Anderes Thema, sonst werde ich neidisch auf euer Spieler-Freundinnen
Ein paar Zitate aus Reggies Rede (ja, ich weiß, Marketing - aber immerhin war sie nicht für die Öffentlichkeit gedacht.)
"Because of this dynamic we don't consider Sony and Microsoft as our only competitors. Instead, we're really competing with other leisure time entertainment, especially for that expanded audience. If people decide to stay home on a Saturday night and play Wii bowling instead of going to the movies, we win. If consumers spend 22 minutes making their perfect Mii instead of watching a sitcom, we win."
"Now, in talking through all of this, there's a danger. You might assume, wrongly, that our differentiation strategy, the pull part of what we're trying to do is all we care about. So let me be clear: nothing could be further from the truth. We understand that if we don't satisfy that core gamer, it won't matter how successful we are on the outer edges. And as I've said more than once,
our vision is to be an 'and' company, not an 'or' company. We're not for one group or the other; we're for the expanded audience and the core. "
"So let me take a final minute to talk a little bit more about the core. By some people's definition, the last time Nintendo published a true core game was GoldenEye. But in our minds Mario, Zelda and Smash are also core games and that's because you can't find a core gamer who can say that they've never played those games. And later on this year you'll be playing Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Zelda: Phantom Hourglass."
"Let me assure you that our third party partners will also meet the needs of both audiences. As you know, third party development is moving enthusiastically to the Wii because of the innovation and because of the potential return on investment.
And despite what you might have heard, to date in the US third parties have sold more Wii games than Nintendo has, and this includes all the success we've had with Zelda and Wii play. "