Wie die Kollegen von VideoGamejocks berichten, hat Dan Hsu von der EGM in einem aktuellen Live Podcast (07/19/2006) mitgeteilt, dass Sony sein eigenes Achievements System bei der Playstation 3 einführen will. Dieses sollen auf den Namen Entitlements hören und eine Kopie der Idee von Microsoft sein.
According to EGMs Dan Hsu the Sony Playstation 3 will be awarding their own version of Xbox 360 Achievements but will be calling them entitlements.
During this weeks EGM Live podcast, Hsu, the editor of EGM, said he had heard that Sony was going to call their achievements by this horrible name that could only come from the brilliant minds at Sony.
Lets start with the fact that this sounds absolutely retarded as a name. Is your screen going to flash entitlement awarded or something? That just sounds so robotic and stupid. Also, isnt that grammatically incorrect? Dont you have to be entitled to something?
Its also another example of a blatant ripoff of a very original idea from someone else that Sony is going to steal and try and pass off as another breakthrough for themselves.
Its really sad that a company that was great company has sunken to such depths. Maybe Im crazy but who knows? I just know that this is a horrible name which better be changed if Sony doesnt want to have even more shit talked about them then they already are.