2. Grand Theft Auto IV

Der erste Dude, der GTA IV completed hat, im Interview. Spoilerfree!




I'm on the cover of GTA IV & WTF is WRONG w/ You People?????
Actually, I'm not "officially" on the cover of the latest Liberty City installment, but it sure as hell looks like me (or so people around the office have said).

It all started w/ a random comment made on one of our articles here at IGN. I can't even remember which one, but the person's comment stuck in my memory because they had actually posted a link to the GTA IV cover and a remember thinking: Damn-she kinda' does look like me a little.

The other day, Nick from the videoteam (he's the one that looks like a handsome Trent Reznor minus the angst) asked me if Rockstar had used me as a cover model for the chick. I said, "Not to my knowledge." he then insisted they had-either with or without my permission and that the girl on the cover was me.

Then this morning, Chris Carle walked into my office and said, "Have you seen the spotlights? That girl from the GTA IV cover is YOU dude!"

Round that all of with an email from a fan on my MySpace page reaching the same conclusion and telling me about it, and I figured it was time to take this debate to the masses and do a little comparison:

My sucker isn't red. sad

At first I thought, "Nah." Then I thought, "Hmmm...maybe a little." And the more and more I look at it, the closer I get to, "Wow! It really does kinda' look like me."

What do you guys think? Should I be making phone calls to Rockstar???

Speaking of Myspace emails....

Seriously, sometimes I wonder what goes through people's heads. Especially people that write to me. I don't know if they think they're being witty, funny, shitty or are seriously just curious and have absolutely NO qualms about asking inconsiderate questions.

I get emails like the one below at least four times a month! I'm not kidding.

Hi Ms. Chobot,

I saw your interview with Lena Headey about 300(great interview btw) and this is where you got my attention. I was wondering if you are half-breed. Are you mixed? Like half white and half something...


Yeah-I'm a Daywalker dude. Jeezus. rolling_eyes

Judging from the guy's written tone, my guess is he's actually just curious and not trying to come off as a dick. I just can't believe this is a standard question to ask me.

The thing is, it's not just emails. I have people asking me right to my face. Usually by the second question. The first being, "What's your name?"

I get some sort of Asian hybrid about 90% of the time, but I've also heard: French, "Euro" (???), Russian/Slavic, Armenian, etc...

My favorite memory is also when it started becoming a regular thing for me to hear. During my junior year of high school my family was coming back from the Caribbean and on the return flight, I got separated from the group and ended up sitting next to an older couple.

Well, the guy to my left turns to me and starts speaking some strange language and wouldn't let up till I finally said (in perfect Mid-Western English),"I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about."

His response, "Oh! I thought you were a native."

He then proceeds to speak to me in another language that I don't recognize and I'm starting to think: Does this old fogey have dementia?

Once again I'm forced to respond, "Sir, I still have no idea what you're talking about. I'm from Detroit."

Thats when his wife pops in and declares: You look European.

???????? Okaaaaayyyyyy........

My next fave was the first time I went to Japan. I was standing at a crosswalk with a group of people and could hear this lady chattering away behind me. Obviously, she wasn't talking to me, so I continued to ignore it until I started to notice she kept getting louder. It kind of occurred to me that she might be talking to me, so I turned to her and lifted up my sunglasses (figuring that my very OBVIOUS Caucasian eyes would be a dead giveaway). Unfazed she kept yammering away in Japanese until finally I said, "Ma'am, I'm sorry but I don't understand what you're saying."

Thats when she gasped, bowed and was so embarrassed she almost jumped into oncoming traffic to get away from me.

Later that same day, I was taking a break by the Kobe Bay when this older businessman came over, sat next to me on the bench, grabbed my hand and started singing to me.

No one EVER guesses my heritage correctly. The closest someone has ever come to getting it right was when I had ordered a pizza and the delivery man instantly launched into Russian when I opened the door. Again I said, 'Sorry...I don't understand. How much for the pizza?"

After I rejected his Russian, he started speaking what I assume was German and AGAIN I had to shake my head.

Finally, he gave up and asked without an ounce of hesitation, "What are you?"




mehr fällt mir dazu nicht ein. :-D
Jemand ne Ahnung wie die Schnecke heisst?^^

Die würde perfekt auf mein Desktop passen xD

Biermensch holst du dir GTA4 für die Playse oda für die Box?

wie schon mehrfach erwähnt, sind beide versionen vorbestellt 8)

wie die dame heißt keine ahnung, mehr wie Jess hab ich nicht rausbekommen, sie ist jedenfalls sehr heiß :blushed:
Du bist bisher der einzige, der das hier gesagt/geschrieben hat. :-P
Jetzt mal Back To Topic, schließlich hat Giant Enemy Crab die Frau schon geheiratet.
Also ich find sie auch heiß wenn sie im Spiel ne Schl*m*e is ^^
@Bier das klingt gut hatte schon Angst ich muss auf dich Verzichten :D

Man das kann echt nich sein das das Spiel sobald raus kommt.:ugly:

keine angst wir werden uns schon in LC begegnen und die stadt unsicher machen, nach der ganzen wartezeit kann ich es auch kaum fassen dass das spiel jetzt endlich zum greifen nah ist :o
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