PlatformWAR WAR - Der Thread (Konsolen, PC, Mobile)

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So viel zum denial mode, du verzweifelter Schwätzer :D

Most times I boot up Nier, FAR requires an update, which aborts the boot process.

It also gets grumpy if I try to start the game while running FRAPS, which, fine, but it’s pretty pushy about it.

While FAR does seem to help with some performance issues, I still get odd hitches and frame-rate drops from time to time.
Given the hardware I’m using, it doesn’t feel like those should be happening.

And I’ve seen plenty of people reporting all manner of crashes and freezes that FAR doesn’t claim to address in the first place.

Die besten Teile haste ausgelassen.
Wolltest dir wohl wieder deine Pika Likes abholen, ne?
es gibt noch Leute die benutzen Fraps? Mit Fraps gibt es unabhängig vom Spiel gerne mal performanceprobleme :ugly:

FAR update, oh wie schlimm 100kb runter zu laden, jetzt sind Updates von Mods bzw support schon ein negativpunkt :ugly:

das hier hingegen ist die ultimative Konsolenerfahrung:
one of my favorite streamers who calls himself "Demolition_D" was streaming this game and he plays the game on the standard PS4 (not slim or the Pro). I was there to witness his despair when the game fails on him.

So first time he was at the forest and he cleared out the whole area as well as doing a side quest. He did not quick save yet. Then later, we see a weird graphical glitch where some assets were flickering. Then after that, a faded bar shows up and says something along the lines of "map loading" and it was pretty much stuck there. Music is still playing and the loading icon is still moving, but it was stuck there. So he had to reset it and the chat went wild since we thought it was hilarious.

Second time he was at the city ruins and he saw a floating building. Being a Nier/Drakengard fanboy he is, he does his best to just ignore it and try to avoid the viewers from taking notice, even though it was right there! Next thing you know, crashed! He was so drunk that he forgot to save for 2 and a half hours!

I realised that these game crashes are so foreshadowed. Because a weird graphic or asset glitch comes in first, then after that it comes the crash.

I'm playing this game on my PS4 Pro. Never got a weird graphical glitch. Frames do drop and it still has the stuttering issue. The worst I got was textures failed to load in quick enough even though I'm near it, but that was it. 36 hours in and still no crash, yet it happens to Demolition_D on his standard PS4.

Currently on route B and so far I've experienced tons of bugs/glitches.
There were 3 times I had the "loading map" message because the textures failed to load and had to restart the game. The game also crashed once I was just running around in Pascal's Village. The game audio vanished one time when I used overclock as 9S, there was also one when you fight the goliaths in the city and two of them spawned at the same place and started clipping through each other. Constant frame rate drops/shutter, also fell out of the world once and various other small bugs.

Playing on regular PS4. Lots of texture streaming issues and stutters caused most likely by assets loading during zone transitions, but also a lot of framerate drops, especially in the city.

Regular PS4, I get stutters but the game also crashed once while going up a flight of stairs in one of the buildings in the city ruins, so thats fun.
Crashes, Bugs und stuttering auf PS4 = bessere Version? :v:

PC hatte ich btw noch keinen Crash.
es gibt noch Leute die benutzen Fraps? Mit Fraps gibt es unabhängig vom Spiel gerne mal performanceprobleme :ugly:

FAR update, oh wie schlimm 100kb runter zu laden, jetzt sind Updates von Mods bzw support schon ein negativpunkt :ugly:

das hier hingegen ist die ultimative Konsolenerfahrung:

Crashes, Bugs und stuttering auf PS4 = bessere Version? :v:

PC hatte ich btw noch keinen Crash.
Oh, nice schon wieder gamefaqs. Komm bitte wieder wenn de was Besseres hast. Ich danke im Voraus.
Meins Lieblingsteil eines Users aus der Resetera News

SE sure has audacity to sell this on PC when they haven’t even patched the original broken port.


mein Lieblingsteil ist, wenn du zu unfähig bist zu verstehen, dass der Vanilla PC Port 1:1 die PS4 Version ist (wobei PC natürlich bessere Frames und weniger stuttering Probleme hat) und du mit deinen PC bashes quasi die PS4 Version bashst. Kannst du dir nicht ausdenken. :awesome:
mein Lieblingsteil ist, wenn du zu unfähig bist zu verstehen, dass der Vanilla PC Port 1:1 die PS4 Version ist (wobei PC natürlich bessere Frames und weniger stuttering Probleme hat) und du mit deinen PC bashes quasi die PS4 Version bashst. Kannst du dir nicht ausdenken. :awesome:

Haha, Amuro ist argumentativ am Ende. Wieder einen Frickler beim Lügen erwischt:

Nier Automata is a wonderful post-apocalyptic RPG whose fashion is fascinating and whose outlook is hard to define. For some, though, its PC launch was marred by technical issues—and it seems certain players are still suffering crashes and white screen issues to this day.

Perhaps surprisingly, Nier Automata was originally designed exclusively for PC.

In conversation with WOWJapan (via DSOGaming), producer Yosuke Saito was asked if the choice of release platforms affected the game's design.

"Actually there was no special arrangements made for either platform (PS4 and PC), but since most of the development process is done on the PC anyway, we ran with it," says Saito. "Actually we had planned to release the game only for PC. However, following input from the publishers the decision was made for the game to be released on the PlayStation 4 as well.

"The game was created on Platinum game’s engine, which was geared towards the PC. So ultimately the platform choice had no bearing on the way the game was designed."
verstehst du überhaupt englisch? Oder verstehst du was du da schreiben möchtest? Sinn machen deine Gedanken nämlich 0. Aber spiel ruhig weiter auf deiner stutterstation :ugly:
Sucht vielleicht noch jemand ganz kurzfristig nach einem geeigneten Weihnachtsgeschenk für einen Switch Besitzer oder spielt man gar selbst bevorzugt auf der Switch?

Sowas schenkt man nur Leuten die man nicht leiden kann

Immerhin läuft es offenbar genauso gut wie auf der PS4. Es sieht so schlecht aus, es sieht schon wieder aus wie Kunst. Ark Art Edition.


Das passiert halt wenn man ein Spiel das eh schon überall bescheiden läuft, auf die Switch packt. Hätten es lieber auf der Mobile Version basieren lassen sollen anstatt ein Downgrade der Konsolenversion zu machen.
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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