- Seit
- 23 Jun 2006
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- 642
Keiner interessiert an dem Spiel?
Finde vor allem die Präsentation sehr nett - schöne Anime-Szenen, passende Musik
Fehlt leider noch ein bissel der Spielinhalt, aber die Story hört sich recht interessant an.
Finde vor allem die Präsentation sehr nett - schöne Anime-Szenen, passende Musik

IGN schrieb:The game kicks off with a nifty anime intro that runs through a few of the encounters to come for the chapter - two girls colliding by a bike stand, a few flashes of key characters and so on. After that, you're dumped straight into the front courtyard of a large high school, where the game begins.
While the story is still mysterious, we have gathered a couple points. The main characters are your stereotypical edgy Japanese teens attending a massive high school; you're introduced to Horo Tokio, the 17-year-old, brown-haired, blue-eyed lead and wielder of the 'hollow pen', his mother and father, Aki and Wataru respectively. It's up to Horo to use the pen to alter the past and save his family after they disappear mysteriously. Horo has a dream one night that, as a young child he loses his parents in a fire, but upon waking, it turns out that his parents have been missing for 12 years. He must set things straight by altering the past, but also help out other people he comes into contact with along the way.
Horo has a little run-in with the dark and mysterious (aren't they always?) purple-haired love-interest-to-be, Kanon Junibayashi. They don't seem to get along very well; Kanon and Horo exchange a few tense words and scowls in the school yard before they both go separate ways and you're introduced to some core mechanics.
The overworld map of the bayside town you live in is strictly 2D and can be scrolled in all directions with the D-pad. Each new location is marked with a spinning pyramidal cursor. Just tap and go. Initially, there are only two locations - the school and a motel-like building with a bike stand and some hedges out the front. Zooming in gives you a 2D playing area to click on and explore. You 'move' by highlighting doors, paths and key locations, while you can also do a bit of investigating by tapping suspicious areas.
This first area, the motel, is also where you get to use your time-slicing stylus. Looking like a bright green and black ball-point pen, the device can be used in suspicious areas to cut through the present day to look at what the same area was like at times gone by. Mysterious encounters, accidents and dialogue exchanges are all uncovered by drawing small green circles with your stylus and then pulling the world on the layer underneath from side-to-side. Uncovering someone's head yields a little exclamation mark, while certain key objects are also obtained this way.
Dialogue exchanges take place on the top screen with two nicely animated images batting their eyes as the text scrolls. The animated cutscenes are voice-acted. No voiceacting has been implemented in the in-game sequences as yet; however the game is not due to release in Japan until early 2008, so there may still be plans. The music, meanwhile is standard midi orchestral and pop beats, but listening to it was pretty tricky given the on-floor booth location. The main theme is pretty cool though; a rock-pop J-pop tune about recovering time. Nifty.
Getting this one translated and brought beyond the shores of Japan is a no-brainer. The production values, while strictly artful 2D, area definitely western-friendly, and the Hollow Pen is taken straight from the pages of Philip Pullman's The Subtle Knife, which is a huge hit with kids and teens around the world. Stay tuned for more information on Time Hollow as it becomes available.
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