Using maps and ancient artifacts, uncover clues and unravel mysteries to find a forgotten island and a treasure that was thought to have never existed
· Explore exotic locations. Traverse through living jungles and spectacular 400-year-old ruins.
· Drake's companions and allies play an important role in the adventure through cooperative mechanics, gun play and exploration.
· Experience fast-paced gunplay: use a variety of environmental elements for cover, shoot enemies off of moving vehicles in high speed chases and more.
· Use an array of hand-to-hand fighting moves to put your enemy off balance. Anything from wild haymaker punches to running drop-kicks.
· Naughty Dog's advanced animation techniques allow Nathan to switch seamlessly between movements and achieve a whole new level of believability in gameplay. Nathan can reload his weapon while dodging bullets and find cover behind a wall, all in one smooth natural motion.
· Characters express lifelike emotion using gesture and facial expression through the use of Naughty Dog's proprietary Wrinkle Mapping Facial Animation system.
· High-definition range lighting delivers full floating point color calculations yielding an unequaled level of realism and detail.
· Hyper realistic water through physics based Wave Simulation paired with cutting edge Refraction/Reflection rendering techniques.
· Utilizing next generation rendering techniques such as Bump Mapping, Parallax Mapping, Blend Shaders, Global Illumination, Runtime Shadows and Real Time Shadows, Naughty Dog has created a vibrant living environment