Im Teamxbox Forum ist eine Liste aufgetaucht , die angeblich einiges zur X06 preisgibt!
Tommorow is the X06 conference in Barcelona. Some info has been leaked including some big surprises. Here is a list of what is going to be anounced tommorow. Tune in for the confernce at from 6pm GMT.
# Gears of War single player and multiplayer videos shown. Playable on show floor.
Ach ne...
# HD-DVD anouncement. Release date and price for Europe and United States. $119.99/E149.99 and December 1st release in Europe. $199.99 USD and November 24th release in US. All will be bundled with Universal Media Remote.
# A new Halo 3 trailer is shown. Some multiplayer info revealed. Aiming for 50-64 player online. Announce that Halo 3 will be the first game to run natively on 1080p. They will make full use of this update. Available in 2007. Playable behind closed doors.
Lacher Nr. 1, Lost Planet ist auch schon 1080p, kann also garnicht stimmen
# More info about 1080p and how it will be done. New dashboard announcement. Release date revealed for late November. Will allow users to try out homebrew content made with XNA game express.
Das war ja irgendwie klar
# More news on Live Anywhere and how it will function. Talk about function with Zune and XBLA titles.
# Rare show off new version of Killer Instinct for the 360. Will support 4 player tag matches. Playable on show floor.
# Alan Wake shown and fully playable. Will also be availble on Windows Vista. Coming this Spring.
Wen kümmerts?
# Fable 2 trailer shown. Multiplayer confirmed.
Rechnet so ziemlich jeder mit
# Black Xbox 360 anounced. Available this Christmas around the world. New Xbox 360 core and premium bundles shown. Xbox 360 Classics game list. Kameo, PDZ included. More this spring including Oblivion.
# Many more videos and games are playable. I have just listed some of the major ones.
Sicher doch, die anderen sind nicht wichtig genug, wie z. B. Crackdown das groß gehyped wird, oder Mass Effect oder die angekündigte Bioshock Präsentation oder Forza 2... *unendlichweiterlist*
# Now here is a list of downloadble content on Xbox Live. As you know its Bringing it Home period. Much of what was shown at X06 will appear. This is from the 27th to midnight on the 29th.
Jertzt kommt der Knaller
- Splinter Cell Double Agent multiplayer -> Möglich
- Crackdown -> Möglich aber UNWAHRSCHEINLICH
- Forza Motorsport 2 -> *manischlach*
- Sonic the Hedghog -> Rechne ich fest mit
- Viva Pinata -> Ist da irgendwo in China gerade ein Reissack umgefallen? Hörte sich so an...
- Need for Speed Carbon -> Von mir aus
- Call of Duty 3 -> Glaube ich nicht
- Pro Evolution Soccer 6 -> Wäre mal an der Zeit
- Mass Effect -> In deinen feuchten Träumen
+ MORE (Mehr als 9 Demos verteilt auf 3 Tage = LOL)
- GOW single player and multiplayer -> Und die Erde ist kartoffelförmig, erzähl mal was neues
- Halo 3 trailer -> Glaube ich nicht
- Fable 2 -> So sicher wie das Amen in der Moschee
Picture Packs and themes
- Fable 2
- COD3
- Crackdown
- X06 Community Pack
Wie gesagt sind diese Angaben nicht sicher, aber auf jedenfall interessant