Hoovey schrieb:
Gamulkas :-? :-? :-? :happy4:
Bitte? Willst du mir irgendwas sagen? :-?
Meine aktuelle Spieleliste:
1. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle 10/15
2. Super Smash Bros. Melee 13/15
3. Die Sims 4/15
4. Lost Kingdoms 6/15
5. Jeremy McGrath Supercross World 6/15
6. Pikmin 9/15
7. Starfox Adventures 9/15
8. Soul Calibur 2 11/15
9. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life 8/15
10. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 12/15
11. Metroid Prime 12/15
12. FIFA Street 10/15
13. ISS 2 11/15
14. Killer7 9/15
15. Need for Speed: Underground 2 9/15
16. Godzilla: Destroy all Monsters Melee 6/15
17. Mario Party 5 8/15
18. Metroid Prime 2 11/15
19. Eternal Darkness: Sanitys Requiem 8/15
20. Medal of Honor: Frontline 8/15
21. Knockout Kings 2003 6/15
22. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles 7/15
23. Tony Hawks pro Skater 4 10/15
24. Smugglers Run: Warzones 9/15
25. Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II 11/15
26. Phantasy Star Online: Episode III C.A.R.D. Revolution 11/15
27. Mario Kart: Double Dash 12/15
28. Mario Smash Football 11/15
29. Shadow the Hedgehog 8/15
30. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance 12/15
31. Starfox Assault 7/15
32. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within 9/15
33. NFL Street 7/15
34. Die Hard: Vendetta Stirb langsam 3/15
35. Wave Race: Blue Storm 7/15
36. Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg 8/15
37. Spartan: Total Warrior 10/15
38. Speed Challenge Jacques Villeneuve´s Racing Vision 3/15
39. FIFA Street 2 11/15
40. Star Wars: Roque Leader 7/15
41/42. Donkey Konga 12/15
43. Tales of Symphonia 14/15
44. F-Zero GX 9/15
45. Viewtiful Joe 2 9/15
46. Animal Crossing 9/15
47. Wario Ware, Inc. 8/15
48. FIFA Fußball Weltmeisterschaft 2002 7/15
49. Micro Machines 7/15
50. Sonic Riders 11/15
51. Sonic Mega Collection 6/15
52. Sonic Heroes 8/15
53. Zelda: Four Swords Adventures 8/15
54. Viewtiful Joe
55. Paper Mario 11/15
56. Kirby Air Ride 4/15
57. Winni Puuh: Kunterbunte Abenteuer 8/15
58. Gun 10/15
59. Dancing Stage Mario Mix 10/15
60. P.N.03 8/15
61. Odama 8/15
62. Ikaruga 9/15
63. Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble
64. Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt 6/15
65. Geist 10/15
67. Tom Clancy´s Rainbow Six Lockdown
68. Captain Tsubasa: Golden Generation Challenge (jp. Version) 9/15
69. Mario Power Tennis
Aber ich werd mir noch so ca. 6 Spiele holen damit meine Sammlung komplett ist!