Sony Responds to Reports of Lethargic PS3 Sales
ABC's Jonathan Silverstein has an interesting piece up over on ABC News about the Playstation 3 buying boom. The story, it sounds like, was at least partially spurred by that photo I took at my local Best Buy showing 30 of the consoles sitting out on the sales floor on New Year's Day.
It also touches on our report of the death of the Playstation 3 grey market. But most importantly it gets comments from Sony's own David Karraker on the issue.
"Everything that we put on store shelves sold out," said Sony spokesman David Karraker.
Karraker admitted that doesn't necessarily mean that every system Sony sold to retailers like Best Buy made it to the shelves and said that the units that Crecente posted on were put out after the holidays and beyond the company's field of vision.
The article is filled with lots of conjecture by the likes of me, 1Up's John Davison, and, my personal favorite, Muchael Gartenbergm vice president and research director at Jupiter Research.
That guy was full of really bad quotes and opinion. Here's a sampling:
"Rumors and speculation surround every console launch," explained Michael Gartenberg, vice president and research director at Jupiter Research. "Someday Oliver Stone is going to do a movie about the launch of a video game console and all the cabals and clandestine groups keeping them out of stores." ... "At this particular point in time there aren't enough PS3s to go around," he said. "The question is what happens when supply catches up to demand. Will consumers still want it?" ... But Gartenberg, who believes the PS3 is off to a great start, said the market may be big enough that there doesn't need to be a winner -- everyone could win.