3.Playstation 3 - NUR Playstation 3

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Hazuki schrieb:
Beide Messen sind wichtig wenn es um ein neues Produkt geht !

Entweder haben sie Technische oder Logistische Probleme aber keiner kann mir erzählen das man eine Messe auslässt um eine andere auf der anderen Seite der Welt zu veranstalten !

Naja, die Messe auf der anderen Seite der Welt, ist einfach viel näher für Sony. Die müssen ja jetzt sparen wo sie können. ;)
Dann wären wir aber wieder beim Thema Rohpower gegen Technische Effizienz :D
hey leute ich hab auf www.ps3land.com einen interessanten bericht über die ps3 und ihren "schaffensweg" gefunden, der zum teil erklärt, wieso die ps3 so ist, wie sie ist:

Did We Create the PS3?
by Greg Bergen

Back in October of 2000, Sony showed the world its next generation console. Complete with a DVD drive, backwards compatibility with the PS1, and gorgeous graphics, the Sony PlayStation 2 was the most anticipated console of the new millennium. With such a large consumer fanbase and brand loyalty to boot, the PS2 was on an imminent path to success. Yet with all its success, outselling the Dreamcast and selling 100 million consoles the PS2 had its fair share of criticism.

People were in agreement that, despite the power of the console and the great games, the PS2 had some noticeable faults. The PS2 only had 2 controller ports. This forced the PS2 fanbase to buy the multi-tap expansion if they desired to play more than 2 to a console. The PS2 had launched without an online plan. Only by the time the Xbox came along, 1 year later, did Sony incorporate online gameplay into the PS2’s functions. However, their online plan wasn’t so great. It felt thrown together; at best it was an attempt to say the PS2 could have online capabilities. The PS2 never had a means to store game information or save files out of the box. This meant consumers had to purchase the memory card (sold separately) in order to save their games. It was clear the people had demands, the demands of the developers, however, were even clearer.

The PS2, despite how powerful and new its hardware was, had some various limitations that the developers did not like. The PS2 needed more RAM. The Processing capabilities of the PS2’s CPU could have had more fine tuning and upgrades. Developing for the PS2 started off as a nightmarish reality and only through time and various skills did developing become slightly easier. The PS2 did not have a hard drive which meant there was little developers could do to decrease the load times of their games. Yes, the developers had spoken. The criticism and complaints the PS2 faced could not be repeated. They would not be repeated. Sony’s answer to those complaints would be revealed at the 2005 Electronics Entertainment Expo (E3).

When May of 2005 came around, everyone was eagerly anticipating the new wave of consoles that would usher in the next generation of gaming. Microsoft showed off their new Xbox, the “Xbox 360.” Nintendo let people catch a glimpse of their “master of backwards compatibility”, the Wii (known as Revolution at the time). Yet one console stood above all the others in anticipation. With an unmatched fanbase of consumers, the Sony PlayStation 3 was the most anticipated console at E3. The ground shook, the cameras flashed, and the PS3 rose from the ground on a pedestal. Ken Kutaragi stood proudly as he lifted the PS3 off the pedestal and smiled. Sony had no playable demos of the PS3 games, however. When the wake of E3 subsided, and the gaming community came back with a wealth of new gaming knowledge, the criticism finally started to set in. The PS3 being one of the most heavily criticized consoles.

The voices from the gaming press, the gaming forums, and the gaming community as a whole all rose up and voiced their criticisms.
“Why do I need 2 HDMI ports?”
“Does the PS3 really need to support 7 players?”
“Why on earth are there 3 ethernet ports? I only use one.”
“The PS3 controller looks like a boomerang!”
“Where’s the PS3 online plan?”
“Real time? Your kidding me, that’s got to be FMV (as in not ‘in-game.’)”
“Where were all the playable demos?”

After one year of gathering information and after hearing all the complaints, Sony was finally ready to show off its modified PS3 at the 2006 E3. The Sony Press Conference starts up and everyone waits to see what Sony will say about the PS3. Based on everything the people, the developers, the press and the critics had to say, Sony showed off its PS3. The PS3 now had only 1 HDMI port and only 1 ethernet port. The online service will function almost exactly like Microsoft’s Live service. The controller now looks almost identical to the PS2 DualShock 2 except it has no vibration and it can now sense itself being tilted. The games are hardly any better looking than the Xbox 360, though most people speculate the PS3 will have superior graphics later in its life span. Last of all, the PS3 would cost $600. Overall, many people "saw the glass half-empty" so to speak.

So what exactly happened to the PS3? Why all the changes? Why all the broken promises? Where’s the innovation? The answers lies in you, the consumer. Sony wanted to cater to as many people as possible. In order to do that, certain features had to be sacrificed, while others had to be copied. People love Microsoft’s Live service. People love the full motion sensing abilities of the Wii. People love having a tech savvy console that the PS3 was originally designed to be. Sony tried to fix as many criticisms as they could from the initial complaints that they received at the 2005 E3 as well as the complaints they got from PS2 fan base and developers. The PS3 was our product. It was our will, wants, and needs combined into a console that had something for everyone. We created the PS3, we made the PS3 $600, we forced Sony to change everything we did not like. Yet, despite Sony’s best efforts to please us, the consumers, we can’t stop complaining. Sony promised us a better console, saying, “the next generation doesn’t start until we say so.” They have done exactly that. The PS3 is pricy, no arguments there, but what we have to keep in mind in order to create a better console, it had to cost more. If the PS3 was $400 then you could expect graphics that would never be potentially better than the Xbox 360, functionality that could not match up to the Wii, and overall the PS3 wouldn’t be anything special. The PS3 is an extremely powerful console with many features to interest people of all ages. We created the PS3, never forget that.
Ps3Land schrieb:
Eye Toy gets 'Prime Sense sensor'

An Israeli startup company called Prime Sense Inc. has developed new technology which will be included in the PlayStation 3's Eye Toy, an EE Times article reports.

The technology which has been dubbed “Prime Sense sensor” will “provide a real-time 3-D mapping of objects in space”, the company's official web site said.

“The device includes a sensor, which sees a user (including their complete surroundings), and a digital component, or brain which learns and understands user movement within those surroundings [...] Prime Sense's interactive device can see, track and react to user movements outside the computer, all without change of environment or wearable equipment for the end user. The closed device is plug and play and platform independent”, the site announced.

The total capital required is still unknown, however, Prime Sense has already raised 7 million Euros in funds for the new project.

Further details have yet to be announced and Sony has not publically commented on the Prime Sense sensor.

Source: EETimes
Nett, aber ob das wirklich einzug findet oder gar richtig genutzt wird bezweifle ich stark.
Gamezone schrieb:
PS3 auf GC spielbar? Entscheidung sei noch offen

Bewertungen schließen
Erst vor wenigen Tagen offenbarte sich, dass Nintendo dem breiten Publikum ein Anspielen der neuen Hardware inklusive dem zugehörigen Software-Angebot auf der kommenden Games Convention in Leipzig vorenthalten wolle - einzig die Fachpresse soll die Möglichkeit zum Testen bekommen. War dies schon Grund zur Enttäuschung, verstärkte Konkurrent Sony dieses Gefühl ebenfalls. So konnte man lesen, das auch Sony keine Ambitionen hegt, die neue Hardware – PlayStation 3 – auf der Games Convention spielbar zu präsentieren.

So final sich diese Mitteilung seinerzeit gab, so könnte sie dennoch auf der Kippe stehen, wie die Kollegen vom GamesMarket zu berichten wissen. Demnach sei bei Sony noch in keiner Weise eine Entscheidung gefallen, ob man die neue Hardware in den Publikumshallen zeige oder nicht. Auf Nachfrage bestätigte Sony, dass man durchaus überlege, die neue Konsole auch dem normalen Publikum zu zeigen, schließlich wolle man die Fans ja nicht im Regen stehen lassen.

Ob man diesem Gedankengang auch Taten folgen lassen wird, entscheidet sich allerdings erst in den nächsten Tagen und wird dann kurzfristig bekannt gegeben. Sicher sei gegenwärtig nur, dass es einen relativ großen PS3-Bereich auf der Messe geben werde, in dem die Hardware begutachtet werden kann. Passende Trailer sollen das Programm abrunden. Bleibt derzeit also nur die Frage offen: Kann man an die PS3 Hand anlegen oder nicht?
Danke KoQ - aber genau das suche ich nicht - sondern in HD bzw. hoher Auflösung zum herunterladen - diese Mini-Auflösung kann ich nicht ab.
Danke PPM - auch wenn ich das Video dort nicht gefunden habe.... :D


Eidos liebt die Ps3

It's extraordinary quality, that's the starting point. If people are seeking the ultimate machine, the PS3 is clearly the best spec machine as far as next-gen goes. As with all things in life, you have to pay for quality. It is absolutely beautiful to look at and you are getting virtual interactive cinema in the comfort of your own home. It's a very compelling selling point and Sony just has to educate people that yes, it's a lot of money, but it'll be worth it.

Gamezone schrieb:
Playstation 3 auf der GC Bestätigt: Keine PS3 spielbar

Bewertungen schließen
Vor Kurzem haben wir noch berichtet dass Gerüchte aufkamen ob Sony evtl. doch die Playstation 3 den Interessierten auf der Games Convention als spielbare Version zur Verfügung stellt. Nun kam die Bestätigung von Sony direkt dass dem nicht so sein wird.

Demonews sprach dazu mit dem PR Manager von Sony Deutschland Stefan Dettmering. Seine Aussage war:

"Die Playstation 3 wird auf der Tokyo Game Show spielbar sein, aber noch nicht auf der Games Convention"

Somit darf wieder alle Hoffnung begraben werden die sich bereits einige gemacht hatten. Vor der Tokyo Game Show wird die Konsole wohl nicht fertiggestellt und für die
Naja-war irgendwie klar....ich nimms ihnen auch nicht übel die TGS ist einfach wichtiger und beide Messen sind in so nem kurzen Zeitraum von einander -da würde ich auch eher auf die TGS setzen....

Freue mich da neues zu Resi5,DMC4 und FF13 zu sehen.
Sasuke schrieb:
Eidos liebt die Ps3

It's extraordinary quality, that's the starting point. If people are seeking the ultimate machine, the PS3 is clearly the best spec machine as far as next-gen goes. As with all things in life, you have to pay for quality. It is absolutely beautiful to look at and you are getting virtual interactive cinema in the comfort of your own home. It's a very compelling selling point and Sony just has to educate people that yes, it's a lot of money, but it'll be worth it.

Jetzt müssen nur noch die Spiele das umsetzen. :)

RWA schrieb:
Gamezone schrieb:
Playstation 3 auf der GC Bestätigt: Keine PS3 spielbar

Bewertungen schließen
Vor Kurzem haben wir noch berichtet dass Gerüchte aufkamen ob Sony evtl. doch die Playstation 3 den Interessierten auf der Games Convention als spielbare Version zur Verfügung stellt. Nun kam die Bestätigung von Sony direkt dass dem nicht so sein wird.

Demonews sprach dazu mit dem PR Manager von Sony Deutschland Stefan Dettmering. Seine Aussage war:

"Die Playstation 3 wird auf der Tokyo Game Show spielbar sein, aber noch nicht auf der Games Convention"

Somit darf wieder alle Hoffnung begraben werden die sich bereits einige gemacht hatten. Vor der Tokyo Game Show wird die Konsole wohl nicht fertiggestellt und für die
War eigentlich schon von vorneherein klar. Sony konzentriert sich mit der PS3 voll und ganz auf die TGS.
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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