Kinect vs. PSMove vs. MotionPlus

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Welches Konzept berzeugt Euch am meisten?

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Also was ich von der Veranstaltung gelesen hab, braucht man nicht gesehen haben und wir sollten uns auf die PK von MS heute Abend freuen.

IGN Australiak Daily Report

...nothing was revealed except a handful of pre-recorded demos where actors clearly pretended to control the on-screen characters (avatars) with their own body movement. At several points the avatars would move before the actors did, ruining the illusion of a real live demo of Kinect.
he Kinetic camera was also shown navigating on-screen menus with cool Minority Report-style waves of your hand, as well as video conferencing.
that was one of the single biggest cluster****s I've ever seen at a games event, hands down. With the eyes of the world on Microsoft, it decides that the best course of action, for whatever profound reason, is not to truly unveil much of anything. Instead, the audience is assaulted with a strange and shambolic mess of pretentious garbage, muddy messaging and glimpses of very uninspiring games. Good lord.
Game Informer

Outside of some genuinely impressive floor gymnastics that took place before the event itself started and a vertically rotating "living room" stage where the main show happened, this might as well have been a promo reel for crappy waggle games. Oh wait, it was.
Seeing a marketing-approved all-American family of four "interact" with each other and Kinect in the staged gaming made me laugh out loud, and not in a good way.
I could forgive the ham-fisted event if it had contained a nugget of interesting software or hardware, but it didn't. If the "family" was actually playing Kinect games while onstage, it was the most well-rehearsed event in history. I'll hold my final judgment until I get my own hands on Kinect on the E3 show floor, but I can't think of a worse way to have been introduced to it.
So we're out of the wild, cult-like experience that was Microsoft's Kinect unveiling. Microsoft still has a lot of details to reveal, but there are a few things we gleaned from watching the demos:

  • Almost everything was one person at a time, particularly in the Kinect Sports games. Even a game like beach volleyball or soccer was boiled down to individual "moments" of interaction that get strung together into some sort of competition. Even the running in place games were one at a time, though the river rafting and mining cart games (both with a similar mechanic of jumping and ducking through an obstacle course while picking up tokens) could be played with two people at a time. You can at least play games like volleyball simultaneously with someone else over Xbox Live.
  • An interesting mechanic we saw was a second player "jumping in" to a game. In the mining cart scenario, when the second player jumped in it immediately went split screen, while in soccer different players took turns by just jumping into position. Sure, some of this stuff was edited for our benefit, but it seems Microsoft is working to make the introduction of a second player or the switching between players something less button-heavy.
  • The Star Wars game was pretty badass-looking -- you play a Jedi, rushing down stormtroopers and deflecting laser bolts left and right, wielding a few Force powers, and confronting a certain deep-voiced Sith Lord for a one-on-one duel. Based on the gestures and action we saw, though, it was a pretty heavily scripted experience. Still, there's no scripting a two-handed light saber grip, and that particular action looked like everything we've ever wanted in a Star Wars game.
  • The yoga game is actually a pretty smart use of the infrared and joint detection software we espied previously. Positions were "checked" by points on the joint -- making it certainly harder to fake the moves on Wii Fit -- and it seemed to have a tai chi element to it. Your avatar glowed a more intense red based on your three-dimensional approximation -- bright red for hands stretched forward, for example.
  • Next up: Kinectimals, a baby tiger pet simulator. You can scratch its ears, snuggle, and teach the little guy to jump and play dead. Adorable? Dangerously so. No one can tell us the developer, but based on the lighting effects, art style, and similarities to the previously-shown Milo, we'd wager a guess that it was Lionhead Studios.
  • The Kinect menu interface is about as simple as could be. You wave your hand to control a glowing cursor of sorts, and you push forward to "click" on the element you want. Of course, there's also a very simplified version of the Dashboard to go along with this control mechanism, so it's unclear if you'll be able to do everything via subtle hand waves, but the Twitter, Facebook, Zune and Netflix icons were clearly present.
  • The MTV Games-developed Dance Central has some on staff divided -- only Ross will actually admit to being interested in playing it. A series of dance moves are presented, including elbow jabs, swinging leg, guitar, "rocking out" (with your hand in the air). The art style is akin to Rock Band / Guitar Hero, and to be fair, this is probably one of those games that can't be done as well on any other console.


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das ist noch immer eine Sache des Geschmacks, oder nicht? Ich finde den Knick in der Mitte einfach unschön. Diese schrägen Lüftungsschlitze liegen zudem irgendwo zwischen Motorsport und einem dieser ekelhaften PC-Gehäuse die wie Transformer aussehen. Gerade bei Geräten die in Massen verkauft werden sollen sind klare Linien wesentlich besser als solche Spielereien.

ok da magst du recht haben :)
Einfach nur endpeinlich. Da hat sich MS ein schönes Ein ins Nest gelegt, ich bin gespannt, wie das von Boris Schneider-Johne und Major Nelson wieder schöngeredet wird.
Mein Gott ist Fatal äääähhh Natal schlecht, Eyetoy 2.0 war ich damals froh das es in der Versenkung verschwand und jetzt sowas.
Ich hab Angst Mami. :angst2:
Ich glaub schon, dass MS ein oder zwei nette Sachen mit Kinect zeigen wird heute Abend. Aber mit einen solchen Event, der wohl einiges gekostet hat sollte man schon die geladenen Journalisten begeistern können.

E3 2010 ist schon jetzt wohl legendär.
Mein Gott ist Fatal äääähhh Natal schlecht, Eyetoy 2.0 war ich damals froh das es in der Versenkung verschwand und jetzt sowas.
Ich hab Angst Mami. :angst2:

Ich sag mal, wenn MS gesagt hätte sie würden eben eine Eyetoy Variante bringen, aber nein sie haben gesagt hier kommt der neue Heilsbringer und dies ohne Kontroller.

Aber die PK wird schon einiges bringen, ohne ein anständiges Konzept traut sich MS nicht auf die Bühne. *hoff*

Das sieht ja mal echt.... net so doll aus. Was wurde uns denn da vor einem Jahr gezeigt? Da sah das (gefakte) Milo-Zeuchs und dieser Elefant aber besser aus als das, was hier gezeigt wird...
Echt peinlich. Das schlägt sogar den Wii Schlagzeuger!

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das war von vornerein meine Prognose! Selbst wenn es kein Input-Lag hätte.... Wie will man ein anständiges Spiel damit anständig zocken??

Aber letztendlich kann es Erfolg haben! Man braucht nur Wii-Werbungen zu produzieren (also mit Familie und lachenden Gesichtern)! Aber der Preis ist schon derbst...

Aber dass sich gerade die Sonys jetzt drauf aufgeilen :lol2: ...
Sony beweist mit ihren Resort-Klon auch nicht gerade Kreativität und mit den 3D-Preisvorstellungen bekleckern sie sich auch nicht mit Ruhm....

wollen wa jetzt gucken wer den peinlicheren auftritt zu seinem jeweiligen motion gerät liefert? :v:

wirklich gut oder besser scheint keines zu sein im vergleich zur motion+ :lol:
ich meine wenn MS es nicht schafft ihr produkt einzigartig zu präsentieren in ihrem eigenen event, dann schaffts sony in einer präsentation in der präsentation auch nicht
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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