3. Halo 3 Thread (bitte Spoilerfunktion benutzen)

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Frech ausm NeoGAF kopiert: ;)

Here's the the full PR on the ad campaign. A LOT of new details.

A Hero Must Rise. Believe.

Landmark “Halo 3” Marketing Campaign Debuts; Ushers in Game’s Launch on September 25

Every so often individuals are called upon to rise above themselves and act in a selfless manner – to help, to protect, to defend those in need. We call these people, who rise up in the face of great adversity, heroes. One such individual’s story is about to be told worldwide. On Sept. 25, “Halo 3’s” epic hero Master Chief will rise once again – he’ll face seemingly insurmountable odds with the entire fate of the galaxy riding on his shoulders.

In memory of this hero, and helping build to what promises to be the largest entertainment launch in history on Sept. 25, a series of dramatic and evocative communications elements, created by McCann San Francisco, T.A.G., AKQA, and Microsoft Global Marketing will offer a stirring look at the “Halo” universe and Master Chief.

The first of the films, entitled “Museum,” premieres today on http://games.yahoo.com and provides consumers everywhere with a reason to “Believe” in the amazing stories and action within the Halo experience, bringing the epic battles to life in the style of a museum “diorama.”

Certain to catch the imagination of audiences around the globe, the ads are unlike any video game advertising ever created, and offer a powerful look at the world of “Halo”. Uniquely, the campaign experience does not focus on “Halo 3’s” graphics or gameplay, but instead looks at the themes that lie at the heart of the tale that spans the entire “Halo” trilogy: duty, sacrifice, and most importantly, heroism.

Through the eyes of celebrated Hollywood creature designer Stan Winston, known for his landmark work on Aliens and Jurassic Park;, as well as New Deal Studios, model creators for Spiderman 3, 300 and Superman Returns, and acclaimed director Rupert Sanders, people will experience a dramatic and moving look at mankind’s struggle against our future enemy, the fierce warrior force known as the Covenant.

The central element that much of the integrated marketing campaign centers on is a painstakingly accurate replication of a key moment from a climactic battle set in the "Halo" universe. At over 1200 square feet, reaching a height over 12 feet above the ground and with each handcrafted human and Covenant figure standing eight to twelve inches high, the diorama was large enough to fill an entire studio.

Filming the Experience

Shooting the campaign took several days as the individual soldier's stories were told, and as the camera spanned the landscape, finally resting on the mountain top where Master Chief appears to have been conquered by the Covenant enemy…or so it would seem. Viewers quickly realize that there is much more of the story that’s yet to be told – and the game will tell all.

The story of the diorama and the battle that day has been told through films that will be shown in 27 countries around the world on television, in cinema and on the web. But the Halo 3 experience is much larger than that, with future testimonial films depicting soldiers’ third-party accounts of their experience in the battles, and with the hero that is Master Chief.

As part of the integrated campaign, an innovative web experience has been created that enables consumers to interact with and explore every part of the climactic battle in minute detail. Beyond the TV, cinema and print efforts, the site is also supported by an online advertising campaign that starts the conversation with the consumer and a branded channel on YouTube that helps to position Master Chief as the biggest hero in history. All digital components were created by AKQA San Francisco.

Viewers get a sneak peek at "Diorama" on http://games.yahoo.com Friday Sept. 14 at 9 a.m. PST / 12 p.m. EST, as well as a feature on the making of the diorama, entitled, "Ammo". The "Diorama" work will make its TV debut during NFL Football on CBS Sunday Sept. 16. This, and the full series of web films, which honor the heroism of Master Chief, will also be available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace and http:www.halo3.com/believe starting September 14.

Das Warten wird immer unerträglicher. :aargh:
:lol: Wie krank ist das denn bitte?



Die Amis drehen ja wirklich völlig am Rad. :o
Fuckin Hype :o
aber war irgendwie klar, dass der hype in den usa so dermaßen abgeht^^

halo ist da ne ganz große nummer.bin mal auf die verkaufszahlen gespannt
aufjedenfall über ne million am ersten tag oO

(nich sowas läppisches wie 110.000 in einer woche ;))

naja 1million vorbestellungen gabs ja schon im august, jetzt gibts bestimmt noch paar tausend mehr und 1000 läden die in der nacht aufmachen da wird man locker 2million am ersten tag verkaufen können, vielleicht wird man in den ersten 2 tagen also mit eu launch auf 3-3.5million Halo 3 kommen *g*
kann man halo3 auch mit einem freund der einen zweiten player hat online spielen. also über split-screen
kann man halo3 auch mit einem freund der einen zweiten player hat online spielen. also über split-screen

jo sollte so sein wie z.b. bei gow,

z.b. bei mein gamertag
ich wär Bloods1ght mein freund heißt dann Bloods1ght[1]
bis ich herraus fand wie das funzte bei gow und anderen spielen -.- dachte immer man brauch 2 goldacc an der box dafür oder so :P
Kleiner Mini-min-mini-Spoiler von Frankie, der jedoch absolut keine spezifischen Informationen enthält ... Interessant ists trotzdem:

The only folks who know anything are Australian crims and the folks who reviewed it.
Having just talked to a famous gaming site editor who completed the game AFTER seeing the ad campaign, he was surprised by the ending.
Otherwise, stay away from spoilers from leaks. The ad campaign isn't spoiling anything for you.

Damit wäre auch folgendes klar: die Halo 3-Versionen, die gestern bei eBay auftauchten, waren echt. Spoiler können nun jede Minute überall auftauchen. Bitte also jede Kleinigkeit wirklich als Spoiler markieren und keine Andeutungen machen oder so ;-)

Die Halo 3 TV-Werbungen stehen also nicht im direkten Zusammenhang zur Halo 3-Story bzgl. spoilern nichts (ein gewisser Zusammenhang ist natürlich trotzem gegeben).
also kann ich mit meinen freunden zusammen in meinem zimmer online gehen???
kann das noch jmd. bestötigen?
also kann ich mit meinen freunden zusammen in meinem zimmer online gehen???
kann das noch jmd. bestötigen?
Ich glaub in der Beta konnte man schon Mit 4 Leuten Splitscreen gehen oder warens 2?Weiss net mehr genau.
Aber Mit deinen Freunden Wisrt du aufjedenfall ne menge machen können,zu zweit Koop online und 4Spieler Splitscreen(so wars immer)Online.
Natürlich geht das ... ;-)
Du kannst sogar mit einem Kumpel an der gleichen 360 zusammen mit zwei weiteren Online-Spielern Co-Op spielen. Multiplayer online mit Mehreren geht natürlich auch.
geht das eigtl. nur mit co-op oder auch elimination oder capture the flag? wenn nur co-op, muss ich dann im gleichen team sein wie meine friends?
sry das ch so viel frage:unschuldig:
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