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AllGamer schrieb:Erste Details zur PS3-Presseveranstaltung in dieser Woche
17.10.06 - Sony wird in dieser Woche eine Presseveranstaltung für die Playstation3 in den USA durchführen. Das meldet MTV und schreibt, dass Sony auf dem Treffen das Start-Lineup der Konsole vorstellen wird.
Ebenso soll der Online-Dienst der PlayStation3 ausführlich präsentiert werden.
Schon diese Woche die Presseveranstaltung :o
Ich bin mal auf den Online-Dienst von der PS3 gespannt![]()
Spiralschlauch schrieb:ähhm.... die PS3 bekommt kein externes Netzteil das sieht man ja am Kaltgerätestecker :-?
MaxTax schrieb:Spiralschlauch schrieb:ähhm.... die PS3 bekommt kein externes Netzteil das sieht man ja am Kaltgerätestecker :-?
wer hat das behauptet??
junkiexxl schrieb:MaxTax schrieb:Spiralschlauch schrieb:ähhm.... die PS3 bekommt kein externes Netzteil das sieht man ja am Kaltgerätestecker :-?
wer hat das behauptet??
Sony. Das Netzteil ist bei der PS3 eingebaut.
MaxTax schrieb:das is mir klar ich wollt nur wissen wer behauptet hat das es nicht intern ist![]()
Cohen schrieb:Gerade dies entdeckt:
Krass also wieviel Platz ist dann im Inneren der PS3 alles wegen Passiv Kühlung oder um die Konsole so leise zumachen(Isolierung)?
Wie meinst Du das jetzt? Auf dem Bild ist doch nur das Netzteil und dessen Elektronik zu sehen. Da das Netzteil sich im Gehäuse befindet ist die PS3 eben größer als die 360. Im Rest des Gehäuses befindet sich natürlich das Mainboard mit CPU, GPU Ram und diverer anderer Elektronik, die dafür entsprechenden Kühlkörper und natürlich das Laufwerk. Viel leerer Platz wird da nicht drin sein.
Anyways in a recent thread people have wondered how can Cell help the RSX so much as it has to do all the other work in the game as well.
One thing to remember is the Cell is very very powerfull in maths and can make diffrent aproaches for graphics. For example Cell will wipe the floor with any GPU today on Ray casting or Ray tracing. Also Cell has much more of an open architecture, this means that diffrent techniques can be used. In the above example instead of using artist to do huge levels of detail and textures have the Cell do it for you with pracedural generation.
And out of intrest this is not pie in the sky stuff. As the Cell is allready doing Ray traced volumetric clouds + procedural generation (of the waves) and other graphics effects in Warhawk. In addition it is controlling the AI of hundreds of onscreen 3D objects in very large maps.
Again refering to another point someone made in I believe the games part of this forum regarding the PC being > than PS3 in 2008. I seriously doubt it. The Cell is currently 7> better than any chip on the market in many maths tasks and 100s of times better at graphics. The Cell is also 6-7 times more powerfull than the GT 7800 at raytracing.
It's the power of the Cell to do these types of calculations leaving the RSX to do the shading etc. That will make the PS3 the killer Physics, Graphics and animation console for this generation.
Because of the nature of the Cell comparisons with the way that graphics are GPU bound are an apples to orange comparison. This is due to the fact that the Cell doesnt inherantly need a GPU to do graphics in the first place. The fact is that Cell allows developers to have compeltly diffrent aproach to how to program a game from graphics to physics etc.
Procedural generation is a prime example of how the Cell can be used to create graphical environments without the need of massive textures drawn by artists etc.
Zeratul schrieb:Der Dual Shock 3 soll ja auch eine Veränderung bekommen haben.
Ich meine jetzt nicht den Tilt Sensor.
Ich meine damit die Schultertasten R1,R2,L1,L2.
Die sehen nämlich irgendwie anders aus.
RWA schrieb:Anyways in a recent thread people have wondered how can Cell help the RSX so much as it has to do all the other work in the game as well.
One thing to remember is the Cell is very very powerfull in maths and can make diffrent aproaches for graphics. For example Cell will wipe the floor with any GPU today on Ray casting or Ray tracing. Also Cell has much more of an open architecture, this means that diffrent techniques can be used. In the above example instead of using artist to do huge levels of detail and textures have the Cell do it for you with pracedural generation.
And out of intrest this is not pie in the sky stuff. As the Cell is allready doing Ray traced volumetric clouds + procedural generation (of the waves) and other graphics effects in Warhawk. In addition it is controlling the AI of hundreds of onscreen 3D objects in very large maps.
Again refering to another point someone made in I believe the games part of this forum regarding the PC being > than PS3 in 2008. I seriously doubt it. The Cell is currently 7> better than any chip on the market in many maths tasks and 100s of times better at graphics. The Cell is also 6-7 times more powerfull than the GT 7800 at raytracing.
It's the power of the Cell to do these types of calculations leaving the RSX to do the shading etc. That will make the PS3 the killer Physics, Graphics and animation console for this generation.
Because of the nature of the Cell comparisons with the way that graphics are GPU bound are an apples to orange comparison. This is due to the fact that the Cell doesnt inherantly need a GPU to do graphics in the first place. The fact is that Cell allows developers to have compeltly diffrent aproach to how to program a game from graphics to physics etc.
Procedural generation is a prime example of how the Cell can be used to create graphical environments without the need of massive textures drawn by artists etc.
Discussing the differences between Xbox Live Arcade and Sony's PlayStation 3 equivalent, Oliver pointed to Sony's intentions of delivering higher quality content as the key difference, as it steers clear of republishing retro titles.
"It's a very similar system but Sony is going to put much bigger memory limits and footprints on its downloads. It is not going to go the retro route - in fact Sony says it wants its games to be around the same price, but to be higher quality," he revealed.
"From what we've seen so far, Sony have got less product, but it is higher quality than Xbox Live downloads. It's setting the entry barrier higher, which we don't have a problem with because we want to do high-end games," he added.