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Das machts nicht besser wenn offenbar keiner weiß wie man zu dem kommt.

nutzt ja auch keiner aus guten Gründen den Windows Store. MS ist gut dabei die Spieler da fern zu halten :v:

Aber rausfinden wie man eine Win Store App schließen kann ist jetzt auch nicht eine Meisterleistung :ugly:
Gears of War 4 Gets a New Teaser for “The Nightmare Reborn” Trailer


Remedy Shows How Quantum Break’s Amazing Graphics Are Created; Evaluates DirectX 12’s Performance

If you’re curious to see how Quantum Break‘s impressive graphics are generated step by step as lighting shading and effects are added, you have come to the right place, thanks to a presentation by Remedy Entertainment Graphics Programmer Ville Timonen, hosted at GDC in San Francisco.

Quantum Break uses an in-house engine aptly named Northlight. It was first used in Alan Wake and ported to DirectX 12 for the latest game.

Below you can see how Northlight renders an image in the game, with each step adding a new rendering element.

Wargaming Predicts 69 Million Active PS4 Vs 39 Million Xbox One by 2019; 2X F2P Revenue on PSN Vs Xbox Live

Wargaming Creative Director and Executive Producer TJ Wagner hosted a panel at GDC 2016 titled “Disrupting the Console Space with Free-to-Play,” and it included all sorts of interesting information on the performance and implementation of World of Tanks on PS4 and Xbox One, on top of Wargaming’s predictions for the future of the console market.

Here are a few interesting points we learned:

World of Tanks is the most successful free to play game on PS4, Xbox One and Xbox 360.
There are 18 million Xbox 360 consoles active online, 19 million Xbox One consoles and 36 million PS4 consoles according to Wargaming.
Wargaming considers 26 million Xbox 360 users, 18 million Xbox One users and 32 million PS4 users as its potential user base.
BioWare Founder on PS4/Xbox One Upgrades: It'd Be a "Gigantic Pain in the Ass"

"I'd say that'd be a gigantic pain in the ass that flies in the face of the purpose of consoles," he said. "It's funny, there's actually some stories behind that. For example, the original Xbox...Microsoft actually had multiple different DVD drives. They didn't tell anyone that, but as a developer you discovered that you have different performance and sometimes you'd have these boxes of refurbished drives and different brands and different equipment. It caused incredible variability."

Zeschuk went on to say the benefit of having locked system specs as consoles currently do is that it's clear to developers what they are working with.

"The whole purpose of consoles is the set of requirements that you work against from a hardware perspective," he said. "To change that is complete lunacy."

"It's almost like Microsoft may feel that Sony got overpowered versus them at the start, and maybe wants to kind of catch up," he said. "And Sony's like, 'Well, if you want to do that, we'll play this game.'"

Whatever the reason, Zeschuk isn't on board with the idea.

"I just think it's bad," he said. "I think, 'lock it' and let developers do their thing. But at the end of the day, if you can focus your development effort on one set of hardware requirements and target, you are going to get a better result. It's easier than having to split it, adding more people, having to port things across."

"It's like dipping your toe back into the PC pool where you have to consider all these things. It was nice on console not having to consider like performance sliders. But it's just crazy. I guess maybe [Microsoft and Sony] feel the need to."
Tabata spricht ein wenig über die (mögliche) PC Version von Final Fantasy XV:

- If there were to be a PC version, Tabata wants it to be a different kind of project
- Would like to use the PC version as a tech showcase
- PC version would have latest tech not possible with console limitations
- But if they proceed with this kind of project, they will have to do a tech overhaul and redo some R&D to see what new tech they can use to "rebuild the game."
- Wants to do it once console version is finished, although plans not set in stone

meine 2 cent: hat intern schon lange grünes Licht bekommen, sonst würde er da nichtmal drüber reden
Tabata spricht ein wenig über die (mögliche) PC Version von Final Fantasy XV:

- If there were to be a PC version, Tabata wants it to be a different kind of project
- Would like to use the PC version as a tech showcase
- PC version would have latest tech not possible with console limitations
- But if they proceed with this kind of project, they will have to do a tech overhaul and redo some R&D to see what new tech they can use to "rebuild the game."
- Wants to do it once console version is finished, although plans not set in stone

meine 2 cent: hat intern schon lange grünes Licht bekommen, sonst würde er da nichtmal drüber reden

2 oder 3 Jahre auf den port warten? :v:
Destiny creative lead resigns from Bungie

CJ Cowan, the story lead on the multiplayer shooter Destiny, has left Bungie after 13 years at the company.

Cowan's first job in the games industry was at Interplay, which he joined in 1999 as lead animator. From there he joined Bungie in 2003, where his first role was cinematic designer on Halo 2. He then ascended to director of cinematics for Halo 3, Halo: ODST and Halo: Reach, before moving on to Destiny back in 2009.

When Cowan resigned last week, his title was "creative lead, story," a position he had held since November 2015.
SiriusXM launching a daily eSports show

Yet another mainstream media company is getting into the world of eSports coverage

Final Fantasy XV’s Biggest Internal Discussion Was on Making the Game Open World or Not

Final Fantasy XV is now identified as an open world RPG, but it hasn’t always been that way, and there was a period in which the team was not exactly of one mind on taking that approach, as explained by Game Director Hajime Tabata during an interview on 4Gamer.

We learn that the biggest argument during development was on whether or not to use open world technology for the game. Especially part of the engineers thought that since the game was based on a story progression, it would have been better to go with switching maps with an event-driven system, and focusing on enriching the content. There were also some who thought that by making an open world game, they would increase the chances of it failing.

Final Fantasy XV’s DLC Will Be Detailed this Summer: Tabata Talks Frame Rate, PC and More

After the Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV event, Director Hajime Tabata has been very talative about many aspects of the game that were kept under wraps before. He provided some more color about some interesting elements like DLC and frame rate during an interview on the French site JeuxVideo.

Here are a few points he made:
It’s difficult to provide a precise number of people who work on Final Fantasy XV, but a rough estimate is 300 worldwide.

It’s also difficult to provide a precise percentage of completion for the development of the game. The localization phase has already begun, but development is in a stage advanced enough to be able to confidently announce the release date.

There will be a little bit less cinematic cutscenes than in previous Final Fantasy games. Instead of putting a lot of cinematic in the game itself, Square Enix preferred to create a feature Length film with Kingsglaive.

At the moment, the team is working hard on balance between different environments, and on little details like the amount of experience gained, the progression necessary to increase in level, the balance of power between different weapons and the speed of attack animations. Engineers are working on optimization, and artists are focused on polishing.

The team is currently optimizing the frame rate. They’re aiming to find a balance between what is shown on the screen and the optimization behind it. At the moment for Final Fantasy XV the team has finalized what we’re going to see on the screen, and now the team is able to use all the remaining time to make sure that the frame rate will be better.

The team also wants to make sure that there isn’t a disconnect between the spirit of the game and the real experience of the player. What matters the most is the sensation of the game more than a list of numbers.

You have to customize the Regalia in order to make it fly. Once that it’s done, all you have to do is to press a button to turn it into a flying machine.

The announcement on the nature of the DLC coming for the game will be made in the summer. The plan is for DLC to prolong the pleasure of playing the game. The team doesn’t want ordinary DLC. They’re aiming to create DLC that will actually create enthusiasm among the players.

Tabata-san is interested in doing a PC version after the console version, and the reason for that is that it would allow to push the game to a new technical level. He would like a version of Final Fantasy XV even more technically elaborate, integrating things that the team couldn’t do due to the limitations of console technology.

In order to achieve that, it would be necessary to begin almost from zero, and do research on what kind of technology to use. It wouldn’t be a simple port of the console version.

Nintendo’s Mobile Title Miitomo Racked Up 1.6 Million Downloads in First Four Days of US Release

Nintendo’s first major foray into the mobile market, Miitomo, has amassed 1.6 million downloads in its first four days of its US release, according to the industry-tracking firm Sensor Tower.

The number includes both Android and iOS numbers from March 31st through April 3rd, but does not include the time the app spent in the number one slot on the download chart. Currently Sensory Tower has Miitomo at number 10 on the downloaded list.
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