18. Xbox360 vs. WII vs. PS3

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
Vielleicht gibt es Home wirklich, nur ist es was ganz anderes. Ich warte bis zur GDC bevor ich mich weiter hochhype und Lobreden auf etwas schwinge das nicht existiert.
Darji schrieb:
Und wie gesagt.
Killzone hatte 70
Killzone lieberation 80
Und Killzone PS3 90?^^

Sollte mich irgendwann mal irgendwer fragen, WAS eine Milchmädchenrechnung sei, dann werde ich ihm DAS hier zeigen.

Luro schrieb:
                              Single:   Multi:  Grafik:   Sound:   Wertung: 

Resistance: Fall of Man          8/10     7/10     7/10     8/10     82/100     

MotorStorm                       9/10    folgt     8/10     7/10     82/100     

Virtua Fighter 5                 9/10    10/10     8/10     7/10     90/100     

Fight Night Round 3              8/10     8/10     8/10     8/10     82/100     

Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom     7/10     7/10     6/10     7/10     67/100 

Virtua Tennis 3                  9/10    10/10     7/10     6/10     88/100     

Genji: Days of the Blade         6/10     ----     6/10     7/10     68/100     

Ridge Racer 7                    9/10     9/10     6/10     7/10     85/100

Ridge Racer 7 >>> Motorstorm, confirmed. :oops:

Hirn aus...blind glauben ohne zu hinterfragen - confirmed.
Hach, ich liebe das...dieses Umherschmeissen mit Wertungen, dieses Vergleichen und "bewerten" von Spielen anhand gamerankings und co. :lol:
Frenck schrieb:
Vielleicht gibt es Home wirklich, nur ist es was ganz anderes. Ich warte bis zur GDC bevor ich mich weiter hochhype und Lobreden auf etwas schwinge das nicht existiert.

Glaubst Du jetzt auf einmal nichtmehr, daß Sony sowas wie mii + Achievments macht? Warum nicht?
Yondaime schrieb:
Hirn aus...blind glauben ohne zu hinterfragen - confirmed.
Hach, ich liebe das...dieses Umherschmeissen mit Wertungen, dieses Vergleichen und "bewerten" von Spielen anhand gamerankings und co. :lol:
Sorry Yondaime, das kam wohl falsch rüber. Dachte es wäre offensichtlich, dass ich Darji damit imitieren wollte. Dieses "confirmed" schreibt er ja hinter jede 2. These die er findet.

Dachte es wäre offensichtlich. Falsch gedacht. :cry:
Frenck schrieb:
Vielleicht gibt es Home wirklich, nur ist es was ganz anderes. Ich warte bis zur GDC bevor ich mich weiter hochhype und Lobreden auf etwas schwinge das nicht existiert.

Nochmal es gibt home^

Word Mark HOME

Goods and Services IC 009. US 021 023 026 036 038. G & S: Computer game software; electronic devices for the wireless receipt, storage and/or transmission of data and messages; computer software for conducting and coordinating real-time and asynchronous communications among computer users sharing information and audio/video data via electronic communications networks; downloadable electronic publications; sound and/or video recordings featuring music and entertainment, television programs, motion pictures, news, sports, games, cultural events, and entertainment-related programs of all kinds; downloadable digital sound and/or video recordings featuring music and entertainment, television programs, motion pictures, news, sports, games, cultural events, and entertainment-related programs of all kinds; computer software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via the Internet

IC 041. US 100 101 107. G & S: Electronic games services provided by means of the Internet; Internet games (non-downloadable); organizing of games; entertainment services provided online and/or via a computer database for matching users for the transfer or sharing of music, video and audio recordings via communications networks; providing on-line chat rooms and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among users in the field of general interest; providing of an on-line service enabling physically remote players of an electronic game to search on-line for other players and to communicate with selected players during the game; organizing, staging and the provision of on-line tournaments; entertainment by means of wireless television broadcasts

IC 042. US 100 101. G & S: Hosting on-line web facilities for others for organizing and conducting meetings, gatherings, interactive discussions and interactive game play; computer services in the nature of customised web pages for featuring game player information, including information regarding a player's identity and the player's preferences; hosting the computer sites of others on a computer service for a global network; creating and maintaining computer sites for others; website design services; creation and development of virtual and interactive images and environments; providing on-line access to computer networks, computer databases, the Internet, on-line bulletin boards, virtual worlds and libraries of text, graphics and audio-visual and multimedia information and entertainment

IC 045. US 100 101. G & S: Introduction and social networking services, namely introducing electronic game players to others


Design Search Code 07.01.04 - Detached house
07.01.06 - Other houses

Serial Number 77114853

Filing Date February 23, 2007

Current Filing Basis 1B

Original Filing Basis 1B

Luro schrieb:
Yondaime schrieb:
Hirn aus...blind glauben ohne zu hinterfragen - confirmed.
Hach, ich liebe das...dieses Umherschmeissen mit Wertungen, dieses Vergleichen und "bewerten" von Spielen anhand gamerankings und co. :lol:
Sorry Yondaime, das kam wohl falsch rüber. Dachte es wäre offensichtlich, dass ich Darji damit imitieren wollte. Dieses "confirmed" schreibt er ja hinter jede 2. These die er findet.

Dachte es wäre offensichtlich. Falsch gedacht. :cry:

Kein Problem. War auch nicht persönlich gemeint von mir. Ist halt doch ein klein wenig schwieriger, Spiele ordentlich zu hinterleuchten als einmal kurz auf die Wertungsprozente zu schielen.
Yondaime schrieb:
Sry, war auch nicht persönlich gemeint. Das geht mir nur generell auf den Sack, wenn solche Vergleiche gezogen werden. Nichts für ungut.
Glaub mir, mich nervt das genauso. Das wollte ich damit eigentlich auch ausdrücken, aber das ging wohl gründlich daneben. ;)
Sony and Immersion Litigation Over - Enter Into Business Agreement

SAN JOSE, Calif. and FOSTER CITY, Calif., March 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Immersion Corporation, (Nasdaq: IMMR - News), a leading developer and licensor of touch feedback technology, and Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) today announced the companies have agreed to conclude their patent litigation at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and have entered into a new business agreement to explore the inclusion of Immersion technology in PlayStation® format products.

"We are pleased to have put this litigation behind us," said Immersion CEO Victor Viegas. "Our new business agreement with Sony Computer Entertainment is specifically intended to enable advanced vibration capability for the benefit of the PlayStation gaming community. We are happy to provide our technology in this regard and hope to make technical proposals very soon with respect to use of our technology in the PlayStation products."

Immersion will receive the amount of the judgment entered by the District Court, which includes damages, pre-judgment interest, costs, and interest, in addition to retaining compulsory license fees ordered by the District Court which were already paid. Terms of the business agreement between the parties provide SCE with certain new rights with respect to Immersion's patent portfolio. Additional financial terms are not being disclosed. The conclusion of this litigation and the agreement will have no material impact on Sony's consolidated earnings forecast announced on January 30, 2007.

"We look forward to exploring with Immersion exciting new ways to bring the largest and best range of gameplay experiences to our customers," said Kazuo Hirai, President and Group Chief Operating Officer, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. "We are very excited about our new partnership with Immersion and the potential for new and innovative products incorporating their technologies."


SIXXAXIS kriegt wohl bald den Next-Gen Rumble - This Is Gaming 8-)
Luro schrieb:
Yondaime schrieb:
Sry, war auch nicht persönlich gemeint. Das geht mir nur generell auf den Sack, wenn solche Vergleiche gezogen werden. Nichts für ungut.
Glaub mir, mich nervt das genauso. Das wollte ich damit eigentlich auch ausdrücken, aber das ging wohl gründlich daneben. ;)

Vielleicht war ich in meinem Fieberwahn (geht nun schon seit 3 Tagen...) auch einfach zu blöd, um solch feinsinnige Anspielungen zu kapieren. Dann verstehen wir uns ja :D
NEXT GEN Rumble? Was soll denn das sein? Und meh.....
Aber solange der optional ist^^
Sasuke schrieb:
Sony and Immersion Litigation Over - Enter Into Business Agreement

SAN JOSE, Calif. and FOSTER CITY, Calif., March 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Immersion Corporation, (Nasdaq: IMMR - News), a leading developer and licensor of touch feedback technology, and Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) today announced the companies have agreed to conclude their patent litigation at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and have entered into a new business agreement to explore the inclusion of Immersion technology in PlayStation® format products.

"We are pleased to have put this litigation behind us," said Immersion CEO Victor Viegas. "Our new business agreement with Sony Computer Entertainment is specifically intended to enable advanced vibration capability for the benefit of the PlayStation gaming community. We are happy to provide our technology in this regard and hope to make technical proposals very soon with respect to use of our technology in the PlayStation products."

Immersion will receive the amount of the judgment entered by the District Court, which includes damages, pre-judgment interest, costs, and interest, in addition to retaining compulsory license fees ordered by the District Court which were already paid. Terms of the business agreement between the parties provide SCE with certain new rights with respect to Immersion's patent portfolio. Additional financial terms are not being disclosed. The conclusion of this litigation and the agreement will have no material impact on Sony's consolidated earnings forecast announced on January 30, 2007.

"We look forward to exploring with Immersion exciting new ways to bring the largest and best range of gameplay experiences to our customers," said Kazuo Hirai, President and Group Chief Operating Officer, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. "We are very excited about our new partnership with Immersion and the potential for new and innovative products incorporating their technologies."


SIXXAXIS kriegt wohl bald den Next-Gen Rumble - This Is Gaming 8-)
da werden sich die jetzigen PS3 besitzer freuen. :rolleyes:
Sasuke schrieb:
Sony and Immersion Litigation Over - Enter Into Business Agreement

SAN JOSE, Calif. and FOSTER CITY, Calif., March 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Immersion Corporation, (Nasdaq: IMMR - News), a leading developer and licensor of touch feedback technology, and Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) today announced the companies have agreed to conclude their patent litigation at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and have entered into a new business agreement to explore the inclusion of Immersion technology in PlayStation® format products.

"We are pleased to have put this litigation behind us," said Immersion CEO Victor Viegas. "Our new business agreement with Sony Computer Entertainment is specifically intended to enable advanced vibration capability for the benefit of the PlayStation gaming community. We are happy to provide our technology in this regard and hope to make technical proposals very soon with respect to use of our technology in the PlayStation products."

Immersion will receive the amount of the judgment entered by the District Court, which includes damages, pre-judgment interest, costs, and interest, in addition to retaining compulsory license fees ordered by the District Court which were already paid. Terms of the business agreement between the parties provide SCE with certain new rights with respect to Immersion's patent portfolio. Additional financial terms are not being disclosed. The conclusion of this litigation and the agreement will have no material impact on Sony's consolidated earnings forecast announced on January 30, 2007.

"We look forward to exploring with Immersion exciting new ways to bring the largest and best range of gameplay experiences to our customers," said Kazuo Hirai, President and Group Chief Operating Officer, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. "We are very excited about our new partnership with Immersion and the potential for new and innovative products incorporating their technologies."


SIXXAXIS kriegt wohl bald den Next-Gen Rumble - This Is Gaming 8-)

Rumble wäre gut, aber erst Next Gen Rumble wäre wirklich hervorragend! Das würde ich mir wirklich wünschen...kommt hoffentlich bald. Obwohl man sich ja daraauf eingestellt hat, Rumble für nicht mehr wichtig zu erachten. Besonders bei Rennspielen hätts mir schon gefehlt. Aber schau mer mal. Vielleicht wird ja auch nichts daraus.
Darji schrieb:
NEXT GEN Rumble? Was soll denn das sein? Und meh.....
Aber solange der optional ist^^

Ich weiß ja nicht, aber so viele Dementi, wie im Bezug Rumble gekommen sind...
Wie viele Hämmer sollen denn noch auf die armen Köpfe der SonyFreunde einhämmern, dass das nicht geschehen wird?
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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