GRAW2 on PS3 gets exclusive Sixaxis support and 14 additional maps
Ubisoft sheds light on GRAW2 for the PS3. According to Ubisoft GRAW2 will take advantage of the sixaxis tilt support which features various aspects within the game. On top of that an additional 14 maps, bringing it to a total amount of 32 multiplayable maps.
It is due out by next month.
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Advances on PS3
Ghosts scare PS3 with Exclusive details
Ubisoft have made official there plans for GRAW2 the sequel to the excellent first game. UBi have used the Six Axis to it's full potential as well as throwing in a huge 32 MP maps.
The game is due out at the start of next month.
The Ghosts now on Playstation 3. Following the award winning 2005 Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (GRAW), Ubisoft brings the sequel GRAW2, with additional content, to the PS3.
You are the Soldier of the Future 2.0. All systems have been upgraded to give you more power and control on the battlefield. Following the failure of the coup detat in Mexico City Mexican rebels have gathered their remaining forces along the US border. Lead your team of elite Special Forces for the first time on US soil - straddling the border between Juarez, Mexico and El Paso, Texas. The Ghosts have less than 72 hours to stop a nuclear attack. You are the last line of defense and must do what it takes to be victorious.
Key Differences:
Six Axis features : Controller features used for Mitchell & Cross-com control
SP : Drive the supports (drone, M.U.LE) with the Six Axis functionality
SP/MP : Change Mitchell stances with the Six Axis
SP : change the Rules of Engagement with the Six Axis
Consistency increased between SP & MP: Scope, Movement, Aiming
PS3 specifics adaptation of controls: Menus, Shoot button
14 additional maps resulting in a total of 32 MP maps!!!
Multiplayer Additional Information
32 new adversarial multiplayer maps up to 16 players, an expanded arsenal of multinational weapons, character customization options, new optimizing re-spawn system, new female operatives and hundreds of new game mode options are available.
2 new coop modes, Evasion and Exfiltration, to vary the game experience in multiplayer.
6 missions co-op campaign with a fully immersive experience and storyline. Featuring open-ended play that rewards teamwork as you play with up to sixteen players.