Q: What is the Halo 3 Public Beta?
A: The Halo 3 Public Beta is a preview,
based on early code, of the Halo 3 multiplayer game. It features three maps, an assortment of weapons, vehicles and matchmaking playlists for Xbox Live. It will run from May 16th until June 6th, 2007.
Q: Where do I find my Gamertag or find stats?
A: Go to
http://www.bungie.net/stats/ to see a limited selection of stats. The breadth and wealth of stats will certainly change when the final game ships in Fall of 2007.
Q: What maps are included in the Beta?
A: The Halo 3 Public Beta maps are Snowbound, High Ground, and Valhalla.
Q: How close to final is the Beta build?
A: The Beta build is a Beta build. Theres a lot of work yet to be done and many things can and will change.
These include graphics, performance, features, controls, in short, everything youre seeing in the Beta is subject to change.
Q: Can I play split-screen in the Beta?
A: Yes! During the Public Beta, we have chosen to support 2-way splitscreen play. That does not necessarily mean it will perform the same way or feature the same number of players in the final game.
Q: In splitscreen on a widescreen HDTV, I have black borders, what gives?
A: The black borders are there to maintain a correct (non-stretched) aspect ratio in widescreen splitscreen gameplay. Its better gameplay-wise, once you get used to it, than the alternatives.
Q: Is this the final set of weapons vehicles and levels that will ship in Halo 3?
A: No. It is Beta software. This is a selection of weapons. It is subject to change.
Q: Is this the final quality of the graphics and audio?
A: No. It is Beta software.
Q: How many/what maps/game types/weapons/vehicles are you going to ship with?
A: More than the ones you are seeing in the Beta.
Q: I know how to make Halo 3 better. How do I tell you guys?
A: Use the forums on
http://www.bungie.net/forums/halo3Beta to give us your feedback.
Q: Why cant I play custom games?
A: The primary goal of the Beta is to test networking and matchmaking, so we want you to play as many matchmade games as possible! Sorry!
Warum fassen die sich nur immer so kurz und warum zeigen die nichtmal den SP oder mal einen aktuellen MP Stand

, ich hoffe , das auf der E3 H3 SP gezeigt wird