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Eindrücke zu Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth


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Eindrücke zu The Sky Crawlers

After getting some hands-on time with the completed upcoming air combat game, James gives his initial impressions.
The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces is an aerial combat based on an anime feature film of the same name. Developed by Project Aces, the developers of the Ace Combat series, Innocent Aces is built on the foundation of their key franchise.
The title employs a unique control scheme. In an attempt to replicate the two-stick controls of fighter aircraft, Innocent Aces makes use of the motion controls of both the Nunchuk and the Wii Remote. Tilting the Nunchuck works just like the control stick in an aircraft, controlling the direction of the nose of the plane. The Wii Remote lets you control the speed of your aircraft by tilting it up and back. At first it feels uncomfortable, forcing you to hold the controls out in order to maintain the neutral position; however, it does become more natural with time.
The fighting is much closer than the fights in Ace Combat titles. Head-to-head confrontations evolve into high speed pursuits. Pursuits become twisting dogfights.
The game looks nice, using a wide array of colors to accentuate the cartoon images. The game also features hand-drawn anime cinematics. The aircraft simply look fast and their designs are interesting and unique.
The sound is also very good. The engine whirs match those of a rotary engine, the clatter of machine guns ring out accurately, and the sound of shot down aircraft are appropriately unsettling. There is a lot of well-acted speech, punctuating every event. The game also sports very good music that does not appear to be from the movie. It's an audio treat!
Innocent Aces is looking good so far. We'll have to wait until we get closer to release before we can offer our verdict on just how good it is.
Sky Crawlers: The Innocent Aces releases in North America January 10, 2010.

> Quelle: http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/impressionsArt.cfm?artid=20666

Was ist Ultraman? :hmm2:

Weitere Details zu Red Steel 2

Coming from the most recent issue of Famitsu...
- in terms of content, the game is about 95% complete
- in terms of debugging, the game is about 90% complete
- the cel-shaded approach was taken in order to mesh better with the MotionPlus control
– movies such as Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai and Kim Ji-woon’s The Good, the Bad, the Weird were used as inspiration
- you can dual-wield guns at some point
- 40 different enemy types, bosses included
- there are three different enemy clans
- clan names such as "Kusagari" and "Katakara" don't really mean anything (although kusa does mean grass)

> Quelle: http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=109668
Pilotwings Wii ??? Erste Konzeptzeichnungen zu einem neuen Flugspiel

Es sind ersten Konzeptzeichnungen von Factor5 zu einem Flugspiel durchgesickert.



Ob es sich um ein Pilotwings handelt, kann man nicht sagen.
Es sind lediglich die ersten Konzeptentwürfe zu einem neuen Wii Spiel.
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Majesco kündigt 3D-Shooter exklusiv für Wii an

Majesco Entertainment Company gab soeben bekannt, dass man mit dem Shooter Attack of the Movies 3D das erste Spiel in 3D exklusiv auf die Wii bringen wird.

Ausgestattet mit vier 3D-Brillen tauchen die Spieler in dem Shooter in sechs verschiedene Filmwelten ein und müssen sich gegen Außerirdische Kampfschiffe, Unterwassermonster und übermächtige Maschinen behaupten.

“We all dream about being the hero in our favourite action movies,” said Gui Karyo, Executive Vice President of Operations for Majesco. “Attack of the Movies 3D lets you live that experience out with a realism and dimensionality previously only found in movie theaters.”

Das Spiel soll im Laufe des Sommers 2010 in Europa erscheinen.

quelle: wiiinsider
Renegade Kid würde gerne ein Dementium-Spiel für Wii entwickeln

Hier die Originalaussagevon Jools Watsham, CEO bei Renegade Kid, in einem Interview:

C3: What made you decide to put this sequel on DS rather than Wii or another format?
JW: There's an audience on the DS who wants it, so we wanted to deliver it to them. Mature rated games on the Wii seem to do worse than on the DS. You have to develop where it makes sense financially. Would we love to make Dementium Wii? Absolutely! Will a publisher pay us to do that? Absolutely not!
> Quelle: http://gonintendo.com
... wird hier überhaupt noch etwas gepostet? ?? Ist unser R_Kelly eigentlich noch da? ??
... wird hier überhaupt noch etwas gepostet? ?? Ist unser R_Kelly eigentlich noch da? ??

Wer weiß (-; Nein hier ist lange nix gepostet worden. Wir könne ja mal weiter machen :lol:

Auf der E3 wurde angekündigt/gezeigt für Wii

Zelda Skyward Sword
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Kirby Epic Yarn
Epic Mickey
Golden Eye Wii
Metroid Other M
Mario Sports Mix
Wii Party
Lets Dance 2
The Conduit 2
Sonic Colors
Raving Rabbids- Travel in Time
Lost in Shadows
De Blob 2

So korrigiert mich, was hab ich vergessen? Bestimmt vieles (-;
Ja alt, alles schon bekannt- Mir Egal^^
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