Wii - Diskussionsforum 2

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Frontliner schrieb:
ich kann nicht schauen :( bin am arbeitsplatz und muss arbeiten..bzw. müsste arbeiten..aber heir machts mehr spass :P :D

Deutsche Mentalität,so muss das sein :P

Ja,aber echt jetzt,ich will neue news,ich will nur ein kid Icarus,mehr nicht ;)


Mal schauen was in Europa mit dabei ist?!? 8-)

Quelle: http://wii.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=7606
9:20: It has begun. Perrin Kaplan has come to the stage and says that the presentation will be around an hour. Then, journalists will get the rest of the morning and afternoon to test out the games for themselves. Now, Reggie Fils-Aime has come to the stage with a big applause from the crowd.

:22: Reggie has initially starts off his speech (which will include price, date, and launch title amount) with: "today marks our next plan step in driving this industry forward, a multi-step process of bringing innovation to the marketplace." He also mentions that the "next step in gaming is bringing gaming back to the masses."
9:20: It has begun. Perrin Kaplan has come to the stage and says that the presentation will be around an hour. Then, journalists will get the rest of the morning and afternoon to test out the games for themselves. Now, Reggie Fils-Aime has come to the stage with a big applause from the crowd.

9:22: Reggie has initially starts off his speech (which will include price, date, and launch title amount) with: "today marks our next plan step in driving this industry forward, a multi-step process of bringing innovation to the marketplace." He also mentions that the "next step in gaming is bringing gaming back to the masses."
glaubt ihr das es 250€ bei uns werden? 250$ sind ja nur 198€, da wären 250€ schon etwas happig.

die japaner zahlen dann 170€, die amerikaner 198€(inkl wiisports) und wir 250€ :-? :oops:

find ich bissle unfair aber das ist man ja schon gewohnt hier in europa. wir werden immer gemolken....
Ok ich schaff es nicht. :hmpf:

Wie komme ich jetzt an einen Live-Stream?

Auf euren Seiten, muss ich mich entweder anmelden, oder finde nichts.
tweaker06 schrieb:
glaubt ihr das es 250€ bei uns werden? 250$ sind ja nur 198€, da wären 250€ schon etwas happig.

die japaner zahlen dann 170€, die amerikaner 198€(inkl wiisports) und wir 250€ :-? :oops:

find ich bissle unfair aber das ist man ja schon gewohnt hier in europa. wir werden immer gemolken....

Glaub mir im Grunde zahlen wir fast das Selbe. Mit den Steuersätzen etc. gleicht sich sowas fast aus.
Würde aber davon asugehen das wir mit 229€ rechnen können :)

9:06: All of the press and online journalists have begun to flow into the auditorium, with plenty of TVs and playable Wii stations around the room. The live press conference will be beginning soon.

9:20: It has begun. Perrin Kaplan has come to the stage and says that the presentation will be around an hour. Then, journalists will get the rest of the morning and afternoon to test out the games for themselves. Now, Reggie Fils-Aime has come to the stage with a big applause from the crowd.

9:22: Reggie has initially starts off his speech (which will include price, date, and launch title amount) with: "today marks our next plan step in driving this industry forward, a multi-step process of bringing innovation to the marketplace." He also mentions that the "next step in gaming is bringing gaming back to the masses."

9:25: Reggie then mentions how the Nintendo DS has allowed Nintendo to expand the appeal of video games, "by changing the definition of what a video-game is." Talked about is the example of the Touch Generations titles, as "supplementing your life instead of replacing it." He also mentions the success of NEW Super Mario Bros. as selling over one million in 12 weeks.

geht mal alle da drauf, die scheinen aktueller und schneller zu sein

19 November, also definitiv vor Japan :-)
9:28: It is official. The Wii will go on sale November 19th. The worldwide debut happens in North America - the same place they debuted the DS. With over 25,000 points of distribution, the price will be $249.99, with one price, one configuration, and one color. This is a grand total of 4 million Wii consoles being available during the the 33 days between launch and December.
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