Aquamarine said:
Okay, I got word back from The NPD Group on what else I can and can't share precisely.
Here is what else I can share from this month. I'm really tired at the moment, so apologize for any possible minor errors.
By the way, if you crosspost any leak from this post on NeoGAF, please mention that the leaks came from me.
It's annoying me how people on NeoGAF won't even mention my name anymore...that's really stupid and I want to be at the very least recognized in some fashion.
Here are the new leaks I can post:
Quantum Break: Approx. 109K standalone
Star Fox Zero: Approx. 100K
Top 10 combined excluding bundles:
1. Dark Souls III (PS4, XBO) - 504k (~353K PS4, ~151K XBO)
2. Ratchet & Clank (PS4) 207.5k-237K range (highest selling Ratchet game)
3. MLB 16: The Show (PS4, PS3) - just under 185k
4. Tom Clancy’s The Division (PS4, XBO, PC) - 175k including bundles
5. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3, PC)
6. Minecraft (XBO, 360, PS4, PS3)
7. Quantum Break (XBO) - Approx. 109K standalone, somewhere below 150k including bundles
8. Call of Duty: Black Ops III (XBO, PS4, 360, PS3, PC) - 105k standalone, 262K including bundles (197K PS4 + PS3) (65K XBO + 360)
9. NBA 2K16 (PS4, XBO, 360, PS3) - 103k standalone
10. Star Fox Zero (Wii U) - Approx. 100K
Top 10 SKUs:
1. Dark Souls III (PS4) - ~353k
2. Ratchet & Clank (PS4) - 207.5K-237K range (highest selling Ratchet game)
?. Dark Souls III (XBO) - ~151k
?. MLB 16: The Show (PS4)
?. Quantum Break (XBO) - Approx. 109K
6. Star Fox Zero (Wii U) - Approx. 100K
9. Bravely Second: End Layer (3DS) - <100k, but not significantly
10. Pokkén Tournament (Wii U)
Hit the limit for # of consoles shared and # of 3rd-party games shared, so no precise Ratchet numbers, and no 3DS numbers.
3DS sucked this month anyway, really weak, no point in tracking handhelds, market is just about dead's console or bust...and maybe somebody like Creamsugar or John Harker on NeoGAF will show never know.
But I will say, Ratchet is not significantly above the >207.5K mark.
By this, I mean that Ratchet is below 250K....what the hell, I'll go closer...below...let's say...237K.
So Ratchet and Clank is 207.5K - 237K. That's a close enough range.
Also, Nintendo in general was weak this month. Example: Twilight Princess HD was well below 125K, Fire Emblem: Fates well below 75K, Hyrule Warriors: Legends was well below 50K, etc. etc.
Up 23% thanks to catalog, but disappointing in new launches and recent launches.
Again, if you mention this on NeoGAF, say something like "From Aquamarine on the off-site source" or "From Aquamarine on VG Chartz"