Microsoft Xbox Series S/X - Der Thread

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Inside Microsoft's design of the new Xbox Series S and X (

Phil mit den #truthfacts
Of course when I buy a game I should be able to continue to play that game [on the next generation]. Console gaming is the only space out there where you lose access to [software purchases]. Can you imagine if that were true with phones or PCs?

The high-level goal for us is can we build a platform where more people want to play more games more often?

über das Design des Tower of Power


Around five designers worked with eight engineers, imagining processors that didn’t even exist yet. The design team began making foam mockups, with different shapes dependent upon the next Xbox’s internal architecture.
Eventually we get to the point where we have to make a decision. These will generally all work . . . we know they’ll cost about the same. But what we really wanna know is whether this is exciting and interesting to customers.
We’d line up 10-12 in home visits. We talk about gaming in general, how they use their console, high-level stuff . . . then we always took measurements of their room, how far they sat from the TV, and temperature readings for a thermal study. Then we’d unveil these crude boxes . . . without much context other than, if this were the shape of the next-gen console, what do you think?

intelligent geometry

You start with pure forms and reveal personality through functionality. Components like disc drives are boxes. There’s no way around that. Fans are circles. There’s no way around that, either. Instead of putting sculptural curves on the consoles to mask these components, Microsoft revealed personality through their functional shape. That meant that the fan, and venting, became the star attraction. Given that the vents are 60% air, the Xbox consoles are essentially a celebration of negative space.

Dieter Rams und die Series S ;)

We certainly talked about it at the time—this feels a little Braun, is that a good thing or bad thing. But that was the extent of the conversation. We certainly never set out to design something that looked like a Dieter Rams product. The result is [from] probably following many of the same principles
kein wifi 6, usb-c oder bt support

Xbox Series X/S Doesn’t Offer WiFi 6 or a USB-C Port Like the PlayStation 5 Does

nur damit später keine böse überraschung auf einen wartet

edit: verbessert, bzw ja viele nutzen es
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