NGC Wieviele NGC Spiele besitzt Ihr derzeit ? --- [09.02.2007]

  • Thread-Ersteller Thread-Ersteller Hoovey
  • Erstellungsdatum Erstellungsdatum

Wie ist der Stand der Dinge ?

  • Stimmen insgesamt
Cool, dann schick ich dir gleich mal ne PN, oder du mir. Und vll kann man sich da preislich einigen auch wenn ich ein wenig geizig in der Hinsicht bin! ;)

Ich glaub, es wird wieder Zeit deine Rangliste zu machen, wenn du dafür wieder Zeit und Lust hast! :)
Gamulkas schrieb:
Ich glaub, es wird wieder Zeit deine Rangliste zu machen, wenn du dafür wieder Zeit und Lust hast! :)
...ja Kollege, mir fehlt NUR die Zeit dazu :) .
Also noch etwas Geduld :love7: .
Das hat doch keine Eile, mein Kollege! :)

Den bald wird es ja ein Thread mit dem Namen "Wieviele Wii spiele besitzt ihr derzeit?" geben. :suprised:
Mal ein kleines Update meinerseits. Habe zwei Spiele verkauft und somit noch 12 Spiele:

1. Baten Kaitos
2. Eternal Darkness
3. F-Zero GX
4. Metroid Prime
5. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
6. Pikmin
7. Resident Evil 4
8. Starfox Adventures
9. Super Mario Sunshine
10. Super Smash Bros. Melee
11. Tales Of Symphonia
12. The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Hab heute endlich Zelda Four Swords (Spiel Nummer 33 glaub ich) gekauft und somit ist meine Zelda Sammlung nun komplett 8-)
Hmm, hab ja total vergessen noch Twilight Princess hier einzutragen^^

So, dann will ich mal:


Game Number 99 :P
Hallo allerseits,

ich bin Neumitglied und das wird mein 1. Beitrag werden. Ich bin 20 und eigentlich PC-Zocker, jedoch habe ich auch einen Gamecube mit dem ich immer mit meinem Bruder zusammenspiele. Außerdem bin ich Nintendo Fan und möchte Nintendo gerne wieder als Marktführer sehen wie zu den guten alten SNES Zeiten :lol:

Meine bisherige Sammlung:









Hier mal ne aktuelle Liste :blushed:

1. Resident Evil Zero
2. Resident Evil
3. Resident Evil 2
4. Resident Evil 3
5. Resident Evil Code Veronica X
6. Resident Evil 4
7. Viewtiful Joe
8. Viewtiful Joe 2
9. P.N.03
10. Rogue Ops
11. Killer 7
12. Battalion Wars
13. Geist
14. Gun
15. Metal Gear Solid - The Twin Snakes
16. Bloody Roar – Primal Fury
17. Dragonball Z Budokai
18. Blood Rayne
19. Eternal Darkness – Sanity’s Requiem
20. Knights of the Temple – Infernal Crusade
21. Beyond Good & Evil
22. Starfox Adventure
23. Starfox Assault
24. Prince of Persia – The Sand of Time
25. Prince of Persia – Warrior Within
26. Prince of Persia – The Two Thrones
27. Spartan – Total Warrior
28. Spider-Man 2
29. Ultimate Spiderman
30. Fantastic Four
31. X–Men Legends II
32. Second Sight
33. Enter the Matrix
34. Pokemon Colloseum
35. Pokemon XD – Der Dunkle Sturm
36. Donkey Konga
37. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
38. Peter Jackson’s King Kong
39. Sphinx und die Verfluchte Mumie
40. The Legend of Zelda – Four Swords Adventure
41. The Legend of Zelda – Collector’s Edtion
42. The Legend of Zelda – Windwaker
43. The Legend of Zelda – Ocarina of Time/ Masterquest
44. Luigi’s Mansion
45. Tales of Symphonia
46. Baten Kaitos – Die Schwingen der Ewigkeit und der verlorene Ozean
47. Fire Emblem – Path of Radiance
48. Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell
49. Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Pandorra Tomorrow
50. Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Chaos Theorie
51. Metroid Prime
52. Metroid Prime 2 – Echoes
53. The Sum of all Fears
54. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six 3
55. Die Hard – Vendetta
56. Freedom Fighters
57. Dead to Rights
58. True Crime – New York City
59. Call of Duty – Finest Hour
60. Call of Duty 2 – Big Red One
61. Turok – Evolution
62. NHL Hitz 2003
63. James Bond 007 - Agent im Kreuzfeuer
64. Goldeneye: Rogue Agent
65. Evolution World
66. Die Chroniken von Narnia – Der König von Narnia
67. Lost Kingdom
68. Lost Kingdom 2
69. Kirby Air Ride
70. Animal Crossing
71. Doshin the Giant
72. Super Smash Bros. Melee
73. Pikmin
74. Tony Hawk – American Wasteland
75. SSX Tricky
76. SSX 3
77. 1080° Avalanche
78. NBA Courtside 2002
79. FIFA Weltmeisterschaft 2002
80. FIFA Weltmeisterschaft 2006
81. NFL Street
82. Wave Race – Blue Storm
83. F1 2002
84. WWE – Day of Reckoning 2
85. Star Wars – Clone Wars
86. Star Wars Bounty Hunter
87. Star Wars Rogue Squadron II – Rogue Leader
88. Star Wars Rogue Squadron III – Rebel Srike
89. Mario Party 4
90. Mario Party 5
91. Mario Kart Double Dash
92. Super Mario Sunshine
93. Soul Calibur II
Hab mir eben noch 5 Cube Spiele, im Saturn vom Grabbeltisch (alles 10€ - 19% Mehrwertsteuer), geholt!

-Viewtiful Joe: Redhot Rumble
-Rainbow Six: Lockdown
-Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt
Nr. 70 - Second Sight

Nr. 71 - Shadow the Hedgehog

Nr. 72 - Skies of Arcadia Legends

Hab wieder ein neues Game in meiner Sammlung begrüßen können!

-Mario Power Tennis

PS. Ein Danke an Fyn, für den günsitgen Preis! :love7:
Nintendo GameCube CW RANGLIST:
( letztes UP-DATE: 27.01.2007 )

CW - Top 46

1st__GoTchA.................................= 204 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 03.06.2006
..2nd__Captain Smoker....................= ..99 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 18.12.2006
..3rd__badpiccolo............................= ..93 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 24.12.2006
..4th__-BB-.....................................= ..90 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 28.86.2006 ---> _1 Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disk
..4th__ArthurDent/Zaphod...............= ..90 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 05.09.2006
..5th__Master H...............................= ..87 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 24.09.2006

..6th__JethroT./JethroTull................= ..83 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 28.02.2006
..7th__SaiBot..................................= ..72 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 24.01.2007 ---> _7 Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disk
..8th__sebbbbe...............................= ..71 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 16.01.2007
..9th__Gamulkas.............................= ..69 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 27.01.2007
10th__Oggo...................................= ..67 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 23.06.2005
10th__trommel...............................= ..67 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 07.12.2005

11th__stophle.................................= ..65 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 28.10.2006
12th__shadowman (Crew).................= ..63 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 30.10.2006
13th__America`s Most Wanted.........= ..60 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 16.01.2007
14th__Lestrange.............................= ..50 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 21.03.2006
15th__darth-vader87.......................= ..49 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 31.10.2006
15th__Tom Nook.............................= ..49 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 17.03.2006

16th__Blackvirus.............................= ..42 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 06.10.2006
17th__Junger-Link...........................= ..39 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 15.06.2006
18th__TheCandyMan666..................= ..36 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 01.06.2006
19th__VJ........................................= ..35 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 04.06.2006
19th__Link's adventure....................= ..35 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 01.06.2006
20th__adaa....................................= ..34 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 07.08.2006
20th__sebi88..................................= ..34 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 31.08.2006

21th__Roon....................................= ..33 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 31.08.2006
21th__Silberdrache.........................= ..33 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 01.06.2006
21th__Leon.....................................= ..33 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 02.12.2006
22th__--NeXuS--.............................= ..32 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 27.05.2006
23th__Starlord................................= ..29 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 21.05.2006
23th__Mugen..................................= ..29 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 18.05.2006
24th__jesse_blue............................= ..28 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 11.10.2006
24th__V-King..................................= ..28 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 01.06.2006
25th__Cubestar2003........................= ..27 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 13.06.2006
25th__MoK......................................= ..27 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 13.06.2006 ---> _2 Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disk

26th__Coreian.................................= ..26 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 19.10.2006
26th__Darkeagle..............................= ..26 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 19.10.2006
27th__Furo......................................= ..24 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 02.06.2006
28th__flo88.....................................= ..23 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 04.06.2006
29th__MuhMuh.................................= ..22 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 17.09.2006
29th__SilentSin................................= ..22 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 09.10.2006
30th__EleMenTe...............................= ..20 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 19.06.2006

31th__guts......................................= ..19 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 12.09.2006
32th__quirl......................................= ..17 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 22.08.2006
32th__D.A._King..............................= ..17 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 16.06.2006
33th__hoiji......................................= ..16 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 30.06.2006
34th__HiPhish..................................= ..15 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 25.08.2006
35th__nasagoal (Mod).......................= ..14 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 04.09.2006
35th__PresidentEvil..........................= ..14 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 08.10.2006
35th__Tester Do!.............................= ..14 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 25.06.2006

36th__Kalas....................................= ..13 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 09.10.2006
36th__devilsCrow............................= ..13 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 04.06.2006
37th__Silentium...............................= ..12 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 02.12.2006
37th__AnGer...................................= ..12 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 06.07.2006
38th__N-Man...................................= ..11 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 19.12.2006
39th__Yamchu.................................= ..10 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 31.08.2006
40th__Sardello................................= ..09 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 08.10.2006
40th__Lord of Destruction................= ..09 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 24.12.2006

41th__sMuggY................................= ..08 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 16.08.2006
42th__One Winged Angel.................= ..06 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 03.06.2006
43th__soul destroyer.......................= ..05 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 30.10.2006
44th__Mog (Mod)..............................= ..03 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 08.10.2006
44th__Pinaccle................................= ..03 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 20.10.2006
44th__einschnaehkeee....................= ..03 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 19.06.2006
45th__Wii(rus)...............................= ..02 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 24.09.2006
45th__DarthSol..............................= ..02 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 10.10.2006

46th__Fabula.................................= ..01 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 08.10.2006

_____Hoovey................................= ..81 [Nintendo GameCube Games] --- 24.07.2006 ---> 17 Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disk

Gamulkas :-? :-? :-? :happy4:
Mal wieder ein Update:

1. Auto Modellista U.S. tuned (JAP)
2. Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
3. Baten Kaitos
4. Baten Kaitos Origins
5. Batman Begins
6. Battalion Wars
7. Beyond Good & Evil
8. Biohazard (JAP)
9. Biohazard 0 (JAP)
10. Call of Duty 2 - Big Red One
11. Dancing Stage Mario Mix
12. Dark Summit
13. Def Jam: Fight for New York
14. Der Herr der Ringe: Das dritte Zeitalter
15. Der Herr der Ringe: Die Rückkehr des Königs
16. Donkey Kong Jungle Beats
17. Donkey Konga
18. Donkey Konga (JAP)
19. Donkey Konga 2
20. Donkey Konga 2 (JAP)
21. Donkey Konga 2 (US)
22. Donkey Konga 3 (JAP)
23. ESPN International Winter Sports
24. Fantastic Four
25. Fifa Street 2
26. Fight Night Round 2
27. Final Fantasy Christal Chronicles
28. Findet Nemo
29. Fire Emblem - Path of Radiance
30. F-Zero GX
31. Geist
32. Goblin Commander
33. Gun
34. Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens
35. Ikaruga
36. Karaoke Revolution Party (US)
37. Killer 7
38. Legends of Wrestling 2
39. Lego Star Wars
40. Lego Star Wars II
41. Lemony Snicket - Rätselhafte Ereignisse
42. Luigi's Mansion
43. Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
44. Mario Kart: Double Dash
45. Mario Party 5
46. Mario Power Tennis
47. Mario Smash Football
48. Mario Superstar Baseball
49. Mega Man Anniversary Collection (US)
50. Mega Man X - Command Mission
51. Mega Man X Collection (US)
52. Metroid Prime
53. Metroid Prime 2: Echos
54. Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance
55. Mortal Kombat Deception (US)
56. NBA Street V3
57. Need for Speed: Carbon
58. Need for Speed: Most Wanted
59. NHL 06
60. Odama
61. P.N.03
62. Pac Man World 3
63. Phantasy Star Online I & II
64. Phantasy Star Online III
65. Prince of Persia: Sans of Time
66. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
67. Puyo Pop Fever
68. R:Racing
69. Radilgy / Radirgy / Rajirugi -GeneriC- (JAP)
70. Resident Evil
71. Resident Evil - Code Veronica X
72. Resident Evil 2
73. Resident Evil 3
74. Resident Evil 4
75. Resident Evil 4 (UK PAL)
76. Resident Evil 4 (US)
77. Resident Evil 4 (US) - Collector's Tin
78. Resident Evil 4 (US) - Preview Disc
79. Resident Evil Zero
80. Shadow the Hedgehog
81. Soul Calibur II
82. Spartan: Total Warrior
83. Splinter Cell
84. Star Wars Rebel Strike
85. Star Wars Rebel Strike (US) - Preview Disc
86. Starfox Adventures
87. Starfox Assault
88. Super Mario Sunshine
89. Super Monkey Ball
90. Tales of Symphonia
91. The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition
92. The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure
93. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
94. Tony Hawk American Wasteland
95. True Crime: New York City
96. Ultimate Spiderman
97. Viewtiful Joe
98. Viewtiful Joe 2
99. Viewtiful Joe 3
100. World Racing - Mercedes Benz
101. WWE Day of Reckoning 2
102. X-Men III
103. X-Men Legends
104. X-Men Legends 2

+ 5 Interactive Demo Discs
Hoovey schrieb:
Gamulkas :-? :-? :-? :happy4:
Bitte? Willst du mir irgendwas sagen? :-?

Meine aktuelle Spieleliste:

1. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle 10/15
2. Super Smash Bros. Melee 13/15
3. Die Sims 4/15
4. Lost Kingdoms 6/15
5. Jeremy McGrath Supercross World 6/15
6. Pikmin 9/15
7. Starfox Adventures 9/15
8. Soul Calibur 2 11/15
9. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life 8/15
10. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 12/15
11. Metroid Prime 12/15
12. FIFA Street 10/15
13. ISS 2 11/15
14. Killer7 9/15
15. Need for Speed: Underground 2 9/15
16. Godzilla: Destroy all Monsters Melee 6/15
17. Mario Party 5 8/15
18. Metroid Prime 2 11/15
19. Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem 8/15
20. Medal of Honor: Frontline 8/15
21. Knockout Kings 2003 6/15
22. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles 7/15
23. Tony Hawk’s pro Skater 4 10/15
24. Smugglers Run: Warzones 9/15
25. Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II 11/15
26. Phantasy Star Online: Episode III C.A.R.D. Revolution 11/15
27. Mario Kart: Double Dash 12/15
28. Mario Smash Football 11/15
29. Shadow the Hedgehog 8/15
30. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance 12/15
31. Starfox Assault 7/15
32. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within 9/15
33. NFL Street 7/15
34. Die Hard: Vendetta – Stirb langsam 3/15
35. Wave Race: Blue Storm 7/15
36. Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg 8/15
37. Spartan: Total Warrior 10/15
38. Speed Challenge Jacques Villeneuve´s Racing Vision 3/15
39. FIFA Street 2 11/15
40. Star Wars: Roque Leader 7/15
41/42. Donkey Konga 12/15
43. Tales of Symphonia 14/15
44. F-Zero GX 9/15
45. Viewtiful Joe 2 9/15
46. Animal Crossing 9/15
47. Wario Ware, Inc. 8/15
48. FIFA Fußball Weltmeisterschaft 2002 7/15
49. Micro Machines 7/15
50. Sonic Riders 11/15
51. Sonic Mega Collection 6/15
52. Sonic Heroes 8/15
53. Zelda: Four Swords Adventures 8/15
54. Viewtiful Joe
55. Paper Mario 11/15
56. Kirby Air Ride 4/15
57. Winni Puuh: Kunterbunte Abenteuer 8/15
58. Gun 10/15
59. Dancing Stage Mario Mix 10/15
60. P.N.03 8/15
61. Odama 8/15
62. Ikaruga 9/15
63. Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble
64. Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt 6/15
65. Geist 10/15
67. Tom Clancy´s Rainbow Six Lockdown
68. Captain Tsubasa: Golden Generation Challenge (jp. Version) 9/15
69. Mario Power Tennis


Aber ich werd mir noch so ca. 6 Spiele holen damit meine Sammlung komplett ist! :blushed:
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