The Games of PS3 (Teil 2)

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Spitz_pass_auf schrieb:
Azash schrieb:
Darji schrieb:
leicht. Es kommt halt drauf an, was für eine Konsole du hast. WEnn die Deutsche Konsole nicht zensiert, dann ist es das Spiel auch nicht. Wenn du eine japanische PS3 hast, dann ist es leicht geschnitten^^
Schon witzig, dass diesmal die Konsole selbst etwas zensiert ... und das Spiel selber ungeschnitten auf dem Datenträger ist :)
Das ist nicht komisch das kann Fatal Enden ich überlege deswegen gleich eine PS3 aus England oder Österreich zuholen. Solange der Trick wie bei Resistance funktioniert ist es OK aber wer weiß wie lange das gut geht.

Auch wieder wahr ... hmmm, ich warte ja sowieso noch mit einem PS3-Kauf.

Im Laufe der Zeit kann ich mich dann besser darüber informieren :)
mehr VF5 Bilder?^^










und hier noch ein paar Quotes und ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf die ganzen Outfitts^^
First Transformers: The Game Details

- Coming to PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PC, PSP, and DS.
- PS2/PS3/360/Wii/PC versions developed by Traveller's Tales
- PSP version developed by Savage Entertainment
- DS version developed by Vicarious Visions
- Two campaigns, one for Autobots, one for Decepticons. Autobot campaign follows movie plot, Decepticon campaign changes the film.
- Playable Autobots Confirmed: Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Bumblebee.
- Playable Decepticons Confirmed: Megatron, Starscream.
- New Transformers created just for the game, will be based on existing G1 TFs
- Movie VAs may voice the game
- Fully Destructable Environments - can use destroyed buildings as weapons.
- Can transform between vehicle and robot mode at any time
- Core Gameplay will be the same for the console versions, although the control scheme will change.
- PSP version features 20 playable TFs, includes ad-hoc and infrastructure modes.
- First full details/screens (supposedly) later tonight/tomorrow. (Q&A with Developer)
Darji schrieb:
Es gibt keine US Version. Die Zensur hängt von deiner Konsole ab, den du aber mit einem savegame von einer US Konsole überwinden kannst^^

ich mein ja auch nicht die US version vom inhalt her sondern vom preis. da das spiel in den USA bald 4 monate erhältlich ist, dürfte es dort schon günstiger geworden sein. hab nämlich keine lust am 23. bei uns 70€ für das spiel auszugeben
First look: Oblivion

First-person sword-and-sorcery fave The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, which landed on more than a few best-of-2006 lists (see our own Platinum Chalice Awards) is coming to the PS3 this March. Sure, cynics will scoff that 360 owners have already been playing Oblivion for a year. But for Sony loyalists starving for triple-A titles, the cities and wilds of Tamriel offer an unprecedented chance to spend quality time with their $600 investment.

Content-wise, everything in the PS3 release is identical to its 360 and PC cousins, except for the inclusion of the Knights of the Nine expansion (which costs 360 owners an extra ten bucks to download). However, other downloadable content available on Xbox Live, such as Mehrunes' Razor and The Thieves Den, initially won't be available as the designers are still grappling with the technology. But they do plan to have downloadable content available via the PlayStation Network some time after launch.

Under the hood, the PS3 version was optimized for faster load times and smooth, stable controls. Another subtle tweak slightly sharpens the graphics and improves the mid-range view so it fills in more smoothly (due to some fancy pixel-shader optimization, for those who are keeping track). While this gives the PS3 a graphical leg up, the advantage will be short-lived; a fix will be patched into the 360 version in the near future to improve its performance as well. Regardless, you won't be disappointed to be playing Oblivion in dazzling 1080p. Whatever your choice of console, the vibrant diversity of the landscape practically hums with a life of its own. We're not going to waste time arguing over which version looks better; we'd rather waste our time actually playing.

hmm nachdem IGN schon 1080p bestätigt hatte, hier jetzt auch^^

Aber noch was viel interessanteres^^

Crysis PS3 first look

Fight Koreans and Aliens in pretty-looking foliage

The guy who looks like Spider-Man dipped in tar, packing a handheld tank is the special-ops type you play in Crysis. You are tasked with saving the world from aggressive extra-terrestrials, who've ploughed a pretty big asteroid into a Pacific island's countryside.

Your character is dispatched to infiltrate the area, now sealed off by fast-arriving North Korean forces, to find out what exactly put a dent in the Earth's surface, and the first part of the game sees you traipsing through dense mountainous forestry fending off the attentions of the crack North Korean troops detailed with telling you in the most forceful terms to eat bullets.


You’ll be astounded by the game - it's jaw-dropping. You're equipped with a nano-suit which allows a slew of enhanced abilities, such as increased speed, strength and armor, but you'll have to manage its energy properly.

After running around the jungle for a bit, the asteroid erupts to reveal a spacecraft the size of Rhode Island, which uses up Earth's weather system to enable the invasion to take place. Can the US and North Korea join forces, beat the alien scum and live happily ever after? It's up to you to help them take the little grey men on. We can't wait

nochwas zu Oblivion und den blöden Gerüchten, das die PS3 Version aufgrund technischer mängle keine Horse armor und co haben wird.

Oblivion Rumors Explained
We get down to the bottom of the recent Oblivion rumors
February 8, 2007 - When we posted our preview of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, we talked about the various improvements that had been made to the PS3 version, such as the optimized load times and enhanced graphical presentation thanks to new pixel shaders that displayed sharper details. We also pointed out that while the Knights of the Nine side quest would be included, other downloadable content would not initially be included in the game. Needless to say, this information spawned a host of rumors on the boards and across the Internet. To separate the fact from the fiction about Oblivion on the PS3, we went directly to Pete Hines, the VP of Public Relations and Marketing at Bethesda Softworks for the true details behind the game.

Rumors were rampant about the reasons behind the lack of downloadable content. Other websites have reported that the justification behind the missing missions and features was due to technical limitations of the console. According to Hines, nothing could be farther from the truth. There were two specific reasons behind why items like the Orrery and Mehrunes's Razor will not be included within the PS3 version of the game. First of all, there was a concern about the balancing of the game and initially giving players access to a thieves den or a wizard's tower immediately at the start of the game. "There was no good way to incorporate these features into the game as soon as it started because it didn't make sense," Hines said. While he didn't rule out the possibility of some of these side quests or features making it into the game, it wouldn't necessarily be as soon as the game hit store shelves.

In fact, the other reason why the downloadable content for the PS3 version of the game isn't included isn't solely because of the technical limitations of the system. Instead, it's because the designers haven't actually tested the PlayStation Network Store and the mechanisms for delivering content to systems. Considering that the development team has been spending a large amount of time making sure that the game transitions over to the PS3 well without the numerous bugs or glitches that plagued the PC and 360 versions of the game, working on the store was definitely a low priority on their list when it came to dedicating additional resources to that feature. But it is being worked on, and it will be coming at a later date.

So what about the shaders or optimizations? Rumors were released stating that everything in the PS3 version of the game would migrate over to the 360 or the PC, which kicked off a screaming match on boards about which version was ultimately better. According to Hines, the shader functionality that would re-render the low-res textures would inevitably make its way to the 360 build and PC in future updates. However, certain optimizations that take advantage of the system's hardware will remain exclusive to the PS3 version of the game.

We'll have more on Oblivion as it's released.

edit: Video Interview.
Das mit Crysis ist bestimmt nur ein Fehler
aber wenns kommt dann auch nicht schlecht,
brauch meinen Rechner dann nicht Aufzurüsten.
Crytek sagte ja schon das die Cryengine 2.0 auch auf den NextGen Consolen machbar ist.
Vielleicht kaufe ich mir jetzt Oblivion :-?
dann kann ich mal in 1080p spielen 8-)

So nebenbei welche spiele sind denn bisjetzt mit einem 1080p Modus angekündigt ???
Arthur Spooner schrieb:
Das mit Crysis ist bestimmt nur ein Fehler
aber wenns kommt dann auch nicht schlecht,
brauch meinen Rechner dann nicht Aufzurüsten.
Crytek sagte ja schon das die Cryengine 2.0 auch auf den NextGen Consolen machbar ist.
Vielleicht kaufe ich mir jetzt Oblivion :-?
dann kann ich mal in 1080p spielen 8-)

So nebenbei welche spiele sind denn bisjetzt mit einem 1080p Modus angekündigt ???

hmm? 1080p games?

Ridge Racer
War Devil
Virtua Tennis 3
NBA Street (oder wie das hieß^^)

andere fallen mir zu so einer späten stunde gerade nciht mehr ein^^
Bei VF 5 weiß ich es nicht, auf der japanischen Version steht jedenfalls 1080p aber scheinbar wird es nur gescalled sein.
Danke für die schnelle Antwort Darji ;)
sind zwar nicht sonderlich viele Spiele aber kommt Zeit kommt rat
warten wir mal ab was so auf der GDC noch alles gezeigt wird
As expected. Freue mich schon sehr darauf. Teil 1 war vom Setting und der Atmosphäre der beste teil, Teil 2 vom Kampfsystem und von dante, Teil 3 war mir etwas zu flippig, konnte aber durch die Länge und die Story punkten, Teil 4 sieht bis jetzt sehr vielversprechend aus.
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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