Gott war schon schlimm genug mit den Verschiebungen jeden Monat, aber jetzt? Alle 3 Monate? Scheissverein.
NPDs driley@gaf sagt:
NPDs driley@gaf sagt:
So Nintendo cannot, say, release Microsoft's sales data, and neither can another company, like THQ, even if it's not a direct competitor in the hardware business? According to sonycowboy they can still comment on others' sales, as long as they don't give numbers; is that true?
Yes, that is correct. HW, SW and ACC. co's cannot release sales #s for any other co. I'm not sure I understand what SC was saying (missed that post). Clients can comment on other's sales performance as long as they're not referencing NPD data. Again, this isn't anything new.
I just read driley's post again and im sorry but it still sounds sketchy and confusing.
Is gaf's tradition of monthly npds with hw nunbers gonna continue or not?
It will not be info. provided by NPD unless the hw mfctrs. give us the green light to continue to release it. I'm not sure why people view this as sketchy ... but what do I know, since I didn't think people would give two squirts about this.
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