PS3 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Ach, ich habs bei der GS-Aktion für ca. 15,- geordert. Um es 1,5 Wochen früher zu haben jetzt son Batzen hinzulegen-kein Bock. Dadurch wird das Spiel auch nicht besser oder schlechter.
PS: Dann kann man ja davon ausgehen, dass es hier demnächst von Spoilern nur so wimmelt! Einigen geht bei sowas irgendwie einer ab, oder? Wenn ich mir diese Unboxing-Videos anschaue. :lol: :ugly:

Spiel weiter die Beta (macht tierisch Fun) und Chronotrigger! Das passt! :)
ich will auch......
If anything, this game cements this as one of the pre-imminent cross-media franchises. It's so well-defined and Amy and crew have already written a script that works so damn well, I honestly don't want anyone else to handle the movie. They have an adventure movie here. They have a franchise. I promise you, after you've played throug this game, you'll understand why I just want Naughty Dog to handle the movie. It's not going to be a Wing Commander in any other sense than it's a game based on a movie with the people making the game involved.

I doubt Matthew Lillard or Freddie Prinze, Jr. will be attached. They aren't attached to, well, uh, anything anymore. Chris Roberts' touch is both powerful and swift.

[edit] Okay, I'm cross-posting this from my normal home as it's too crazy not to:

Oh what the CHRIST. I'm going through on my second playthrough and I finish off an area that's completely overwhelmed with enemies and is a major set piece for the the game. Once I've climbed into an area in the same environment (tons of snow, train, etc., etc.), it triggers a fairly major cutscene that takes probably a good five minutes if not 10 to play out and, being that I'm a douche and I've already seen this, I skip it (because I can, the game lets you).

The next area loads instantly. It's utterly different; filled with multiple characters, tons of objects that I will avoid mentioning for the sake of spoilers, a new character with dialogue, an entirely new area to run around in and explore and... there was no load screen. There was no streaming, no texture pop-in. There was a whole spoken in-game sequence.
What the fuck kind of voodoo is Naughty Dog running? In fact, this is one of the better looking areas in the game; you can run up to a door and see the splinters in the wood.

This happened with absolutely nothing in the way of load times. I guess they could be pre-caching stuff as I'm getting near the end of a level, but a whole new area? Drake's model, is, in fact, totally different. What. The. Shit.
hm... ich würd denen ne mail schreiben... in der beschreibung steht PAL version (müsste dann wohl die PEGI version sein welche ja in deutsch ist sofern man in AT oder CH kauft) aber als bild ist das cover der US abgebildet?!
awesome die fanboy reviews gehen wieder los :P


When expecting a perfect game, given the amount of tens bestowed upon Uncharted 2, these are the kinds of things you can't help but see. It no longer becomes a pursuit of whether the game is worth it or not. If any game in 2009 deserves a purchase, it is undoubtedly Uncharted 2. But taking a very close look, it isn't perfect.
But as Nathan walks on the snow, shouldn't his feet make imprints into the ground? Instead, it just looks like the snow billows underfoot, disappearing in the classic video game manner all footprints usually disappear.
as well as the fact that no, the visuals aren't 100% perfect. They're fantastic, just not perfect. Trying to turn over a new leaf by being a bit more critical when doling out tens. With that said, Uncharted 2 still gets our recommendation as the only system-seller on PS3, and something everyone needs to pick up.

Schön das sie gerade mit Uncharted 2 beginnen es strenger zu bewerten^^

9/9/9/10 => 37/40

Selbst die Japaner scheinen U2 zu lieben. :>
Weiß jemand was der erste Teil bekam?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das Spiel ist echt die Bombe! Das GT Review hat mich jetzt aber schon am Anfang ordentlich gespoilert! :sad: Nur die Wertung ankucken, wer nicht will, dass ihm das Selbe passiert. ;-)
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