11. PS3 vs 360 vs Wii War-Thread

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
MaxTax, na das freut mich, Story soll ja auch hammer sein, oder?
GoW war für mich persönlich eher ein Quickie... da werd ich denk ich mehr Spass (und vor allem länger) an Resistance haben...
Jinpachi schrieb:
naco schrieb:
Jinpachi schrieb:
Canada schrieb:
Resistance ist nichts weiter als ein Ego Shooter mit Hochglanzoptik.

resistance ist Crap wenn man wissen will was ein shooter ist der greift zu gears Of war :D

ne doch lieber zu Halo! :lol:

naco du kannst nch nicht mal vernünftig Bashen :lol:

naja, ich versuchs auf deinem Niveau, aber gelingt mir ofenbar nicht. Dabei hab ich mich so sehr bemüht. :(
MaxTax schrieb:
McJohny schrieb:
MaxTax schrieb:
von der Story und abwechslungsreichtum könnte sich GoW aber mal ne scheibe abschneiden! ;)

Die Story von Resistance kenne ich nicht, aber Abwechslungsreich ist GoW aber alle mal:

- Fahrzeusequenz
- im Licht wandern sonst wird man zerfleicht Abschnitt
- Boss fights
- etc.

Bei Resistance kannst du Panzer und Jeep fahren. Hast 11 verschiedene Waffen allesamt mit einfallsreichen Sekundärfunktionen. Größer Level. Mehr Action mehr Spieler auf einer Map. Eine hammer Physik. Dutzende verschiedener Gegner. Und die unterschiedlichsten Umgebungen allesamt mit sehr viel Detail gestaltet. :)

Hört sich alles ok an, aber nicht so geniales wie bei GoW, z. b. der Abschnitt, wo man nur im Licht wandern soll.
Desweiteren, wie sieht es mit der Ki aus??
In GoW sind die Kämpfe fast immer anders!!

Ich glaube in Detailgrad wird bislang kein Spiel mit GoW sich messen können ;)
naco schrieb:
McJohny schrieb:
naco schrieb:
ne doch lieber zu Halo! :lol:

ne Naco,.. man spielt lieber dann wieder LocoRoco :rofl3:

wieso nicht, wenigstens mach LocoRoco Spaß.

ach ne Spielspaß zählt ja nicht. Hab ich ganz vergessen. 5 Stunden Grafikdemo ist ja vielbesser.

Was soll der Scheiss? Nur weils Dir nicht gefällt, musst Du nicht auf alle anderen schließen. :shakehead:
Mir gefällt Final Fantasy auch nicht, ist es jetzt scheisse?
Saufi schrieb:
naco schrieb:
McJohny schrieb:
naco schrieb:
ne doch lieber zu Halo! :lol:

ne Naco,.. man spielt lieber dann wieder LocoRoco :rofl3:

wieso nicht, wenigstens mach LocoRoco Spaß.

ach ne Spielspaß zählt ja nicht. Hab ich ganz vergessen. 5 Stunden Grafikdemo ist ja vielbesser.

Deshalb auch die schlechten Wertungen. :rolleyes:

als ob mir Jemand weismachen könnte, dass das Game 95% verdient hätte.

Habs selber. und würde nicht mehr als 91% geben. Aber ok. trotzdem sehr gut.

die stelle mit dem Licht fandest du genial :oops:

zur KI: da gibts wohl keine unterschiede.
Und glaub mir in R:FoM sind die Levels und das Gameplay mit viel mehr Details gestaltet das ist einfach so!
MaxTax schrieb:

die stelle mit dem Licht fandest du genial :oops:

zur KI: da gibts wohl keine unterschiede.
Und glaub mir in R:FoM sind die Levels und das Gameplay mit viel mehr Details gestaltet das ist einfach so!

Du musst es ja wissen, du hast ja beide Spiele ...

Wie sieht das Spiel denn optisch aus auf deinem HDTV? PS2 Niveau in HD wie manche es uns hier vortrollen wollen, oder sieht es wirklich gut aus? Ich mein, auch mir ist es klar daß es mit dem U3 Enginemonstrum Gears of War nicht mithalten kann, Next Gen würdig ist es aber schon, oder??
MaxTax schrieb:

die stelle mit dem Licht fandest du genial :oops:

zur KI: da gibts wohl keine unterschiede.
Und glaub mir in R:FoM sind die Levels und das Gameplay mit viel mehr Details gestaltet das ist einfach so!

Jo,... ich fand das richtig passend zur Atmo und so etwas gab es bei kein anderem Game zuvor.

Das mit der Ki glaube ich nicht... Epic ist Meister in der Ki-Routine von Bots (siehe UT). Ich will nichts gegen die R&C Macher was sagen, aber die Ki scheint von den Videos/Trailern her ziemlich *bescheiden* zu sein.

Vom Gameplay kann ich nicht sagen, aber bislang wirken die Tests so, ob es ein *ganz* normaler WWII wäre nur anstatt N. sind die Gegner Ausserirdische.
Und graphisch/technisch ist nunmal GoW BESSER als Resistance (wird von *fast* jedem Test bestätigt!!).

NUnja,... ich werde bestimmt im März (oder IRGENDWANN MAL ;) ) Resistance antesten.
Myriell schrieb:
MaxTax schrieb:

die stelle mit dem Licht fandest du genial :oops:

zur KI: da gibts wohl keine unterschiede.
Und glaub mir in R:FoM sind die Levels und das Gameplay mit viel mehr Details gestaltet das ist einfach so!

Du musst es ja wissen, du hast ja beide Spiele ...

Wie sieht das Spiel denn optisch aus auf deinem HDTV? PS2 Niveau in HD wie manche es uns hier vortrollen wollen, oder sieht es wirklich gut aus? Ich mein, auch mir ist es klar daß es mit dem U3 Enginemonstrum Gears of War nicht mithalten kann, Next Gen würdig ist es aber schon, oder??
Gehört sowas nicht eher in den Resistance-Thread? :rolleyes:
naja mir ist gerade langweilig, die Pizza braucht noch lange bis sie fertig ist, also such ich mal ein paar Meinungen zu Resistance raus^^

Going through the game a third time is really showing just how bad ass it is.
I cant believe the amount of detail insomniac put into this game.

Ive been off trying to play COD3 for first on 360 last couple of days but after playing Resistence it was blumming dire, so many bugs and internet issues Ive given up and benched it (and Im a huge fan of COD2), just shows how well done Resistence is and Im off back to it later (even GOW what Ive started playing part of the shines missing due to Resistence gameplay).

I think myself and many others have mentioned alot about Resistence early on, I was disapointed with it at first especially at York as Im from their and it was very bland for me and nondiscript in graphics terms (I had a bugbear about areas as well not being correct to the real thing), but when you look back after you have finished it you reliase it was a TINY amount of gametime, more like a learner level. I would have loved to have seen more in York though, I think it was a missed oppertunity to have fighting around the roman walls at Walmgate bar and Cliffords Tower or having to wade across the Ouse (or even fighting and chucking kitkats at each other in my old jobs factory ) could have also done some great artwork in York Minster with the Rose window or better use of the Shambles. Its nitpicking though. Myself I look back on that area with some shock as it seriously put me off and I did nearly bench it for GOW within about 1hour and half but once York is done and you get out of Grimsby into Manchester it just makes you sit up and go wow this is going to be contender for game of the year and it just gets better and better from then on like one hell of a rollercoaster ride [/b

Now that I finally have a PS3 and gotten to the later levels, I can officially say this:

Resistance is OMFG awesome and is the BEST FPS I've EVER played. Hands-down.

I love the weapons. Some of them make me laugh.


I’ll resist the temptation to go into a long description of the story here, and instead settle for stating that there is a much, much deeper story there for those who bother to search for it. My advice is to find all the intel that is spread about the levels, and also spend some time reading through the descriptions of enemies, locations and weapons that the Document section of the pause menu holds.

Score: 95%


Well, where to start? On the surface, this looks and plays like, well, an FPS. A highly polished, complete and spot on FPS, that is. Now that can make for a good game, but Resistance is a special game, and this is (as anyone familiar with Insomniac would have guessed) in large part due to the creative arsenal featured in the game. This has been detailed in countless previews and reviews, so I’ll just say that Insomniac has done an awesome job in making its trademark creative arsenal mesh seamlessly with a world that is not your typical Insomniac fare. The result is intense and smart FPS action. Whereas other shooters commonly opt for destructive, brutal or smart weapons, Resistance manages to incorporate all of those aspects into a majority of the weapons on display in the game, and this is obvious regardless of which end of the barrel you happen to find yourself on.

Of course, even the smartest and most creative weapon would be worth nothing without interesting opposition, and luckily Resistance delivers that in spades. Not only in terms of how many individual enemies that the game throws at you at once, but also in terms of the large variety of unique Chimeran strains available, and in terms of the combinations of said strains that occupy the battlefields. Every strain comes with a preferred means of disposing of said strain, which of course means good usage of all sorts of weapons in your arsenal. Now given this wide variety of strains, and the fact that Resistance enjoys throwing various combinations of strains at you all at once, suffice it to say that there are some pretty damned intense battle sequences in this game.

Score: 95%


With a large variety of environments and gameplay scenarios, ranging from subway and tunnel crawling to the wide open battlefield setting of Cheddar Gorge and Manchester, and onwards to the snowy, icy city landscapes of London complete with Chimeran architecture melding with period human architecture, the game is at times a veritable visual feast. That said, this variety seems to come at the cost of some environments simply not feeling up to par. I’d imagine developing a unified visual style, not to mention an engine capable of displaying all of these vastly different settings, must have been one hell of an undertaking, and unfortunately, it does not always work. Fortunately, due to the earlier levels being rather barren when compared to the levels later on, this lack of consistency becomes more a matter of reflection than anything else. But the issue is there, and it almost leads me to wish for Insomniac to limit the variety of the environments a tad for the inevitable sequel.

All of that said, what Resistance lacks in texture detail and consistency, it makes up for in terms of modeled detail (especially in regards to the chimeran end, both in terms of environments and in terms of creature models), scale and not least the visual FX. It’s hard to make a blanket judgement on the quality of the Chimera, as the designs range widely from the simplistic leapers to the massive Widowmakers. The common thread seems to be a focus on animal properties in out-of-this-world forms, and in that respect, the design throughout the Chimeran fauna is a near total success. The most common Chimeran strains feature plenty of detail, and are mostly well animated. Agility seems to be the name of the game when it comes to animation, and the movement communicates the inhuman nature of these beasts, critters and creatures very well. That said, there are some strains that I never cared for much, such as the leapers. I guess I understand the intention behind the design, and they are certainly nasty enough, but they do feel oddly cartoony, especially when compared to the more advanced chimera strains such as the hardfangs and steelheads.

Overall though, both the design and craftsmanship involved in the chimeran models deserve a good deal of acclaim, as does the technology that allows for these models to be implemented into the game without carrying much of that unfortunate artificial look that is far too common in games these days.


Design & craftsmanship: 95%
Tech & implementation: 85%

Lasting appeal

Ridiculously high. Aside from the 40player MP, there is the fact that the game (in true Insomniac fashion) rewards you with new weapons for your second run through the game. And if you didn’t manage to collect all the intel during your first run, that should be reason enough to replay at least individual levels. Add to this the abundance of available skill points (ranging from reasonable and near automatic to damned near impossible) and an additional difficulty setting, and it’s clear that the game was designed with longevity in mind.

Score: 95%


The subdued score may prove an issue to some, but it did not really bother me. While I would have probably enjoyed an epic battle theme akin to what you’ll find in Halo, that may or may not have worked with the game. The weapons audio FX is nothing short of amazing, with fitting audio profiles; the auger sounds like something that could likely fire straight through a wall, the bullseye sounds like it would fire a swarm of targetting shards, and the Reaper... well, they just sound plain evil (the trademark Hedgehog grenade sound is one that is instantly recognizable as one that requires immediate action if you happen to be on the wrong side of one). Similarily, the grunts, snarls and growls of the Chimeran forces are very fitting of the sources of the sounds, and really do an awesome job of adding to the already vicious, inhuman appearance of these creatures. If there is one thing that I’d say I missed, it’d be environmental sounds. The drifting and falling snow would have likely been even more impressive had it been accompanied by the sound of a bitter wind.

One other downside, and this wasn’t actually a problem until later on in the game, is the voice over. It’s all very well done, it’s fitting of the scenarios and there is nothing that I’d call overbearingly cheesy in there, but the radio distortion really started to grate on my nerves after a while.

Score: 85%


An engrossing, intense and complete shooter with an insane weapons gallery that basically amounts to an FPS highlight reel, with some rough cuts here and there. A story that on the surface may seem oddly straight forward is made deeper and more involving by the inclusion of descriptive location and enemy documents as well as by way of intel scattered throughout the levels. Some incosistencies in regards to visual quality throughout the game are easily forgiven when taking into account the variety, on-screen action and sheer size of the environments that the game throws you into, as well as the detail on display especially in later levels. A solid top tier FPS, and an awesome re-entry into the genre for Insomniac.

Overall score: 90%

Holy ****, this is awesome. And hard. These chimera bastards are agile mother****ers, aren't they? Props to Insomniac for nailing the gun "sway", by the way.

Comment zum 2 schwersten Schwierigkeitsgrad^^

Resistance was one of the games I was least interested in when it was first shown way back at E3. I thought it sort of looked like a generic WW2 shooter with aliens tossed in. But the game has come out to be something amazing. The sheer amount of things going on in some of those pics is stunning. It does seem to me that the alien architecture areas look much better than just the human areas. I hope we see much more of the alien architecture and even get to explore whatever planet the Chimera came from in Resistance 2.

Currently in Manchester on hard mode... this hard difficulty really isn't messing around. I'm dying a lot but it's incredibly fun coming up with the right tactics and weapon combos to get through each checkpoint. The leaper attack in the Church was probably the toughest part of the game for me yet. I don't know how difficult this section is on normal but I got ripped to shreds by these guys. Finally figured out to retreat to the back room so I could bottleneck the little swarming bastards and splatter 'em with grenades and the Bullseye. Seeing all those remains on the floor was a bit too satisfying. From what I'm reading it sounds like I'm not even hitting the really challenging stuff yet... I'm in trouble aren't I?

I just finished my 1st play through and IMO it was really, really awesome. Resistance 2 needs more snowfall. Easily in my top 3 FPS of all time.

With that being said, I was reading the credits and it says something like "parts of this game are copyright 1999". What is it exactly? It's been like, 7 years!! cough*cough* JStevenson cough*

Edit: I thought about it and it must be the Ratchet&Clank backpacks.

Own it, beat it, thus why I form my opinion... Halo has to beat Resistance out for overall quality and experience... I'm not a graphics whore, I prefer gameplay... but, if you need my stance on Graphics like it seems that's the only thing that matters anymore to qualify a game for being killer or not, not saying you're implying this at all, here ya go!

Gears: WOW!!!!!!!
Resistance: WOW!!!!

Gears: WOW!!!
Resistance: WOW!!!!!

I don't need to get into the gameplay, online, and framerate as why I'm talking in comparision to Halo, because Halo is vastly superior to Gears in just about all those aspects...

Regardless of all the other console advocacy fueled rhetoric, I think it's fair to say this is Insomniac's best game to date, which by itself is no small feat. At a friggin' console launch no less.

It really comes down to nailing the fundamentals - it never gets boring taking out Chimera of various shapes and sizes...or appreciating your handiwork at the end of a pitched battle.

I've started a second playthrough on the harder difficulty and besides the new set of weapons you get, there's other little details I'm seeing that I completely missed the first time around. Example: I didn't know the Menials could throw those explosive spheres at you!

I personally like the way the story is handled. Bog standard alien invasion of the infestation/infection variety but the 3rd person narrative from the perspective of someone on the outside as well as the player perspective of what actually happened as seen through the gameplay does keep it from feeling wholly derivative. Helps that the narrator is a female with a rich, British accent which can dress up even the most ordinary story as something special . But I do think they've done a great job with the story overall

Just beat it. ****ING UNBELIEVABLE.

The final battle with the music blasting and chaos going on ALL ****ING AROUND YOU.

Can ted price come on here to accept his award? Fantastic game, insomniac. Best shooter I've played since Halo.

Last level is mindblowing.

Just finished the game tonight... I'm not going into a long speech on it or anything, but I'm gonna sum it up as best as I can...

This became my favorite shooter of all time... Surpassed my expectations on every level...

Halo 3 doesn't have to worry about out-doing Gears, but it has to beat Resistance in my book... It has all the magic of Halo, with some special touches ontop of that... I have to wonder if some of these guys that say Gears makes me wanna touch myself and forget about everything else actually played through Resistance? Probably not...

Yes, I noticed the posters too... hehe...

Yes the snow is completely amazing...

Yes the vehicles parts are awesome...

Yes, best sounding game ever...

Yes it's the best online experience to date (minus that nobody uses headsets)

Ted Price, J, and any other Insomniac Games fellows on here, Epic launch game, Game of the Year... Vastly underrated...

Way to leave the story a big question mark at the end, guess we'll be seeing Hale again in a sequel? Gotta take back mother Russia I guess huh?

Still making my way through the single player and I can't believe how good it is. This is easily on par if not better than Half-Life 2. It's that damn good. Oddly enough, it feels more like a PC FPS than a console game (with some Halo-like mechanics thrown in for good measure).

I just can't fathom how Insomniac pulled this off. They've been doing character based platform games for so many years and then to turn around and release an FPS that is as high quality as the best the genre has to offer at a system launch is just incredible.

I am also really impressed with the pacing. With both Half-Life 2 and the Halo games, there were most certainly segments that didn't do a whole lot for me. I loved to replay HL2, for instance, but there were certain chapters I would always skip as I just didn't care for them. The Halo games, of course, both had weak points as well. Most FPS games really do, when you stop and think about it. Yet, I can't point to a single segment in Resistance and label it as weak. The entire game has been 100% awesome. I replayed the first segments yesterday (up to the first stalker) as a friend wanted to see it, and I realized that the early stuff is actually very solid as well (and looks very nice too). The whole game is AAA and it only gets better.

Gears of War was really the same way. The game was literally perfect from start to finish (with the first chapter feeling weak during my first playthrough as well, only to discover later that it actually does kick ass). To receive two world class shooters in one month is just wonderful.

As a launch title, Resistance is every bit as good as Halo was back in 2001.

OMG I just finished the game, SO AWESOME.



It's not that the game isn't challenging, but it's always manageable, there was NEVER any kind of clunkiness in terms of controls and level layout that one can find with other games that hurts one's chance of surviving through the level, everything can be done on the fly instead of going into a level and having to basically approach things a single way. So awesome

finished the game last night. the last three areas are amazing -- i played through them in essentially one sitting, and strung together they're one of the most memorable game experiences i've had in a while. for whatever reason i wasn't expecting much from resistance, but it's really the ps3 game, and it's quite possibly the best fps on a console -- i hesitate to put it ahead of halo simply because it borrows so much from halo, but leaving originality out of the reckoning, it might be the better game. i'm tempted to replay it on hard, but uh...i should really finish genji. :(

Just finished it.

The main descriptor seems to be "solid" when talking about this game. I think that's accurate, but really the game is just *so* solid, *so* polished for a launch title especially that I can't help but applaud it.

Before the game came out I was concerned about how most of the guns are energy weapons, and that there might be a problem with immersion-related feedback, but all the guns feel excellent, and they're all cool and all useful.

The graphics do get better and better as the game progresses, but personally I didn't have an issue with how the game looked towards the beginning. While the game is a linear FPS, the presentation of the levels is usually extremely expansive, with so much background imagery that you don't get tunnel vision. That definitely helps the game graphically. Few of the individual elements may make you say "wow" (though some of the creature designs, up close, might), but there is so much going on on-screen that when it all adds up I did end up very impressed.

All this at a rock solid framerate and with minimal loading, plus a full multiplayer mode that I haven't tapped into yet. IN A LAUNCH GAME! The complete package of Resistance really hits it out of the park I think, and I haven't seen a single player FPS experience be this polished and all-around great in a very long time. HL2 in comparison had boring guns and many technical issues. F.E.A.R. of course had terrible level design (though great guns and great enemy AI). Doom 3, lol. Far Cry fell apart when the trigens hit. etc.

Mm, perhaps I'm caught up in launch fervor or something but there is nothing significant for me to complain about with it. Maybe some overly long spacing between checkpoints in a couple spots, and uhhhhhhhhh maybe the flow of the game could be improved with a different way of handling the cutscenes, but that's about it.

sooo das sollte erstmal reichen aber wenn ihr wollt davon gibt es noch hunderte^^
Myriell schrieb:
MaxTax schrieb:

die stelle mit dem Licht fandest du genial :oops:

zur KI: da gibts wohl keine unterschiede.
Und glaub mir in R:FoM sind die Levels und das Gameplay mit viel mehr Details gestaltet das ist einfach so!

Du musst es ja wissen, du hast ja beide Spiele ...

Wie sieht das Spiel denn optisch aus auf deinem HDTV? PS2 Niveau in HD wie manche es uns hier vortrollen wollen, oder sieht es wirklich gut aus? Ich mein, auch mir ist es klar daß es mit dem U3 Enginemonstrum Gears of War nicht mithalten kann, Next Gen würdig ist es aber schon, oder??

nix PS2 HD Grafik! Sieht sehr gut aus! Nur an ein paar stellen sind die Texturen wirklich nicht so dolle. Was mir an der Grafik sehr gut gefällt alles ist so "rund" kein Kanten flimmern nix alle Gegenstände sind sehr fein ausmodelliert. Und Grenzenlose Weitsicht und kein aufpoppen der Grafiken oder Texturen. Alle Häuser haben Scheiben, und jede Dachlatte ist in 3D modelliert.

Ich mach am besten morgen Fotos und stell sie rein!
Alter Schwede! Jetzt reicht unserem Herrn Naco nichtmal mehr ein (in seinen Augen) 91% Spiel. Achja seine Augen sind ja durch die Sony Render Trailer zu verwöhnt. Mach dir nichts draus Schnucki. Die ATOM Station 3 kommt ja schon im September nächsten Jahres. Und die Rendergrafik kannst du dann in den Zwischensequenzen geniessen.
Ich habe es lieber Ingame wenn du verstehst was ich meine!? ;-)
Luro schrieb:
Myriell schrieb:
MaxTax schrieb:

die stelle mit dem Licht fandest du genial :oops:

zur KI: da gibts wohl keine unterschiede.
Und glaub mir in R:FoM sind die Levels und das Gameplay mit viel mehr Details gestaltet das ist einfach so!

Du musst es ja wissen, du hast ja beide Spiele ...

Wie sieht das Spiel denn optisch aus auf deinem HDTV? PS2 Niveau in HD wie manche es uns hier vortrollen wollen, oder sieht es wirklich gut aus? Ich mein, auch mir ist es klar daß es mit dem U3 Enginemonstrum Gears of War nicht mithalten kann, Next Gen würdig ist es aber schon, oder??
Gehört sowas nicht eher in den Resistance-Thread? :rolleyes:

Da darf das Quickiespiel leider nicht erwähnt werden ;)
MaxTax schrieb:
nix PS2 HD Grafik! Sieht sehr gut aus! Nur an ein paar stellen sind die Texturen wirklich nicht so dolle. Was mir an der Grafik sehr gut gefällt alles ist so "rund" kein Kanten flimmern nix alle Gegenstände sind sehr fein ausmodelliert. Und Grenzenlose Weitsicht und kein aufpoppen der Grafiken oder Texturen. Alle Häuser haben Scheiben, und jede Dachlatte ist in 3D modelliert.

Ich mach am besten morgen Fotos und stell sie rein!
Danke May Tax! :goodwork:
Wenigstens einer der die PS3 zu Hause stehen hat und keinen erträumten Stumpfsinn verzapft.
Darji schrieb:
sooo das sollte erstmal reichen aber wenn ihr wollt davon gibt es noch hunderte^^
Das kann hinkommen. Mehr haben das Spiel bislang ja auch nicht gekauft. :happy4:

Unbedingt hier posten!!!! Endlich Resistance-Bilder im PS3 vs X360 vs Wii Thread. Fein!!!!! Und wie originell!!! Und so neu!!!! :)

Da darf das Quickiespiel leider nicht erwähnt werden
Könnt Ihr nicht über ein PS3-Spiel reden, ohne mal ein X360-Spiel mit reinzuziehen? Machts Euch nur dann Spaß, wenns "besser" ist? :shakehead:
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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