GamesRadar: How long did you spend playing the single player campaign?
Fran: Um, I kinda don't want to spoil that here. Sorry. But rest assured, it's not like only 4 hours long.
GamesRadar: How many missions were there?
Fran: I can't really go into any detail on this stuff because all of what we saw and played is currently under embargo,
but I would say that there's a LOT of variety between missions.
GamesRadar: Were you satisfied with the end then? Does the trilogy wrap up well?
Fran: I won't say anything about this other than... it's not Halo 2. Make of that what you will.
GamesRadar: How different is Halo 3 from Halo and Halo 2?
Fran: How can I put this? It's a very Halo game, so if you've played either of the first two, you'll know what to expect... well, sorta.
It manages to be really different without being too different. Cryptic enough? Probably too cryptic.
GamesRadar: What's the craziest, most unexpected thing that happened to you while playing the multiplayer?
Fran: I wouldn't say unexpected, but...
well, there's a ton in this game, honestly. So, when you say multiplayer you could mean co-op or you could mean the five billion other ways to play like Forge or any of the dozens of gametypes.
I think the most unexpected thing is that fact that there are just so many different ways to play Halo 3. I know that sounds like PR BS, but it's surprisingly true.
GamesRadar: Do you have a new favorite map now that you've played Halo 3?
Fran: I really liked the one map we played Ninjaball on that had all the tunnels and grav lifts and the threat of... oh wait. That one hasn't been announced yet, so I can't say what it is!
GamesRadar: Most Halo fans at least saw or played the multiplayer beta in May. How close was that to the final product?
Only thing to say here is that the graphics? Well done. If you were disappointed in the beta, well you got nothing to worry about.
GamesRadar: You're the Editor-in-Chief of Official Xbox Magazine. Part of your job is to know everything there is to know about Halo 3. Was the game still able to surprise you?
Fran: Oh of course. I mean, most companies - if they're smart - would never reveal absolutely everything about a game before it's released. That would leave nothing for gamers to discover for themselves.
So, yes - there were surprises that I hadn't known about. And even some of the things I did know about were surprising once I was able to actually interact with them.
GamesRadar: What would you say to every other fan eagerly anticipating the experience you've now completed?
Fran: Um, read OXM for the review? Haha... I'm kidding. Well, not about the review or about you reading it, but if I had something to say to other Halo fans? I'd say - September 25th can't come fast enough. It's really hard to do this from a neutral standpoint since I don't want to say one way or another about the OXM outlook on the game without the review being out there to provide context - so, I'll leave it at that.
:-D :-D
"I'd say - September 25th can't come fast enough"
Wie recht dieser Mann doch hat.