21. Xbox360 vs. Wii vs. PS3

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nintendo666 schrieb:
ich glaube, er hatte nen sufleur (oida, wie schreibt man das!?). lesen trau ich diesem volltrottel eher nicht zu.

Doch kann er. Wenn du magst kannste mit chatten, aber ACHTUNG! Er schreibt wie er spricht, aight?

Er soll in Zukunft die Wii Reviews für 1UP machen. :lol:

Das Firmware Update ist heute schon verfügbar.

Aber sehr schöner Bricht. :)
Mog schrieb:
Der Typ ist nicht dumm, sondern verblendet. Großer Unterschied. Solche gibts hier viele, nur sie haben nicht den Mut zu so etwas.

Naja, ich sehe da zwei Möglichkeiten.

Entweder er meint das Ernst, dann hat er es nicht so mit Rationalem Denken.

Oder er braucht die Aufmerksamkeit, dann hat er aber auch ein Problem ;)

Und das mit dem Nichtlesenkönnen hab ich nicht wirklich ernst gemeint, denn das ist ein Problem, dass ich wirklich niemandem wünsche.
GameDaily: Most Overrated Industry People

#5 - Koji Igarashi

We love Iga's Castlevania games, but he needs to take the franchise to the next level. Despite minor additions, such as the blending of 2-D and 3-D, all of these games, from NES (1986) to DS (2006) play almost exactly the same. He deserves kudos because fans eat them up, but we want a game that doesn't involve wading through yet another castle so we can battle Dracula for the billionth time. Stop repackaging the same old video game. Symphony of the Night is so 1997. Hell, the original is so 1986.

#4 - David Jaffe

Sony Computer Entertainment's outspoken game designer rocketed to "stardom" with God of War. With that being said, fans and/or journalists treat him as the God of War figurehead, which somewhat undermines God of War II Game Director Cory Barlog's
importance. This is no insult to Jaffe. We enjoy his off the cuff remarks as well as the games he's worked on, but his latest offering, the not yet released Calling All Cars leaves us unimpressed. Perhaps we're incapable of realizing how difficult it is to follow up God of War.

#3 - Hideo Kojima

Konami's famous visionary revolutionized the action genre with his Metal Gear franchise, but we have more respect for his directing abilities. He continues to thrill people with his over the top cut scenes, but we still don't know what's going on in his games. Characters ramble on for more than five minutes at a time, and some of them look and sound ridiculous. ("Laugh and grow fat", anyone?) Furthermore, most of the MGS games play the same (Acid and Acid 2 excluded). MGS3's camouflage was fun to mess with, but we need more than fancy outfits. MGS4 looks incredible, but some of us have no interest in watching polygons jibber jabber. Kojima needs to prove that he's more than flashy visuals.

#2 - Shigeru Miyamoto

Nintendo fan boys (and girls) go gaga over everything "Shiggy" says, but come on. He doesn't create games by himself. Sometimes, he joins teams and, whether he intends to or not, receives all of the credit. He earned his place among the industry elite, thanks to his early contributions, but please add new (and memorable) characters to the Mario universe. Even better, come up with new IPs. Introduce us to new worlds and faces instead of falling back on the same overused franchises. In addition, cut back on the forced appearances. We feel uncomfortable watching you conducting imaginary orchestras and swinging the Master Sword to make gamers cry with joy.

Don't get us wrong. We love Miyamoto, and we'll bludgeon anyone that bashes Wind Waker, but we'd rather see him as an influential, cultural icon instead of Nintendo's PR puppet

#1 - Reggie Fils-Aime

Last we checked, Reggie hasn't kicked anyone's ass, nor has he taken their names (what does that mean, anyway?) We're confidant that Nintendo of America's President and Chief Operating Officer makes significant contributions on a weekly basis, but to read message boards (we do, unfortunately), he's become this mythic figure that rescued the company from itself, introducing millions of consumers to a more hardcore Nintendo. While that may be true, we still cannot find Wiis and friend codes suck


:lol: :lol: :lol:
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