3.Playstation 3 - NUR Playstation 3

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
Wenn man bedenkt, dass die Kamera im Spiel selber von schräg oben kommt und weiter weg ist, wird das richtig klasse aussehen.
tweaker06 schrieb:
das hat sich grafisch enorm verbessert, ist ja überhaupt kein vergleich mehr zu den ersten bildern. sehr beindruckend siehts imo aber immer noch nicht aus.
Nö, aber jetzt kommt´s schon eher in die Regionen, die man von Sony Online Entertainment auf der PS3 erwarten kann ;) :P
Sonys O'Hanrahan erwartet harten Wettbewerb

07.06.06 - Niall O'Hanrahan, Managing Director von Sony Computer Entertainment Ireland, erwartet auf dem Next Generation Markt einen harten Wettbewerb.

Gegenüber der Irish Times sagte er: 'Wir haben bis zum Verkaufsstart eine Marketing-Herausforderung vor uns. Die Sache ist noch nicht unter Dach und Fach, sondern erfordert von uns viele Anstrengungen. Wir würden niemals sagen, dass wir nicht scheitern können.'

Mitbewerber sieht O'Hanrahan nicht nur in Wii und Xbox 360: 'Die Konkurrenz beschränkt sich nicht nur auf unsere direkte Konkurrenz. Wir stehen im Wettbewerb mit MP3-Playern. Und auf der E3 haben wir gemerkt, dass Spiele auf dem PC wieder da sind.'


Muss man die letzen Sätze verstehen ? Hört sich nach entschuldigungen fürs eigene Versagen an.

Wann waren PC Spiele denn bitte weg? Oder wollte Sony wirklich den PC ersetzen :)

Und Mp3 Player sind Konkurrenz für die Ps3 oder die PSP ? Wohl kaum die Konkurrenz heisst Wii60 und NDS.

Sony will einfach etwas anderes als MS o. Nintendo.
Digital Culture: Why So Blu, Sony?- How Sony avoided potential disaster - twice.

May 31, 2006 - Just over two weeks ago, Sony's American boss, Kaz Hirai, dropped jaws around the world by pricing the PlayStation 3 at $500 and $600 - depending on which model you want. Things have not gone smoothly for his company since then.

The PlayStation 3 didn't have quite the showing at E3 the company would have hoped for and there has been a series of potential blunders over the past fortnight that, while not damaging in the long term, has at least given people pause in their decision about which company to give their money to this year and in the years to come. Both of these snafus are related, directly or indirectly, to Sony's insistence on ramming Blu-ray technology into the PlayStation 3, and you have to question whether it's going to be an albatross around the company's neck.

Whether you're paying $500 or $600, there's no denying that the PlayStation 3 is going to be expensive. Message boards have burned for weeks now as would-be buyers vent their frustration. Probably the most amusing outcome of the inflated price has been the eagerness with which both Microsoft and Sony have tapped Nintendo's Wii as the second-console of choice.


Kaz Hirai delivers the good news

Sony's response to the caterwauling about the price has been to remind us that we should be aware of what we're getting for that money. Blu-ray players don't come cheap and the money you hand over for your PlayStation 3 in November will quickly bump you into the next generation of DVD - at a lower price than a stand-alone player. Apart from the confusion surrounding which of Blu-ray and HD-DVD will come out on top as the next standard disc format, there's also the chance that, much like laserdisc, people will simply ignore both of them.

With HD TV adoption in the US predicted by Sony to hit 25 percent by the end of 2006, there's some support for this idea. If three-quarters of households don't have the technology to see the advantages of Blu-ray over DVD, pushing the PlayStation 3 as a cheap Blu-ray player isn't going to work. The situation is even worse in Europe, where HD broadcasts, a better driver of HD TV adoption, are only now getting started. In the UK, Rupert Murdock's Sky has recently started limited HD broadcasting, and even then early adopters have to pay £300 ($565) for the appropriate decoder box - if they can find one.

Sony has had one fortunate turn of events. A technology consortium recently reached an agreement to push back enforcement of the ICT, or Image Constraint Token, until as late as 2012. The ICT is Hollywood's latest attempt to thwart the evil pirates who are robbing the companies of billions of dollars in profits - if you believe the studios' questionable numbers. The technology requires that any high-definition 720p/1080i/1080p digital signal to an HD TV needs to pass through an HDMI connector or otherwise it will be downsampled to an analog signal barely above current DVD resolution. You can see, then, why people were calling foul at Sony's decision to drop the HDMI connector from the $500 model of the PlayStation 3.

But it's not over yet. Since the agreement is currently just that and not an addition to Blu-ray's technical specifications, there's a chance that the firms could pull out at some point, making your decision to save $100 cost you dearly by the end of the decade. The timing of the agreement is interesting too. Apparently, we won't have to worry about the ICT until 2012, which is around the time that the next round of consoles would be due.

The second brouhaha to hit the PlayStation 3 this month had less to do with movies and more to do with games - specifically second-hand games. This has long been a source of great frustration to publishers. Essentially, they're not happy that people pass over new, full-priced games for used ones that can save you anywhere from 10 to 50 percent. At issue is that none of the money that stores make off these secondary sales goes to the publishers. The rhetoric has changed to vitriol over the past year or so, and it's no surprise that publishers are eager to find a way to stop second-hand sales. For a while at least it looked like Sony was on to something.

A recent report from out of the UK said that Sony would implement new technology that would stop all second-hand sales by tying games to the machines they were first played on. Essentially, when you walk into a store and hand over your $60 (or whatever no-doubt high price we're going to be faced with for PlayStation 3 games), you would not be buying a game but rather just the right to use the game. (Whether this means Sony would replace damaged discs for free so that you could continue to use your license wasn't touched on). Cue the frenzy.


Which one will you buy?

Within hours, sites big and small had rounded up the most professional people they could find to talk about the technological reasons why this probably wouldn't happen. The biggest obstacle is that to enforce a scheme like this, all PlayStation 3s would probably need to be online, which isn't likely. But, catastrophe was averted a day later when, after repeating requests for comments to clear up the mess, Sony at last shot down the "speculation". Another potential disaster averted.

But here again, we're not in the clear yet. Some people have pointed out that Sony holds patents that would allow them enforce a one-system-per-game scheme for PlayStation 3 games. Holding a patent and using it are two very different things. It's doubtful whether the rewards of keeping used-game sales at bay would be worth the backlash from gamers. The second-hand market may be a big problem to publishers, but draconian laws aren't going to help anyone. Instead, publishers should either make the games bought new worth hanging on to or deal with the fact that, like the DVD market, if people are done with their purchases, they will sell it.

A big question is whether Blu-ray will be worth it to Sony in the long run. If Blu-ray comes out on top and people start trading up, the answer will be yes. But what happens if HD-DVD surges and overtakes Blu-ray among early adopters? What would be the fallout should both formats fail? With the Xbox 360's external drive, Microsoft has positioned itself well here. Blu-ray and HD-DVD are late in arriving and uptake is probably not going to be anything like that when DVD was introduced. People have only now come to the point where they've re-bought their movie collection on DVD. Asking them to do it again is going to be a hard sell. Will the PlayStation 3 do as well if you take movies out of the equation and Blu-ray becomes a format only for games and other data? Kaz Hirai is hoping that's a question he'll never have to face.

Quelle: www.ign.com
Sasuke schrieb:
RWA schrieb:

Sony will einfach etwas anderes als MS o. Nintendo.

Hmm... und ich dachte alle 3 wollen die Marktführerschaft - was will Sony denn deiner Meinung nach was anders ist ??

Du siehst das doch selber: Nintendo will Gamer gewinnen, MS will Sony einholen bzw. Marktführerschafft und Sony will einfach alles bzw. den PC umhauen, verdrängen und alle Nischen einnehmen. Daher wundert mich diese ganzen Multizeugs in der PS3 nicht.

Edit: Nettes Interview

PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3) to sale, SONY [konpiyutaentateinmento] which starts accelerating more and more (SCEI). But, the former game machine the strategy of the entertainment computer PS3 which works out one line has still permeated with is inexpressible.  The hisashi of Representative President and group CEO the same company is directed 夛 well the strategy and vision of PS3 were asked to the wooden health person.

Therefore the computer PLAYSTATION 3 PLAYSTATION 3 which evolves

<Q> You said that from the time before, SCEI PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3) is not the game machine, is the computer. Whether or not in that sense, PS3 places HDD usually, you thought that it is the important point, whether or not, but becomes the computer of. But, it did not make the standard loading of HDD, very clear. From 2005, meandering bending, there is an impression finally of settling to standard loading.

<Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person> We would like to insert HDD usually, that in heart it had been decided. So, perhaps unless, the financial reason, it cannot guarantee rear 2.5 inch drive itself that much, there were various unsolved questions. By some chance, perhaps it came to the point of putting out the version which does not have HDD. So, when it does, it becomes perfectly the game machine, but I would like to do the computer, is with (that is troubled).  There being a circumstance such as that, when you insert HDD, deciding the stomach, preparedness was necessary.

<Q> If the game machine HDD becomes economic pressure. As for HDD cost does not go down different from the semiconductor chip. Therefore, it becomes cost increase of 40~50 dollar via the life cycle of the game machine. In case of the game machine, finally price is dropped to with 100 dollar level, but when HDD standard is loaded, that becomes difficult. In other words, as for PS3 as for the price model like the game machine the notion that where you do not take?

<Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person> Even, the game machine [tsu] [te] it is not said there are no I, (laughing). Therefore as for PS3, different from present PS clearly the computer.  When certainly, seeing, as the game machine in order to reduce cost, you must be it is to hard it matures. As a methodology, the semiconductor is gathered and summarized, the cost reduction that was done, so far power source capacity is decreased. You do the same thing, naturally even with PS3.  But because PS3 is the computer, (not only reducing price) we would like to evolve. Oh with while saying, it probably will stop wanting to increase also the capacity of HDD if and, in the future, new standard keeps increasing with PC, that stops wanting to correspond. Perhaps also BD drive stops wanting to write in. Well, BD however perhaps it does not become so.

<Q> Therefore as for PS3 the computer, it is not bound in price of the game machine and restriction of the model of cost. Therefore, it places also necessary HDD usually as a computer it is possible to thinking that and, it evolves hard?

<Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person> Not only HDD, it is the computer even in the point which adopts all standards. As for interface, in the past it was the PlayStation private memo Ricardo slot. So, with PS3, only the slot of PC standard it is attached.  Therefore standard, naturally, interface opening. As for me nothing (standard is grasped). Therefore the computer it is possible to have making free. Even HDD, if the person who can fumble PC [sakusaku] be able to upgrade, the [chi] [ya] .

<Q> The game machine locks the specifications of hard via life cycle. But, as for PS3 in order to be close to PC in the point which can change constitution softly, it is visible.

<Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person> Therefore as for PS3 the computer, as for certain there is no “model”, the [te], “configuration”. That this time it has been about probably to put out to clearing. When it is what, BTO (build two order) the extent which is possible to produce the list (laughing). Even, because well, when you do that, circulation is confused. If so, PS3, you try if probably to do even BTO is possible.

<Q> With interview of the time before, it was not hard, PS3, the meta format talked just is with. With PS3, if the specifications which can send the software of fixed profile have been filled up, above that the configuration of hard is possible? <Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person> It is like the. Therefore, which configuration all PS3. <Q> Like PC, being thought that yearly, it keeps expanding the specifications?

<Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person> You think that 1 years, (expanding configuration) it is possible to put out, (laughing). The joke [po] [ku] saying, however the [ru], if Dell you probably will do and, you probably will do even with Apple. If PC, when also 2 years leave (the specifications), the you overtaking [chi] [ya] . Being something which it keeps changing steadily it does, the computer the [yo]? (Also HDD) 60GB becomes insufficient no matter what perhaps and, even memory becomes insufficient. There are various possibilities.

<Q> It exceeded the specifications which are necessary for the meta format of the PS3 game, there is also a possibility PS3 configuration of computing power strengthening edition coming out?

<Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person> It can be. If we would like to doing keeps increasing, naturally it becomes so. Of course, whether we would like to doing to somewhere it increases however it depends.

<Q> With E3 while developing the first party title lined up with [pureiaburu] and was an impact.

<Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person> When it is advance expectation, [pureiaburu] was said that it is not, (laughing). So, because many [pureiaburu] probably are thought come out with, no one. At least, it has gone to [pureiaburu] of that level with the wax which was not thought.  Normally, because as for the first party protruding so however there is a problem, you think that it is responsibility, you came out of wide ones. First when there is a responsibility which shows standard.  As for the time of PlayStation 1 there was an arcade game with respect to 1st as the software which becomes standard. Therefore, Sega which can transplant the arcade game, [namuko] was strong. The arcade game becoming standard, the game kept being made.  So, as for latest PS3, you think that it exceeds all standards. Because of that, unless by his with conviction when this it is it shows standard, everyone thought of where that you probably will not know whether it is possible to face. As a responsibility of the first party, not only the platform, unless it shows in the software and the various parts. As for the standard, that like this is with even standard of no mosquito month ago which reaches to sale. It evolves more and more to into November PS3 sale. Perhaps, you think that it became one standard.

<Q> The third party was not conspicuous relatively. With the first party and the third party, this time in order for difference to open rather, it is visible.

<Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person> It is good, you attached to coming and it is bad attached, E3 was the first party [zu] paragraph. After all, the thing of hard it is well understood inside the company and, at the same time, there is the being connected of side of the global studio of SCEI. This time, with the notion that where, demonstration was made various information joint ownership, engine joint ownership and know-how joint ownership will be done.  It was the aggregate of the studio where until now, the studio of this corporation has adhered region (every SCE organization). That about half year ago, Harrison (Phil Harrison. President and Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios) and Yamanouchi (Yamanouchi one model person. President and [porihuonidejitaru]) including, it made each studio simultaneous. Often offplot doing, in regard to E3 all studio interchanging, unless in well also it probably goes being, you did. So it does with it goes to there.

<Q> The computing power of Cell of PS3, whether 遙 has surpassed PC. It depends on also the type of computing, but operational efficiency is remarkable. But, because of that the programming model being complicated, the hurdle is high. With the third party, as for Cell as for person and Cell that it cannot be unmanageable to, in order in the person that, for [deberotsupa] to have converted bipolar, it is funny absurdly, it is visible.

<Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person> At even at the time of PlayStation 1, only 2D graphics as for the person who was done, “cannot be unmanageable PlayStation to, what you do, you do not know at all whether it is, because with there is a library, it is good well?”, it was the like feeling.  Now, as for the game machine having converted to computer steadily you are not wrong. So when it does, (programming is different) until now. When processor performance of the game machine rises, it is difficult to make (the software), it is strange it is not. The clock and memory of PC, HDD improving, because it became profound long, the software make saying, the person who is said it is not, probably will be. On the computer, PS3, () the person of the programmer of the Top Gun would like to have thriving the arm.

<Q> Under present conditions, as for the development with PS3, it depends on the talent and effort of the programmer. Being complete the library and the middleware, it keeps lightening the burden of the programmer has not been in time.

<Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person> It arranges the middleware. But, the middleware [tsu] [te] to tell the truth it makes long the being less crowded which is made shortly the band. But so from former timesThat when you say, whether should have depended on the middleware the game is possible, so is not. At least with PS3, as for the middleware however use at such place time to be, as for here unless the allowance that unless you note, is recognized it encounters to the miserable eye.

<Q> Microsoft, has been about to actualize the framework of the programming framework which succeeds with PC, even with the game machine. On OS, it keeps gathering socket API which is standardized.

<Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person> Because Microsoft it has come from PC, you say that in the world of PC such it rubbed. So, when you see from me, then there is no evolution it is with you think.

<Q> In the previous game console generation, SCEI and Microsoft, as for the direction 3 of Nintendo Co., although it was different, as for difference it was not that much large. The direction where however, this time, 3 corporations are different completely it is faced. There is a dramatic difference.

<Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person> If the market should have activated with that, it is it is not? When it means the same thing, don't you think? from the murder combination [tsu] [chi] [ya] .

As for those where it is clear with PS3, it is not the game machine and the point that you aim toward the entertainment computer. Because of that, as for PS3, “common sense of the former with game machine” the part which cannot be measured is many. Those where it is important even among them with PS3 are the point where configuration is possible. In other words, existence of the configuration where hardware constitution differs is permitted.  

Therefore, with PS3 the “60GB HDD model” is not, has made “60GB HDD configuration”. In other words, countless configuration being possible to in addition to, if you try probably to do, like PC it is the case that we would like to say that even selling with BTO it is possible. At present time, still as for variety of configuration it has not been visible, but if PS3 succeeds once and also the hardware is digested, the possibility also diversification of configuration advancing is high.

 In addition, memory was increased, strengthening edition Cell was placed, there is also a possibility evolution shape configuration appearing. In other words, as for the game machine, the specifications also the model that, with PS3 while it is deferment, it reduces price gradually, the possibility of stopping passing is high. If it goes according to thought, it may become the shape in the same way as PC, yearly, the high performance PS3 comes out.  However, the “PS3 game” is developed following to fixed profile, it is seen that operation is guaranteed even with the lowest specifications. As for “PS3” in conventional sense, in this generation, it becomes the meaning, hardware environment which can send the software of a certain profile.  

Because such configuration is actualized, with PS3, the design where also software structure differs until recently has been done. To PS2, as for the software which hits to OS and the library and device driver, the majority was placed on optical disk side. Because of that, unless the hardware specifications are maintained strictly uniformly, compatibility of the software could not be taken.

 Vis-a-vis that, with PS3, as much as possible software module is loaded onto the flash memory of PS3 itself. Because it has the based software group on substance side, modifying hardware specification, it can correspond by the fact that it modifies the software of substance side. With PS3, also constitution of software layer, changes largely from the traditional game machine, has become PC. Though, as for change of software layer, in Xbox→Xbox 360 also similar thing to occur, trend being.

Original Japanese version below
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Edit: Sry nen Nachtrag von Ken ATOMBOMBENSTATION³ Kutaragi

well here's my lil summary

- Games on PS3 are running at the PS3 with "basic configuration"

- Softwares will have different relationship with hardware(include none gaming) in future.

- Software module will be made inside the PS3(←my direct translation, such as OS?) so PS3 will have no problem adopting new hardware parts(this doesn't mean you can upgrade but just different versions of PS3).

- Thus two models of PS3 are actually two different configurations, thus there might be other configurations in future, such as, enhanced version of CELL, more memory etc.. (I personally believe this is for none gaming software uses) So the Higher-End model of PS3 might be released in future.

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RWA schrieb:
Edit: Sry nen Nachtrag von Ken ATOMBOMBENSTATION³ Kutaragi

well here's my lil summary

- Games on PS3 are running at the PS3 with "basic configuration"

- Softwares will have different relationship with hardware(include none gaming) in future.

- Software module will be made inside the PS3(←my direct translation, such as OS?) so PS3 will have no problem adopting new hardware parts(this doesn't mean you can upgrade but just different versions of PS3).

- Thus two models of PS3 are actually two different configurations, thus there might be other configurations in future, such as, enhanced version of CELL, more memory etc.. (I personally believe this is for none gaming software uses) So the Higher-End model of PS3 might be released in future.

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bin jetzt net ne granate in english aber steht da das man die ps3 irgendwie mit hardware updaten kann aber alle ps3 games auf der basic ps3 laufen o.O?
omg "So the Higher-End model of PS3 might be released in future." jetzt ist die ps3 keine konsole mehr

ps: jetzt ist es kein wunder mehr das die ps3 10jahre halten soll :P
Bloodsight schrieb:
RWA schrieb:
Edit: Sry nen Nachtrag von Ken ATOMBOMBENSTATION³ Kutaragi

well here's my lil summary

- Games on PS3 are running at the PS3 with "basic configuration"

- Softwares will have different relationship with hardware(include none gaming) in future.

- Software module will be made inside the PS3(←my direct translation, such as OS?) so PS3 will have no problem adopting new hardware parts(this doesn't mean you can upgrade but just different versions of PS3).

- Thus two models of PS3 are actually two different configurations, thus there might be other configurations in future, such as, enhanced version of CELL, more memory etc.. (I personally believe this is for none gaming software uses) So the Higher-End model of PS3 might be released in future.

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bin jetzt net ne granate in english aber steht da das man die ps3 irgendwie mit hardware updaten kann aber alle ps3 games auf der basic ps3 laufen o.O?
omg "So the Higher-End model of PS3 might be released in future." jetzt ist die ps3 keine konsole mehr

wagt es ja nicht so eine scheisse abzuziehen :x eine überarbeitung à la pstwo ist ok, aber nicht eine konsole im sinne von mehr power. dann gibts ärger
Frontliner schrieb:
wagt es ja nicht so eine scheisse abzuziehen :x eine überarbeitung à la pstwo ist ok, aber nicht eine konsole im sinne von mehr power. dann gibts ärger

er schreibt ja noch
I personally believe this is for none gaming software uses

also wär es möglich die hardware für spiele zu benutzen, er aber glaubt das diese nicht benutzt wird für spiele, das glaubt der doch selber net das manche entwickler sich das entgehen lassen ^^
Haha ich habe die Ps3 1.1 da läuft das game auf 1080p bei dir nur 720p
*hahah* ich sehs schon, er macht dem pc wirklich konkurenz -.-
Sony hat doch schon zur letzten E3 gesagt das man die Grafik der Spiele runterschrauben kann wenn man mehr FPS will
er meint sicher die 100 gb Festplatte usw. Für Spiele wird sich nichts ändern. Jeder der sich zum Launch die core Version kauft, wird in 10 Jahren die gleiche Grafik auf dem Bildschirm haben, wie einer der sich die neueste Version der PS3 in 8 Jahren kauft usw.

edit: und das dazurüsten find ich cool: eye-toy, Lenkrad, größere Festplatte, Tanzmatte, 7.1 Surroound System, Hdtv, Arcade Joysticks usw. Meine Studentenbude wird eine Gaming Halle :D

edit#2: wobei ich mir vorstellen könnte, das man so zb RAM dazukaufen könnte damit die Spiele die sonst nur 1080 i und 30 fps laufen dann 1080p und fps laufen. Das würd mich auch nicht stören. Aber eher unwahrscheinlich bei dieser Generatio, aber man weiß ja nie.
naco schrieb:
er meint sicher die 100 gb Festplatte usw. Für Spiele wird sich nichts ändern. Jeder der sich zum Launch die core Version kauft, wird in 10 Jahren die gleiche Grafik auf dem Bildschirm haben, wie einer der sich die neueste Version der PS3 in 8 Jahren kauft usw.

edit: und das dazurüsten find ich cool: eye-toy, Lenkrad, größere Festplatte, Tanzmatte, 7.1 Surroound System, Hdtv, Arcade Joysticks usw. Meine Studentenbude wird eine Gaming Halle :D

thus there might be other configurations in future, such as, enhanced version of CELL, more memory etc..

du weist was der satz bedeutet? enhanced = verstärkt also ein stärkeren Cell
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In einem Live-Interview mit dem Wall Street Journal ist dem CEO von Sony, Sir Howard Stringer, ein kleines Missgeschick passiert. Während er von Sonys neuem Film “Der Da Vinci Code” sprach und wie dieser sogar X-Men 3 übertroffen habe passierte es, anstatt auf X-Men 3 zu verweisen sagte dieser Xbox 3.

When talking up the box office sales of Sony’s Da Vinci Code movie, Stringer said, “It also beat Xbox 3 in Europe in its second weekend,” at which point WSJ tech columnist Walt Mossberg corrected, “You mean X-Men 3.” Laughing, Stringer retorted, “There’s an obsession!”

Der Stachel aus Redmond scheint wohl tiefer zu sitzen als man bei Sony offen zugeben möchte.


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