFXIII be a game for the next generation?"
A: "It's never solely about graphics, but at the same time you can't deny the meaning of the looks for the experience as a whole. The technique allows us to create characters so realistic that the player perceives them as being alive. It adds something emotional to the entire game experience. Which in its turn makes the combat system feel different since you care about the characters and you feel for them in a way that you've never done before. When you play FFXIII, it feels like you're controlling something that's not a 3D model, but a real creature."