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Free Running heading to the Wii?

Apparently a listing has popped up in Europe that shows Free Running as an upcoming Wii title, though its date suggests it was already release, though we know that’s not true. The game if released on the Wii would be a port of he PS2 version that was release two years ago. Take it as a rumour for now.
Battle Rage: The Robot Wars


Battle Rage: The Robot Wars the third person shooter with elements of a beat’em’up game that allows a player to control giant robots. Battles between the robots take place on carefully selected battlegrounds (so called “arenas”) and they are short, quick, brutal skirmishes. Every robot has its own weapons (for melee and distance combat), additional weapon types can be collected on the arena.

* Single player and Multiplayer modes.
* Compelling mechanics (Rage, Rush, Power Triangle).
* Special Attacks (push, stun and other unique abilities for each robot).
* Robots allowed to fight with 3 weapons at the same time.
* 8 different robots.
* Weapon power-ups
* Unlockable extras
* 20 weapons.
* 10 arenas.

The Story

It all begun in 2036 with invention of The Drive Robot. After nearly a century of over population the earth turned its eyes towards the stars. First the Moon and then Mars had to submit to mankind’s expansion. Space became swarmed with shiny hulls of ships.

Space turned into an obsession with many explorers. It was an everyman’s dream to witness extraterrestrial wonders, at least once. But as many men found out, if want to explore the mysteries of Space you need more then just sheer determination.

It showed quickly how much space exploration was dependant on the robotic technologies that we created. So we built more - each bigger and more advanced than the previous. We designed metal giants in our own image. We considered them the finest tools in the history of craftsmanship.

The Golden Age of humanity was to last forever.

The Fall
Delighted with our creations and obsessed with modern technologies, we disregarded the teachings of our history, and many of Earth’s atrocities were forgotten. Theories emerged that lack of history would lead to the downfall of mankind.

If we would of listened, we would have saved thousands innocent lives. We died instead, like the passengers of the “Titanic”, driven by our vanity.

The lack of historical understanding left us unwilling to prevent tragic events. Tiny arguments between governments quickly became deadly wars. Robotic Technologies enabled individuals to turn a war into personal crusades.

Ironically, our greatest and most promising settlement “Mars” – turned into a flaming tomb for countless war machines. Where the luminous, glimmering cosmic cities once stood, heaps of junk laid – the only remnants left.

The „Mars” incident was a brick to the head for Mankind; we realized we were far from perfection. We had only one option left… to Battle!




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Robocalypse II in the works for Wii

Coming from a Linked In dev profile…

Micah Wright - Writer

Vogster Entertainment

(Privately Held; Computer Games industry)

December 2008 — Present (3 months)

Writer for Robocalypse II, the Nintendo Wii sequel to the award-winning Nintendo DS game “Robocalypse.”

Hopefully this project will actually make it to the Wii. Does anyone have any idea if the first Robocalyse sold well thus far?

Final Fantasy XII dev working on MadWorld

As if you needed more of a reason to pick up MadWorld. We’ve learned that yet another industry member with a big pedigree is involved with Platinum Games’ black-and-white opus. Vagrant Story, Tactics Ogre and FF12 designer Yasumi Matsuno has played a part in bringing MadWorld to the Wii. Mr. Matsuno worked on the scenarios for the game, and was included in the project by friend, Atsushi Inaba. It’s ridiculous just how many top-notch devs are working on this game!

Phantom Brave Wii Official


Today NIS America announced it will be publishing Phantom Brave: We Meet Again for the Wii this June. A port of a 2004 PlayStation 2 game, Phantom Brave offers a unique take on turn-based strategy. Instead of locking characters to a grid-based battlefield, players can freely move their units within a circular range. But perhaps the most unusual aspect of the game is the "confine" system by which the main character can summon allies to fight alongside her by confining souls inside random objects on the battlefield (rocks, plants, items).

We Meet Again will add new features and extra story chapters. The graphics are being touched up and the user-interface will receive a redesign.

Inafune talks about Capcom Wii support, Monster Hunter 3

“Of course the Wii is a very important part of our multi-platform strategy. Games like RE4 on the Wii and Umbrella Chronicles have done quite well for us, and of course there’s Monster Hunter. Although it isn’t too popular, it was the number one selling title in Japan last year. So that goes to show we are very serious about the Wii as a company. People say that third-party Wii games don’t sell in Japan, but I can honestly say that we are cutting no corners with Monster Hunter Tri. There’s a lot of pressure to make it succeed, and I’m sure there will be a lot of shocked gamers out there when they see just how good Monster Hunter Tri looks. Please don’t worry. We are putting a lot of effort into Wii as well.” - Keiji Inafune

Mr. Inafune goes out of his way to show us tell us that Monster Hunter 3 is a high-quality product. It’s almost like he’s apologizing for other projects.

House of the Dead: Overkill devs interested in making new Virtua Cop


Listen, we're for the advancement of realism and ethical dialogue in video games just as much as the next ludo-snob, but we can't help but miss the good old days when justice -- sweet, unwavering justice -- was dealt from the glassy tip of a Light Gun. Imagine our delight when we heard tell that Headstrong Games, developer of the overcompensating peripheral-packing zombie shooter House of the Dead: Overkill, had expressed interest in revitalizing another of Sega's classic franchises: Virtua Cop.

When pressed in a recent interview with Cubed3, Overkill producer Neil McEwen explained that Headstrong Games would "love to do Virtua Cop or another light gun game for Sega." According to McEwen, the collaboration began when Sega approached the developer with the hopes of working together on one of Sega's franchises. They ultimately settled on House of the Dead, but should the relationship continue, we might just see the return of everyone's favorite destruction-prone pair of virtual flatfeet.

Will Wright continues to love the Wii

I love Rock Band… I was also looking at some of the indy games like Braid, very nicely done, a fine jewel of a game. The scope of these games is what is important, they feel retro, because it’s not a huge gigantic feat with hours of game play, you can get into them in a couple of minutes. I have always liked the Wii stuff; it feels so out of the box. - Will Wright

Well, I hope Mr. Wright is really deep in development with Spore Hero. Unfortunately, I am thinking that he just has his name on the project.

Die Nintendo-Welt in Frankfurt


Nintendo-Welt erleben im MyZeil

Saturn-Filiale in Frankfurts neuem Einkaufstempel lädt zum Gaming in Nintendos Shop-in-Shop

Seit die futuristische Fassade des Einkaufs- und Erlebniszentrums MyZeil Gestalt annimmt, verdrehen die Passanten die Hälse nach Frankfurts neuer Top-Shoppingadresse. Ab dem Eröffnungstag, dem 26. Februar, werden sie auch im Inneren einiges zu bestaunen haben. So können Videospiel-Fans in der neuen Saturn-Filiale im MyZeil von morgens bis abends die vielseitige Welt von Nintendo erleben: Ein 32 Quadratmeter großer Shop-in-Shop, modern und wohnlich gestaltet, lädt erfahrene Gaming-Fans ebenso wie unerfahrene Spieler dazu ein, an sieben Spielstationen die aktuellen Software-Titel für die bewegungsgesteuerte Wii oder den tragbaren Nintendo DS zu testen.

Mit intuitiv einfach bedienbaren Konsolen und originellen Spielideen konnte Nintendo in den letzten Jahren Menschen aller Altersklassen für den Freizeitspaß Videospiel begeistern. Insbesondere Neueinsteiger benötigen dabei aufgrund der Vielzahl an Produkten Orientierung im Handel. Nintendos Shop-in-Shop in der Saturn-Filiale im MyZeil hält daher für jeden etwas bereit: Mit seiner einladenden Atmosphäre erleichtert er Einsteigern, z.B. älteren Erwachsenen, den Eintritt in die Welt der Videospiele, und lässt erfahrenen Spielern zugleich genügend Raum für ihr ausgiebiges Spielerlebnis. Zudem werden jeweils fr jeweils eitags und samstags Promotoren vor Ort sein, um die Saturn-Kunden beim Eintauchen in die Nintendo-Welt zu begleiten. Dort können sie die neuen Wii- und Nintendo DS-Spiele zum Training der körperlichen und geistigen Fitness kennenlernen, aber auch Erfahrungen mit klassischen Gamer-Titeln sammeln.

„Das überzeugendste Argument, sich für das Medium Videospiel zu begeistern, ist sicherlich das eigene Spielerlebnis“, sagt Roger Gundel, Head of Sales von Nintendo Deutschland. „Der neue Shop-in-Shop im MyZeil ermöglicht erfahrenen wie unerfahrenen Videospielern genau dieses Erlebnis – und eine Orientierung beim Ausflug in die vielseitige Nintendo-Welt.“

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