World of Warcraft - Cataclysm

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Da sehe ich rein garnichts von. Die Bäume sehen so scheisse aus wie immer, statisch und einfach nur übelst. Am Questsystem wirds keine Änderungen geben wie z.b. epische questreihen ohne töte so und soviel mobs, sammel so und soviel von mob xy usw. Hunderte neuer quests werden versprochen und ich verwette meinen arsch drauf das sie genau so stumpfsinning werden wie alle anderen.
Nach 5 Jahren, so meine Meinung darf man auch von blizz mehr erwarten in der Hinsicht. Gibt keine neue klasse vorraussichtlich, sprich einfach nur alte Klassen die dann halt von mehr Völkern gespielt werden können und halt für´s Auge zwei weitere Völker die aber spielerisch nichts anderes können.

Wenn man schon so sehr die alte Welt verändert, dann hätte man die Grafikengine "ein wenig" überarbeiten können so das einem beim Anblick von Bäumen usw. nicht gleich der Brechreiz überkommt. Bin wahrlich keiner der Grafik übermäßig wichtig findet aber da hätte Blizz deutlich mehr tun können. Hätte aber wohl einige Programmierer und Designer oder was auch immer zuviel gekostet. Bei dem Geld was Blizz verdient schon fast eine frechheit wenn man mal vergleicht was andere kleine MMO´s da schon bieten.

Ich bin gespannt wie es wird. Denk mal die Leute die in WoW leben, nichts anderes mehr ausprobieren, werden sich das teil eh blind kaufen, sie nehmen alles hin was Blizz ihnen so vorsetzt. Schade das deshalb die ein oder andere Perle in diesem genre wegen sowas verkommt.
Wie Recht du nur hast, WoW ist so hässlich nach vielen Jahren könnte man tatsächlich langsam mal etwas unternehmen und was viel wichtiger ist und auch irgendwie traurig: es interessiert einfach keinen mehr, wie hässlich WoW ist, es wird blind gekauft. -.-
fixed ? weil bei mir geht da nix steht nur: channel cannot be viewed on this web page
Hier gehts.
Da steht:
To watch the Live Stream from BlizzCon for free!

1. Go to
2. Click on High Quality and install their RayV viewer
3. Restart your browser and go back to
4. Type this script in your address bar and hit enter:

javascript:Rayv.Embed("rayvHost", {"Affiliate": "DTVblizzcon", "ChannelID": "blizzl3", "Volume": "100", "CoverImageURL": "" });
Hm, mal gucken. Vielleicht funktionierts ja wenn Blizzcon wieder anfängt. Anstonsten müssen wir uns mit den anderen Streams zu frieden geben

Zu WoW Grafik kann ich nur sagen:
An manchen Stellen sieht sie echt hübsch aus, an manchen wiederrum einfach nur hässlich (Darkshore :ugly:). Hätte mir auch gewünscht, dass sie die Grafik mal bisschen aufpolieren. Wenn ich mir Guild Wars 2 anschaue, das sieht echt klasse aus. Aber man kann halt nicht alles haben xD
Ihr wollt das eine über 5 Jahre alte Engine das leistet was aktuelle leisten :ugly: Eine andere Engine würde ein komplett neues >Spiel bedeuten lol.Frag mich was Ihr rum weint es wird ja verbessert (siehe Wasser und Texturen)
Also komm, es gibt viele Beispiele, von OnlineRPGs, die mit Erweiterungen eine Frischzellenkur ihrer Engine bekommen haben. Gewaltige Sprünge. Da ich leider kaum MMORPGs spiele, habe ich leider den Namen vergessen.
Und warum darf man sich denn nicht beschweren? Wenn jeder es einfach so hinnehmen würde, wie du, dann gäbe es keine Patches, keine Grafikverbesserungen von Fans etc.
Also nimm es einfach hin, dass wir die Grafik hässlich finden! Und Verbesserung der Engine bspw. von 1.0 auf 2.0 Engine mit besseren Effekten/Modellen/sonstwas heißt also ein neues Spiel? Ahja...
Also komm, es gibt viele Beispiele, von OnlineRPGs, die mit Erweiterungen eine Frischzellenkur ihrer Engine bekommen haben. Gewaltige Sprünge. Da ich leider kaum MMORPGs spiele, habe ich leider den Namen vergessen.
Und warum darf man sich denn nicht beschweren? Wenn jeder es einfach so hinnehmen würde, wie du, dann gäbe es keine Patches, keine Grafikverbesserungen von Fans etc.
Also nimm es einfach hin, dass wir die Grafik hässlich finden! Und Verbesserung der Engine bspw. von 1.0 auf 2.0 Engine mit besseren Effekten/Modellen/sonstwas heißt also ein neues Spiel? Ahja...

Ehm es gibt ja verbesseruntgen, Ihr aber erwartet eine komplette frischzellenkur und es gibt kein einziges MMORPG was eine solche in der Dimension erfahren hat ausser es gab nen Nachfolger (in dem fall WoW 2 was eh nie kommen wird). Was meinst Du wieviel Jahre so eine komplette überarbeitung dauern würde, zumal der Erfolg von WoW auch daher kommt das es jeder spielen kann. Wenn Du Grafisch aufwendiges willst hast Du FF14, Aion oder GW2.
Wir werden nichts neues bezüglich der Klassen erfahren :(
Findet zeitgleich wie "Starcraft II Lore" statt und das wird beim Livestream übertragen ;)
Was meint ihr eigentlich wie Blizzard irgendwann einen richtigen Nachfolger raushauen wird? Entweder sie müssen sich nen recht kruden Storytwist für ne neue Spielwelt im Warcraftuniversum einfallen lassen, oder sie hauen irgendwann ein Megaaddon raus - neue Grafik, Klassen, Spielwelt, aber irgendwie noch kompatibel mit dem alten Spiel. Blizzard hat bei WoW das Genre ja schon revolutioniert, wieso also nicht auch bei der Addon/Spielepolitik?

Wär irgendwie Schade darum die riesen Spielwelt einfach fallen zu lassen und mich würds wirklich net wundern wenn sie irgendwas in der Art machen würden ... keine Ahnung wie, aber ich bin auch kein Blizzardprogrammierer ;)
Was meint ihr eigentlich wie Blizzard irgendwann einen richtigen Nachfolger raushauen wird? Entweder sie müssen sich nen recht kruden Storytwist für ne neue Spielwelt im Warcraftuniversum einfallen lassen, oder sie hauen irgendwann ein Megaaddon raus - neue Grafik, Klassen, Spielwelt, aber irgendwie noch kompatibel mit dem alten Spiel. Blizzard hat bei WoW das Genre ja schonr evolutioniert, wieso also nicht auch bei der Addon/Spielepolitik?

Wär irgendwie Schade darum die riesen Spielwelt einfach fallen zu lassen und mich würds wirklich net wundern wenn sie irgendwas in der Art machen würden ...

Ein neues MMORPG ist laut Angaben schon in Entwicklung. Sollte also die Konkurrenz zu nahe kommen, können sie wohl relativ schnell darauf reagieren. Einen direkten Nachfolger gibts daher wohl nicht, da das neue MMORPG nicht aus einem der bekannten "Universen" stammen soll ;)
jo wäre auch blöd, ich schätz mal blizzard will mit dem neuen mmo diejenigen ansprechen, die mit WoW reingarnichts anfangen können :>

hier wieder paar infos:
Open Q&A Panel

* More character slots might be added but maybe not for Cataclysm.
* You might be able to reorder the characters on your character selection screen at some point.
* There are some ideas for "mentoring" to let people of varied levels play together without powerleveling. Things like downleveling yourself to play with them is a possibility but it might not be for Cataclysm.
* Character visual customization is something they would like to adress, but they don't really know what the right solution is. They have a few ideas in mind and might do something about it soon.
* Oceanic servers will get their own maintenance time at some point.
* Dancing is still in the work and the animation is working on them, there is still some work to do to make it a real feature.


* Race changes will be available shortly after Faction changes. There is no point in not allowing that since you can't really prevent people with multiple accounts to play both side on PvP servers anyway.
* All races will have updated racials with Cataclysm, they should be similar to what the Goblins have. (Increased health/mana potion effects, etc ...)

Guild Leveling System

* The idea behind the guild leveling system is to make people want to be in guilds and make people feel better about being in a guild. The goal is to take that feature and make it the best they can. (Guild Talent Trees, etc ...)
* You will be able to create guild heirlooms with the new guild leveling system, you can buy profession plans and anyone in your guild can wear that item, it will scale with level.


* Armorsmith and Weaponsmith specialization really felt like the Blacksmith was limited by his choice, that's why it was ignored in Wrath of the Lich King. Ultimately it's better if the player can craft more stuff instead of just being able to craft 2H swords or whatever.
* Herbs and Ore Nodes will be reitemized with the revamp.

Player vs. Player

* XP in Battlegrounds need to be fixed because there is a lot of XP leeching in the 71-80 Brackets. Once it's fixed, it will be improved across the board.

Raids & Dungeons

* You can't get Frostmourne because it would take control of your soul. Frostmourne would be playing your character, not you. The weapon has an unique fate and the encounter is going to be mega.
* There won't be any option to do Onyxia at level 60 anymore after the revamp in 3.2.2.


* There isn't any plan to prevent ganking in the contested zones of Azeroth, even with flying mounts available here. This is just part of being on a PvP server.
* They can't spoil the Thrall / Garrosh storyline, but with the cataclysm raging everywhere, what do you think the world's mightiest shaman would need to do?
* Northrend and Outland won't really be affected by the Cataclysm but some of the areas will be updated for the expansion. For example, you will be able to level up Archeology in Outland.


* The 5 second rule might be removed with the changes made to spirit but there isn't any final decision about that.
* There is no plans to prevent Paladins and Shamans from using cloth, but there were some discussions to limit it somehow.
* Armor Penetration is removed from the gear but not from the game. There are plans to reintroduce it in another way to allow players to kill plate wearers. (Armor Penetration talents, etc ...)
* Spirit is going to be a healer stat only, it won't exist on DPS Gear. Healers need it to regen and other casters don't use it at all. (Other casters will use Intellect for Spell Power)


* They won't add a new class in Cataclysm, they have to be very careful about adding more classes and do not want tons of them.
* The philosophy about pure DPS classes is still the same, they don't want hybrid to do everything they can do. The elevated hybrid DPS in Wrath of the Lich King is in a "good place" now.

Classes - Pets

* In Patch 3.3, pets will scale of all of your stats and allow buffs from raid encounters to affect them.
* In Patch 3.3, there will be changes to make sure that pets can't be hit by AOEs from bosses but others (PvP) will be able to affect them.
* Pets classes might get a "move to this location" command for their pet, long cooldown abilities that let your pet teleport to you to get out of trouble. This would be good feature since developers can't make pet AI as smart as a player.


* There isn't any immediate plan to give feral druids a legendary, casters are next on the list.
* Trolls and Worgens Druids will get their own bear, cat, travel, and aquatic forms.


* Hunters might be able to choose the talent tree of their pet to let them pick the pet that looks best to them. Zhevra is a possibility for Cataclysm.


* Night Elves Mages have been added because it sounded pretty cool to have Elves using arcane when they shouldn't be anymore.
* Mage abilities like Molten Armor will be changed to use other stats since mages won't have Spirit anymore.


* They want to see rogues use more daggers, they're THE rogue weapon and we don't see enough of them. In Patch 3.2.2 they might add an assassination talent to make daggers more attractive.
* One of the plans for cataclysm is to take a lot of the early subtlety tree and make it passive for the class. The unattractive stuff will be taken out to let you get the cool talents.


* Sacrificying the group utility of mana tide totem to give it a much better regen is a possibility.
* Enhancement Shamans do not use INT anymore and will be given talents to not need it just like Retribution Paladins.
* Enhancement Shamans having to run in and out of melee ranges to redrop totem and sacrifice DPS is a legitimate problem, they don't want enhancement to have to run out like that.


* Warlock's survavibility wasn't really good at the start of Wrath of the Lich King, but they're in a pretty good place right now.


* Arms lost their iconic ability when Mortal Strike was given to more classes. They need to find a new ability to fill that niche or make Arms' MS the "ultimate" mortal strike.

Game Systems Panel
Rated Battlegrounds

* Rated Battlegrounds will be an alternative way to get arena points.
* Each week, one of the BG will be the Rated Battleground of the week. Winning in this battleground will improve your rating and give you points. Losing will not lower your rating.
* New PvP titles will be added, as your rating progress you will unlock higher titles. If you earned a PvP title you will keep it.
* When a Battleground is rated for the week, its normal non-rated version will still be available.
* The amount of Arena Points will be limited to prevent grinding.
* You will also earn guild level by playing these rated battlegrounds with your guildmates.


* Tol'barad is a mix of Lake Wintergrasp and the Isle of Quel'danas.
* Every x hours the Daily Quests of the zone will shutdown and players will fight to capture the control points, the first team to get all of them wins.
* The winning team gets access to better daily quests rewarding more gold/better items.

Guild Leveling

* Guild experience is earned through multiple ways, players leveling, killing bosses, leveling professions, PvP victories, reputations.
* Each guild level rewards you with one talent point, these talents affect the whole guild. The top 20 earners of the guild will contribute to the guild experience for the day.
* Some of the guild talents will allow you to remove reagent costs from spell, get increased gold drops, summon your entire raid, rez your entire raid after a wipe, automatically transfer a % of gold dropped by bosses to the guild bank. Guild talents can be reset.
* Once your guild reached level 20, the guild experience becomes a currency and let you buy things like mounts, professions plans, banners, potions, rare reagents and guild talent respecs.
* Anyone can learn a guild profession recipe, if you leave the guild after learning it you will loose the recipe and it will be transferred back to the guild bank. Guild heirlooms also work the same way and are bound to the guild.

Guild Interface

* Guilds will have their own achievements, some of the old achievements might be converted to guild achievements. Some of the achievements are building a legendary item, maxing out every profession, etc ...
* A guild news feed will be added, it will shows boss kills, items looted, it will come with different filters to let you find specific information.
* You can now check the professions of every members of your guild and check their recipes list to see if they can create an item.
* You will also be able to invite other guilds to your guild events through the in-game calendar.

Mastery system

* There are too many talents right now and a lot of them are boring and just give passive bonuses. (1% hit bonus, etc ...)
* The goal is to make talents more fun and useful, Body and Soul or Juggernaut are a good example.
* The old passive bonuses will be automatically added to your character through the Mastery system as you spend more points in a talent tree. Spending a lot of points in Fury will give you extra crit, etc ... this will be implemented for all classes.
* Mastery bonuses will lower energy cost, increase your armor penetration, etc ...

Path of the Titans

* Character progression slows down drastically at level 80. Players will improve their character through the Path of the Titan by using the new Archeology profession.
* Archeology rewards you with "Ancient Glyphs" and give you bonuses reduced damage, reduced stun duration, etc ...
* They are NOT inscription glyphs and are totally different, as you progress after level 85 you will earn points to buy more glyphs. They are tied to your talent specialization and cannot be respecced.
* You will eventually get all your ancient glyphs, but hardcore players will get them faster. There will be a weekly limit to how fast you can get them.

Raids & Dungeons Panels
Raids & Dungeons

* The concept of Ulduar teleports will be back in future instances including Icecrown Citadel. Developers do not want you to have to run for hours just to get back to a boss after a wipe.

Cross Server LFG

* This will let you PUG 5-man instances and search for groups through multiple servers.
* It will come with its own reward systems. If you're the leader of a PUG and complete the dungeon succesfully you will be rewarded.
* It should be out for patch 3.3.0.

Icecrown Citadel

* Icecrown Citadel will have 4 floors.
* It will be a 10 and 25 players raid with 12 bosses
* Waypoints / Teleporters are being reused here because the instance is really big.
* You will fight Sindragosa, the ultimate Frost Wyrm. You will also fight Arthas.
* The instance is built around the spire where the Ice Throne sits.
* At the 2nd floor, you will have to board an airship with your faction leader and race against the other faction to reach the 3rd floor. You will eventually board their ship with rocket packs and catapults to fight them.
* The 3rd floor seems to be the biggest one and will feature 3 wings
* The 4th floor is where you will fight Arthas

Icecrown Citadel - Dungeons

* The Icecrown Citadel will also feature a 5-man dungeon.
* It has 3 different wings and feature 8 bosses in total. You will have to unlock the 2nd and 3rd wings through an epic questline.
* You will fight alongside Horde and Alliance heroes.


* 4 Raids : Grim Batol, Skywall, The Firelands, Blackwing Descent
* Dungeons : Grim Batol, Uldum, Deepholme, Skywall, Abyssal Maw, Blackrock Caverns
* Old World Heroics: Deadmines, Shadowfang Keep

Abyssal Maw (LVL 78-82)

* Abyssal Maw is one of the two 5-player dungeons located in the Sunken City of Vashjir. It will be non-linear.
* It's a giant vortex in the center of the zone, getting near the vortex will pull you down to the elemental plane of water.
* The dungeon will be on the ocean's floor. You will be able to see the ocean through windows in the dungeon and will make an extensive use of the new water effects in Cataclysm.

Halls of Origination

* Halls of Origination will be a non-linear dungeon with elevators to access higher floors. It will feature 7 bosses.
* This is one of the first 5 players dungeon located in the lost deserts of Uldum
* This is the ultimate titan dungeon, it will feature a lot of titan's lore and you will meet Brann Bronzebeard once again here.

Lost City of Tol'vir

* Exterior 5-man dungeon

Blackrock Caverns

* Blackrock Caverns is an entirely new instance located inside Blackrock Mountains. It was a good occasion to reinvent a fan favorite.
* It is now an off-site base for Deathwing and it's now occupied by the Twilight's Hammer. You will find out why the Twilight's Hammer is here and what they want here.
* It will feature new art, loot, and creatures. The Beast still lurks ...

Blackwing Descent (Raid)

* Nefarian will return in this instance. This is an entirely new raid inspired by the original Blackwing lair with new loot, new art, new creatures.

The Firelands (Raid)

* The Firelands is the Elemental Plane of fire. You will fight Ragnaros again here and you will finally fight him at his full strength.

Onyxia 5th anniversary

* Onyxia is back with updated encounter mechanics. You will find new and updated loot here based on the original items with improved stats.
* Onyxia's 310% flying mount "Brood of Onyxia" is going to be a very very rare drop.

cross server lfg für 5er hört sich dufte an ^^
Grad wieder paar Runden Arena gemacht und ich hoffe, dass sie diesen "Luck-Faktor" irgendwie reduzieren. Kann nicht angehen, dass komplette Matches entschieden werden nur weil eine Fähigkeit verfehlt oder widerstanden wird. Das bringt mich immer auf 180 wenn wir dadurch ein schon praktisch gewonnenes Spiel doch noch verlieren - .-*

* Night Elves Mages have been added because it sounded pretty cool to have Elves using arcane when they shouldn't be anymore.
* Mage abilities like Molten Armor will be changed to use other stats since mages won't have Spirit anymore.

Ja, ne, ist klar...
Mehr Änderungen waren auch wahrlich nicht nötig. Lustig find ich vor allem, dass sie beim WL extra erwähnen:


* Warlock's survavibility wasn't really good at the start of Wrath of the Lich King, but they're in a pretty good place right now.

Moment... wer hat kein Self-Heal und kein Pet und kein Schutz usw.? :ugly:
nunja lol... wl hats mit überleben dennoch schwerer als mage atm.
erstens versteh ich net wieso der mage so schwach sein soll ?! alleine die arena rankings sprechen bände und zweitens, nur weil sie kaum was über mage gesagt haben, heißt das nicht dass dort nichtsmehr geändert wird bis zum addon.
bisher konnte jede klasse mit nem neuen addon im neuen glanz erstrahlen D:

es gibt aufjedenfall klassen die um einiges schlechter im pvp zu spielen sind als mage.
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