1 Animal Crossing (US)
2 Battalion Wars
3 Beach Spikers
4 Blood Omen 2
5 Blood Rayne (US)
7 Buffy Chaos Bleeds
8 Conflict: Desert Storm II
9 Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
10 Donkey Konga
11 Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem
12 F- Zero GX
13 FIFA Football 2004
14 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
15 Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance
16 Goldeneye Roque Agent
17 Gun
18 Hunter The Reckoning
19 Madden 2005
20 Mario Kart: Double Dash mit Zelda Collectors Edition
21 Medal of Honor Frontline
22 Medal of Honor Rising Sun
23 Mega Man Anniversary Collection (US)
24 Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes
25 Metroid Prime
26 Metroid Prime 2 Echoes
27 NFL Street
28 Odama
29 Pikmin
30 Puyo Pop Fever
31 R: Racing mit PacmanVS
32 Red Faction II
33 Resident Evil
34 Resident Evil 2 (UK)
35 Resident Evil 3 (UK)
36 Resident Evil 4 (UK)
37 Resident Evil Code Veronica X (UK)
38 Resident Evil Zero
39 Second Sight
40 Sega Soccer Slam
41 Serious Sam
42 Smuggler's Run Warzones
43 Soul Calibur II (UK)
44 Starwars Rogue Squadron III Rebel Strike
45 Super Smash Bros.Melee
46 Tales of Symphonia
47 The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
48 The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker mit Bonus Disk
49 The Simpsons Road Rage
50 TimeSplitters 2
51 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
52 Tom Clancy's Spinter Cell Chaos Theory
53 True Crime: NYC
54 Turok: Evolution
55 Viewtiful Joe
56 Warioware, Inc.: Mega Party Game$!
57 Wave Race: Blue Storm
58 Worms 3D
Neues Spiel ;-) (Dank an GabbeRRocka!)
Eben noch zwei Hits bei play verschickt worden