The Games of PS3 (Teil 2)

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Inteview with 'Seabass' Takatsua (about PES6)

Seabass: First of all, I’m very thankful for your criticism at E3 about Winning Eleven 10, that it was too easy and goalkeepers not so good.

(Thomas Puha) It’s all good, in my hood. When you started the development of PES6, what kind of online improvements did you have in mind?

Seabass: Online gameplay for 8 players and also PS2 versus pc version players are the two main upgrades to the PS2 online gameplay. However, the online gameplay still feels different than playing offline. That’s why it’s only 1 versus 1 on the Xbox 360, we really put emphasis on making the feel of the online gameplay on the 360 same as offline, the engine is completely new. But this meant that for this version, we had to limit the players to just 1 versus 1.

You have often said you want 11 versus 11 gameplay online, but I feel that most gamers would want more options such as leagues, clans, tournaments, being able to use Master League teams online and so on. Are these kind of elements important to you or not?

Seabass: We’ve actually had a change of plans. We try to do both from now. We do want to have 11 vs 11 human players, but also develop and expand the online feature set.

We’ve got a great feature set for offline. There’s the Konami Cup where you have a lot of liberties how to set things up, Master league is deep and very fun to play. We want to offer these modes for online as well, make it multiplayer. We are pursuing both and we hope to be able to do this very soon. So bringing just more players online, is not the sole focus anymore.

You left a lot out of the Xbox 360 version of PES6 and knowing the limited resources you have, how do you feel about the 360 version?

Seabass: We are not pleased that we had to cut things out like the Edit Mode or the formation AI, the automatic AI, which is a feature of the PS2-version. We are not happy with that.

However, what was most important to us was to give the Xbox 360 users the same kind of play feel that fans of the series are used to. The gameplay has to feel like the same game as before even though it’s on on new hardware. This sounds very basic, but from the creator’s point of viewit’s very difficult to work on new hardware, so we are happy that the gameplay feels good on the 360. This was the biggest hurdle.

Knowing that you have worked on the PlayStation 3 version for a while and told it’s difficult to work on, are we going to see the first PES on PlayStation 3 as a bigger next-gen leap than the 360 version?

Seabass: Even as we speak today, the staff is working hard on the PS3-version. It’s still a first-step in next-gen development, but I promise it’s going to be much better.

About two years ago or something like that, it was announced that you are collaborating with Football Manager or rather Sports Interactive. We thought that this way you would get more accurate stats and get them easier for PES. You still have players in PES6 National teams that haven’t played for a year or two, especially Scandinavian teams, so what happened with the mooted collaboration?

Seabass: We haven’t really gone anywhere with the collaboration. We are quite pleased with the stats that we have, but if you say that they are not, we do take that seriously. We will refine it.

I understand that with thousands and thousands of players out there and it’s a huge challenge to keep everything up to date, so if you have a situation where you could buy stats and information from some source, would you do it?

Seabass: No specific plans, but we are looking for someone who could provide us with accurate information and regular updates, from areas and teams we don’t know like South America and Scandinavia. We should probably do that.

How do you feel about the FIFA series?

Seabass: Licensing is strong in FIFA, of course. The sound and athmospere that’s created by the sound design, that’s also really good. The design, the graphical design we have to say that they are ahead of us.

Fortunately, we have a little advantage with the gameplay. However FIFA’s gameplay is catching up and we cant really relax, we don’t have so much advantage anymore. We have to have a change of mind, or we’ve already had that. Like stats, those kinds of details, we have to work more on those. We know this.

Interesting that you say that, because the presentation aspect of EA’s sports franchises is state of the art. It’s an important part of games today and it’s good to hear you are putting more emphasis on this. What exactly is being done on this front regards to PES?

Seabass: Um, we have more European staff and we do exchange more information than in the past. We’d like to collaborate more. There’s just so many countries.It’s not a matter that we would create the game in Europe. But things like the opening intro, this was the first time it was not made in-house in japan, it was made in Europe. We try to collaborate more so we can have more of an European sense in the game.
Darji schrieb:

Ähm ich bin ja normalerweise net pingelig oder so und mir gefällt ja auch das Game optisch ganz gut, aba......diese Rückspiegel....vorne Sonnenschein, im Rückspiegel Nebel?....dafür müsste doch die PS3-Power noch reichen, um die Dinge, die im Rückspiegel zu sehen sind, nicht nur 200m weit entfernt erkennen zu lassen und den Rest im Nebel zu verschlucken. Wir reden hier doch net von der "N(ebelmaschine) 64", sondern von der P(owerdeluxe)S(tation)3! Das Schlimme ist ja auch, dass das Game schon fertig is.... :neutral:

Najo ok, PS3 rockt trotzdem :D
Rückspiegel kostet 200€ extra, dafür kannst du ihn dir dann sogar aufn Schoss legen...
Neue Afrika screens:



WOW! :o
afrika lohnt sich ja schon nur wegen der geilen grafik zu kaufen. wer nicht nach afrika kommen sollte aber den wunsch hat die tiere mal hautnah zu erleben -----> Afrika :D
Ich frage mich immer noch, wie man das wohl spielt..
Aber ich hoffe, die Entwickler legen besonders Wert darauf, dass sich die Tiere auch authentisch verhalten..
Affen wären auch cool. :D
Ich hatte die pics gelinkt,bevor sie in sichtbar waren...das dritte sehe ich auch erst jetzt ;)
ich meine gelesen zu haben, dass es in Afrika um einen afrikanischen stamm geht und man einen kämpfer von eben diesem stamm spielt. nur wieso sieht man immer die tiere? sieht für mich bis jetzt etwas langweiig an, wenn ich fotos machen will, kann ich auch DoAX2 spielen ;)
solid2snake schrieb:
ich meine gelesen zu haben, dass es in Afrika um einen afrikanischen stamm geht und man einen kämpfer von eben diesem stamm spielt. nur wieso sieht man immer die tiere? sieht für mich bis jetzt etwas langweiig an, wenn ich fotos machen will, kann ich auch DoAX2 spielen ;)

Ich glaub, dass ist ein anderes Spiel!
Zumindest ist noch nichts soweit bekannt, dass du einen Eingeborenen spielst, tippe eher auf einen Ranger oder Touristen.
Gibt ja ein Bild, wo ein Jeep zusehen ist.
Zudem soll das Spielprinzip nicht so Action orientiert sein.
Das Afrika wovon ihr sprciht ist ein ein PC onlinerpg das gecancelt wurde.^^








UND Square Enix announces its Jump Festa lineup

- Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
- Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3)

- Seiken Densetsu 4 [Dawn of Mana] (PS2)
- Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ (PS2)
- Seiken Densetsu: Heroes of Mana (NDS)
- Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon (NDS
- It's a Wonderful World (NDS)
- Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings (NDS)
- Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker (NDS)
- Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors (Wii)
- Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete (Blu-ray Disc/Film)

ES soll diees Jahr ja noch enue Infos zu FFXII geben. Und der 16.12 soll wohl dieser tag sein :P
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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