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frames60 schrieb:Das ist halt die Frage... wenn sie "doof" sind, schlucken sie die gefakte, wenn nicht, dann wollen sie vielleicht alle möglichen Nachweise... ich persönlich würd gleich die richtige nehmen, aber das bleibt natürlich dir überlassen.
Sega spricht über drittes Yakuza-Spiel
07.12.06 - Während Segas Yakuza [jap. 'Ryuu ga Gotoku'] und Yakuza 2 auf der PS2 und damit der letzten Konsolengeneration erschienen sind, würde ein dritter Teil auf der neuen Hardware-Generation veröffentlicht werden.
Das erklärte Serien-Produzent Toshihiro Nagoshi im Geschäft Shibuya Tsutaya, wo heute eine Veranstaltung anlässlich der Veröffentlichung von Yakuza 2 (PS2) stattfand.
Nagoshi sagte nicht, für welche der neuen Konsolen das Spiel erscheinen würde; vermutlich würde es die PlayStation3 sein. Er fügte hinzu, dass er wohl etwas Konkretes zu einem nächsten Yakuza-Spiel sagen kann, wenn der Kinofilm im März 2007 erschienen ist.
AllGamer schrieb:afaik nicht. Ein Entwickler erzählte doch von "Problemen" bei der Kollisionsabfrage oder so. :-?
Wednesday schrieb:wird es eigentlich einen online-modus geben?
Wardevil exclusive, Sony outsources development to India
UTV announces formation of India's largest gaming, animation enity with an outlay of near Rs 260 crore
New Delhi, December 8
UTV Software Communications Ltd. today announced its foray into Gaming through proposed acquisitions of the controlling stake in Ignition Entertainment Ltd. (Ignition) - a console gaming company based in UK and Indiagames Ltd (IG) - a mobile and broadband gaming company in India. This makes UTV the largest Gaming and Animation entity in India. UTV now has competencies in Game development, publishing and distribution across mobile, online and console platforms worldwide and the capability to create IP's in all forms of content, including Live Action and Animation. The outlay for investment towards Animation properties and gaming acquisitions will be around Rs. 260 crores.
UTV presently creates, develops and aggregates content for TV, Movies and Animation. With an objective to create content across ALL entertainment platforms, the Company has ventured into Gaming. This gives the Company exposure to the rapidly growing mobile, PC and console gaming industry, which is pegged at around USD 30 billion.
In the Gaming space, UTV is making huge strides with the proposed acquisition of a controlling stake in Indiagames Ltd., the largest gaming company in India for Rs. 68 crores. IG reported annual revenues of around USD 5 million for the last fiscal and has employee strength of around 270 employees. Post transaction the shareholders of the Company will include Cisco Systems, Adobe Inc. and Management. IG pioneered mobile and online gaming in India and is presently involved with mobile game development, publishing and distribution across 67 countries through 80 telecom partners like Vodafone, Verizon, Hutch and Airtel. Its latest venture into PC games distributed online through broadband ISPs like BSNL, MTNL, Airtel and Tata VSNL amongst others is expected to be a major value driver for the Company. Vishal Gondal, CEO and Founder of IG, will continue to head the Company and evolve synergies with other UTV businesses in the creation of cutting-edge games.
UTV has also announced the acquisition of a 70% stake in Ignition Entertainment Ltd, a UK based Company with over 100 employees for around Rs. 60 crores. Annual revenues of the Company as on December 31, 2006, are expected to be around US$ 15 million. With this development, UTV acquires interests in console game development, publishing and distribution across the globe. This acquisition brings to the table phenomenal relationships with hardware manufacturers, game developers and distributors such as Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, SNK, Konami, Atari, Virgin, Wal Mart, etc. Ignition is presently developing a path-breaking top end game 'WarDevil' budgeted at around GBP 10 million and is expected to release it in the year 2008 exclusively on the Sony Playstation3(tm) (PS3) platform. PS3 was launched in November 2006 in Japan and the US and it is expected to sell more than 30 million units by the end of 2008.
Says Andy Whitehurst, the Creative Director spearheading 'War Devil', "The project is being developed exclusively for the Sony Playstation3(tm) and we're excited to be associated with Sony's next generation system. WarDevil is designed to leverage not only the videogames properties of the system, but also the Blu-Ray and media rich functions of the PS3 - presenting a unique combination of both Videogame & Motion Picture into a single, unique product, which gives cinematic High Definition content (1080P) in real-time on the PS3."
With the acquisition of controlling interests in Indiagames in India and Ignition in the UK, UTV plans to capture world markets and intends to build efficiencies through cross synergies in game acquisition for the world markets and derive cost efficiencies using India as a base for game development processes, using distribution strengths and relationships to market products better worldwide. Of the Rs. 128 crores outlay in acquiring these companies about Rs. 60 crores will be for purchase from selling shareholders and balance funding into the acquired companies for future growth.
UTV will also invest Rs. 135 crores in the development of Animation movies over the next three years. The motion picture slate of the Company in 2009 will include at least three animation titles. The roster of creative talent the Company has assembled towards this effort is unmatched in the industry. Simi Nallaseth, one of the key animators of the international smash-hit animation movie Ice Age is developing one of the productions. Arnab Chaudhury, former Head of Channel [V] and Creative Director of Turner International (Asia), will be working on another project. UTV is now in the scripting stage of its CG animation production with Will Smith's Overbrook, which was announced earlier this year.
With these developments, UTV has created India's largest Animation and Gaming Company. The combined present annual revenues from these entities forming part of the Animation and Gaming Segment of UTV are around Rs. 100 crores and are expected to grow significantly over the next three years. UTV has recently announced it's plans to achieve revenue target of Rs. 1,000 crores company by financial year ended 2009-10 through its four distinct verticals - Television, Movies, Animation & Gaming and Broadcasting.
UTV COO Ronald D'Mello commented on the latest foray into New Media, "We have always been a progressive Media & Entertainment Company with our ability to spot trends early and innovate for success. With the fragmentation of media and the emergence of interactivity as one of the key drivers of entertainment with the youth, we see New Media platforms as the key to future growth. We believe we are investing in the future with these new acquisitions and plan to derive tremendous value both because of the intrinsic worth of these entities as well as the synergies they will bring with our existing businesses in Motion Pictures, Television Content and Broadcasting."
About UTV
Incorporated in 1990, UTV has today emerged as one of India's leading and most respected integrated Media & Entertainment companies. Listed on the Indian Stock Exchanges, it has grown from a Television Production house, into an integrated media company with a leadership position in Television Content, Motion Pictures, New Media that includes Animation and Broadcasting. UTV recently announced a joint venture with Malaysia based Astro Measat, for a youth-focused broadcasting venture. UTV has a strong international presence with offices across Asia, UK and USA. More information on the group is available at
Gaming Industry Brief Overview
The Gaming Software Industry is estimated at USD 29.5 billion. This consists of Console, PC, Online and Mobile gaming. It is expected to grow at a CAGR of about 11.4%. While console gaming is the biggest component of this industry, mobile gaming is estimated to be one of the fastest growing spaces primarily in Asian markets.
The major markets for gaming are North America, Europe and Asia. While the major consumers of console gaming are North America, Europe and Japan, the Asian countries are larger consumers of PC and mobile gaming. Leading players in the gaming software industry include Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, THQ, Activision, Take 2, Konami, etc
Hellboy: IGN AU Exclusive First Look
Australia, December 7, 2006 - Who's big, red and likes the liberal application of fist? No, we're not referring to a perverted Santa Clause - we're actually talking about our favourite friendly demon, Hellboy. Star of a woefully underrated film, a long running comic book, and even his own animated series, Hellboy is the man's man of the underworld. He begrudgingly kicks demon butt when duty calls, but would much rather play with kittens instead. Hellboy has already made one outing to the video game world, back in 2004, but that dismal effort has since been banished to the seventh level of Hell. And even down there, the first game is so ugly that it makes the piles of decomposing corpses and giant lakes of baby vomit that surround it look pretty.
Thank the unholy gods then that this Hellboy is looking very, very different. For starters, it's being developed by the talented folk at Krome Studios in Brisbane, rather than some obscure studio in upper Siberia. Krome's recent title, The Legend of Spyro, proved yet again that it knows how to make high quality games. During a recent sortie to the Krome office, we got our first look at the next-gen excursion for this likable cousin of Lucifer.
Heading to Xbox 360, PS3 and PSP, the total Hellboy team at Krome is comprised of around sixty staff. Thirteen are focused purely on the handheld version, while the rest are developing for both the 360 and PS3 at the same time. It's a third-person action game, where fisticuffs and melee action are the order of the day.
The game's most exciting feature is that it's designed from the ground up for co-op play. On both the PS3 and 360, it makes use of the same co-op technique that we recently saw in Gears of War. That is, the entire singleplayer campaign will be co-operative compatible, and that includes all cut scenes and story-telling elements. If you've ever played Gears of War in co-op mode over Xbox Live, you'll understand why this feature is so exciting to us.
Co-op moves are definitely going to be included in the game, but none of these were revealed to us. According to the game's Producer, John Whiston, the paths of each character will deviate at times, with "certain instances where only one player can access an area". Fans of Hellboy will know that he tends to play by himself, so how does co-op figure into the equation? Mr Whiston explained, "We've had to take a number of design decisions along the way to really play up the fact that the other player is supporting Hellboy. So one player will always play as Hellboy as the main character, while the other will play alongside them as Abe or Liz or other characters (from the comic and movie universe)."
As you can see from the concept art, an immense amount of work has gone into creating a world full of characters that fit with the Hellboy concept. Turning this concept art into a 3D world is no small feat, with fifteen staff devoted to building the props and meshes that make up the Hellboy world. Even then, much of this work is still outsourced. While next-gen has allowed for the levels and characters in Hellboy to be packed with detail, it has called for a doubling in man-power compared to previous generation titles.
The game's rather tasty visuals are thanks to the brand spankin' new, Krome-developed engine, Merkury 3. It's the first time the engine has been used, and is designed for both Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Its predecessor, Merkury 2, was last seen in The Legend of Spyro; the little purple dragon really put the PS2 through its paces, so it's no surprise to see that Merkury 3 is looking very spiffy.
Lighting effects play a huge part in the game, mirroring the highly shadowed look of the comic. It's from these shadows that you'll often catch a glimpse of the enemy, before they vanish back into the inky blackness, sending pulse rates soaring. There are a total of 47 character models already in the game, with more planned, giving the inhabitants of each level plenty of variety. There's nothing like fighting a clone army to drag a game into the boring depths of repetition, so the fact that over twenty of the character models are enemy types is reassuring to hear. Throw in a handful of exceptionally large and grotesque bosses, and there's little risk that you'll get tired of punching things with your giant stone fist.
These characters promise to be some of the most beautifully animated creatures yet seen in a game, with over one hundred animations on the most basic of creatures. We witnessed some of these in action, and each had a very unique style. Zombie Nazis shambled around but still had the range of motion of a relatively fresh corpse, while the puppet-like Bambini leapt around like a pack of hyperactive Chihuahuas on red cordial. The PhysX physics engine has been employed for partial rag-doll effects - we say partial, as the character moves are a mixture of both rag doll and animation, helping deaths look realistic without suffering from the floppy mannequin issue.
From what we can tell, most of the action in Hellboy is of the brutal melee kind. While he does pack the massive Samaritan hand-gun, with bullets the size of milk bottles, it's not his preferred method of dealing the pain. Instead, a full range of hand to hand combos are but a few button presses away. However, his real specialty will be to make use of the environment, which is littered with dozens of different objects that can be swung, smashed and hurled at your opponents. Some of the combat looks like it's almost inspired by wrestling games, with Hellboy happy to body slam and throw his opponents as if he'd been trained by the Rock. Watching Hellboy hanging on for dear life onto the back of a slimy, 30 foot thing, was most impressive
Our visit focused mainly on the character animations and designs found within Hellboy, but we did catch a glimpse of some of the levels. Spread over 6 chapters (aka levels), in the new episodic format that is catching on in game design, each chapter should be enough for one solid game play session of a couple of hours. And each chapter will be radically different to the next. We only saw an underground cavern area and a deserted town, but both looked up to the task of wearing the next-gen moniker.
Although all we've seen so far with Hellboy is an early version of the graphics engine, with no hands-on time, we're already starting to get a little red under the collar for this one. It was blindingly obvious from our time at Krome that the team worships the Hellboy character, and it shines through in the way they've so accurately captured the big guy onscreen. We can't wait to do some proper demon damaging with him, so keep your eyes peeled on IGN AU for further updates. Check back tomorrow for an in-depth Q&A with the game's Producer and Lead Designer.
+ Hideo said that you will be surprise by how many gun modifications there are.
+The enemies will have and emotional state ,if they are scared they will spend less time looking for you
+The enemies are not always after the Snake
+You can swap Alliances
+You can be and enemy or alley to each side
+Granade launches, scopes are confirmed modifications
+There will be prototype weapons for you to use
+There will be imaginary weapons as well
+there can me mutitple mods per gun
+ Hideo hinted that silencers. Laser sights and flash lights bee some of the gun modifications