As we already reported, Nintendo plans to release English Training, which was developed by Plato, on October 13th 2006.
Today, Nintendo announced details concerning title and localisation. The following five languages or versions will be available in Europe.
Germany: English Training - Spielend Englisch lernen
Netherlands: English Training - Leer spelenderwijs Engels
Spain: English Training - Disfruta y mejora tu inglés
Italy: English Training - Migliora il tuo inglese divertendoti!
France: English Training - Progressez en anglais sans stresser
Official European name: English Training - Have Fun Improving Your Skills
Japan: Eigo ga Nigate na Otona no DS Training: Eigo Duke
Other localised versions are not planned at the moment, it was even announced that English Training will neither be released in the United Kingdom nor in Ireland.
"Please note that this product is not available in the UK and Ireland, as it is an English training software designed for foreign speakers."
In Japan English Training was released on January 26th and sold 1,264,250 units (Source: VGCharts.org).
Game Features:
-More than 3,000 English words and phrases, and more than 1,700 tasks to complete
-Simultaneous English ? French/German/Dutch/Spanish/Italian translation in many exercises
-Record your voice with the DS microphone and listen to how you pronounce English phrases
-Stamp your progress with the in-built calendar and chart your daily improvements
-Unlock new exercises and stamp designs by improving your language skills
-Up to four profiles can be stored on a single game card, so the software can be shared with friends or family
-Test your skills with others in multiplayer language battles for up to eight people, sharing one game card
-Send a beginner or advanced demo of the software to a friend through wireless DS download