Suntiago bist du eigenltich noch da?
"Despite the fact that the RSX comes from the same lineage as the G70, there are a number of changes to the core. The biggest change is that RSX supports rendering to/from both local and system memory, similar to NVIDIAs Turbo Cache enabled GPUs. Obviously rendering to/from local memory is going to be a lot lower latency than sending a request to the Cells memory controller, so much of the architecture of the GPU has to be changed in order to accommodate this higher latency access to memory. Buffers and caches have to be made larger to keep the rendering pipelines full despite the higher latency memory access. If the chip is properly designed to hide this latency, then there is generally no performance sacrifice, only an increase in chip size thanks to the use of larger buffers and caches.
The RSX only has 60% of the local memory bandwidth of the G70, so in many cases it will most definitely have to share bandwidth with the CPUs memory bus in order to achieve performance targets."
Bist du immernoch der Meinung der RSX kann nichts von dem Flex IO verwenden?
Ich kann die gerne mehrere Threads aus den und Foren zeigen wo das gekärt wurde. Unter anderem sagen sogar die Heavenyl Sword entwickler das sie die Bandbreite vom Cell mitbenutzen für Texturing afaik.
Jetzt wäre es Zeit den Streit zu beenden