he Home Theater Specialist of America (HTSA), which represents 62 home theater installers/retailers, generating $500M in sales, recently reported that they will now support Blu-ray as their primary high definition movie format. This move comes from an internal survey which reveals that 92% of HD players sold were Blu-ray while the remaining 8% was HD-DVD or some combo players.
President of Consumer Sales for Sony, Jay Vandenbree, went on to explain the move by HTSA, "At a time when ever-changing technology tests just how much one can know about everything, HTSA has chosen Blu-ray Disc as the format they support. I think it speaks volumes when support comes from those who specialize in home theater, and are closest to the consumer."
HTSAs move to support Blu-ray only shows the strength that the format is gaining within the industry each day. Because the Playstation3 supports Blu-ray, its success as a whole could mean a great future for PS3. Stay with PSU as we will continue to provide you with the latest developments regarding Blu-ray in the market.