The Games of PS3 (Teil 2)

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Howard schrieb:
Dein_Vater schrieb:
Howard schrieb:
Ich bin auch gespannt, wie sich Clive Barker´s Jericho entwickelt.

Leider gibt es ja noch nichts Brauchbares. :neutral:

gibt nur ein kurzen trailer, der is aber nichts aussagekräftig!

weiss jemand was von "the wall" oder "project offset"


Ja, leider sagt er nicht viel aus, aber es lässt mal die Richtung etwas erahnen. :D

gab mal ein ingame video auf ign, is aber nicht mehr dort keine ahnung warum! es spielt halt im mittelalter und kämpft gegen drachen, ( egoshooter von epic), da wurde gezeigt wie jemand mit der armbrust umgeht und so, techdemos gabs auch!

aber naja glaub nächstes jahr werden wir erst mehr davon erfahren!

omg die nextgen wird sowas von teuer bei den hammertiteln auf 360 und ps3 :(
Neue Impressionen vom NY Event.







mehr Bilder hier^^

Hier noch impressionen von einem Spieler^^
played Playstation 3 today at toys r us in manhattan by times square on
44th and broadway so get out there and play if you guys get a chance
they had NBA'07 and Motorstorm for people to play

I'm a talk graphics and gameplay for now from what i seen and how it compares to 360 ok here we go

1.PS3 graphics are sharper than 360's hands down. and part of that has to do not only with the ps3 itself but blu-ray and HDMI built in

2. Motorstorm looks too real i mean it's really bright, colors are excellent, draw distant looks super real, even in the far distance it's looks real like the upclose parts of the envirornment you really have to see it for your self it's amazing.

Gameplay wise it's fast, fun, easy to control but skill is needed or else your flying off the road easily one of the best games i've seen ever

compared to 360 it surpassess it in everyway in terms of sheer quality overall performance of a game 720p with a hdmi is amazing vga or component is great but compared hdmi you gonna see a difference for real

1. NBA 07 this game right here graphic wise easily the best looking basketball game hands down looks better than 2k7 easily and that's hard to do cause 2k7 looks amazing in it's own way. you can actually see the players skin pores , and certain lining in there skin on there legs and everything it's amazing for real it's tooooo sharp i mean you have to see it for yourself so you can know that i'm not exaggerating.

Gameplay wise 2k7 is better it's more realistic but NBA '07 is the perfect balance of real and arcade it's not tooo arcadey to where the game is fake and not too real to where it's to hard to have fun and enjoy it's a perfect balance for real and that's a breath of fresh air considering nba live 07 wasn't that great this year but also the life mode is a great and exclusive mode to play around with and it's only on ps3 amazing

any other questions ask me if not go to toys r us cause i'll be there tomorrow take care everybody goodnight

Respekt,für die Mühe! :goodwork:

Ich muss meinen Vorredner absolut zustimmen!
Das Problem bei diesen Real-Look Texturen ist die fehlende Dynamik. Veränderte Beleuchtungskonditionen verändern nicht die Atmosphäre.
MotorStorm sieht hingegen klasse aus.
The Sims comming to Wii and PS3 (no 360^^)

As part of its earnings announcement today, megapublisher Electronic Arts revealed the release window of two of its highest-profile games. Crysis, Crytek's hotly anticipated PC shooter, and Army of Two, the co-op actioner for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, will now both arrive after the end of EA's current fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2007.

"We have made some adjustments to our SKU plan that will move a couple of titles into fiscal 2008, specifically Army of Two and Crisis," EA chief financial officer Warren Jenson told analysts during a postearnings conference call.

During the same call, Jenson also confirmed that several sequels to EA's most important franchises are in the works. "Yes, there's a Sims 3 in development and it's likely to be a fiscal '09 title," said Jenson, meaning the game would hit stores before April 2009. The executive also confirmed that the Sims franchises will also be coming to two next-generation platforms--the Wii and the PlayStation 3.

"There is a Sims title that is being specifically developed for the Wii platform," said Jenson. "The Sims II holiday edition on PS3" is also coming, said the executive, indicating the game will arrive either in the 2006 or 2007 holiday season.

Several other new titles were unveiled during the call. "There will be another Lord of the Rings [game]... There's a new SimCity game in the pipeline and the next-generation version of Black. Those things alone are all new, relative to fiscal '07," said Jenson. It was unclear whether Jenson meant the games would arrive before the end of EA's 2007 fiscal year, or were just new to the company's financial plan for the 12-month period.;title;0
Also die Bodentexturen auf RL-Pics sind verwaschener, unscharfer und eher currentgen Niveau ;)
Liquaron schrieb:
compared to 360 it surpassess it in everyway in terms of sheer quality overall performance of a game 720p with a hdmi is amazing vga or component is great but compared hdmi you gonna see a difference for real
:lol: :D :lol:

was gibts denn da zu lachen? ist doch wohl sonnenklar, daß ein digitaler bild-output analogem überlegen ist, sonst würde kein hersteller so etwas verbauen
wirklich hammer bilder. gefallen mir sehr. afrika sieht sehr geil aus, da muss ich fast noch mal über einen kauf nachdenken :-?
Also Africa ist ja mal nur noch "Wow !!!"

Am meisten haut mich das Elefantenjunge vom Hocker, da sieht man fast Null Unterschied mehr, der Gepard auf der Pirsch hat allerdings auch was ;)
Snake Eater schrieb:
Also Africa ist ja mal nur noch "Wow !!!"

Am meisten haut mich das Elefantenjunge vom Hocker, da sieht man fast Null Unterschied mehr, der Gepard auf der Pirsch hat allerdings auch was ;)

ich finde die zebras sind auch richtig gut. aber f1 sieht auch übelst aus.
1. NBA 07 this game right here graphic wise easily the best looking basketball game hands down looks better than 2k7 easily and that's hard to do cause 2k7 looks amazing in it's own way. you can actually see the players skin pores , and certain lining in there skin on there legs and everything it's amazing for real it's tooooo sharp i mean you have to see it for yourself so you can know that i'm not exaggerating.

:lol: Have a look @ This ;)

RWA schrieb:
Mal was Interessantes:

NBA 07 Vs: NBA 2K7

:o @ NBA 2K7

Schaut euch mal den Bodenbelag, die Zuschaue/trebüne und die Spieler an :D

Sry, aber NBA2K7 ist grafisch eine ganze LIGA über NBA 07.
Ganz meiner Meinung...IMO sollten wir noch bis zum release abwarten...
Was für eine art game sol afrkika nun eigentlich werden, fals man voreingestelte kameraperspektiven hat siehts wirklich fett aus, blos in bewegung (bzw eben mit beweglicher kameraperspektive) wirds relativ unecht aussehen (figuren passen dan wohl nich so recht in umgebung wie im trailer...)
wegen dem phototexturing...
hoffentlich kommen da noch die nötigen effekte dazu dan siehts auch in bewegung richtig fett aus

Bei manchen bildern speziel bei den von rennspielen kann man echt schon nich mehr unterscheiden (zm ohne geschultes auge ;))...
Leider meist nur auf standbildern :(

trotsdem sieht die next-gen einfach fett aus!!!!!

zu der hdmi sache:
Ohne direkten veerglie sieht man davon nichts und auch nich wenn man nicht den teuersten ferseher hat, da der unterschied in etwa den der verschiedenen glotzen an sich entspricht....
Hier mal ein paar facts aus dem Gamespot 4 std live special. (Man ich will das auch sehen aber leider scheint es dazu kein link mehr zugeben.......

This will be exciting. Lots of PS3 launch games I believe. And its live right now. 6:28 EST Now.

Quotes (stated facts):

- Genji looks better then any 360 launch game
- Controller feels better but the miss rumble.
- D-Pad seems to be a bit higher?
- Custom soundtrack at least in RR7
- Its quieter then the 360
- No delay with tilt controls
- PS3 turns on with the controller
- PS3 beeps when turning on (only with controller turning it on?)
- Game cases are a bit thinner
- SIXAXIS controller triggers better then 360 (they said it not me)
- Reconfirmed that the PS3 has BC with PS1 and PS2 games
- Controller signal reaches around 100 feet away
- No real huge amounts of heat
- PS icon on front turns around like on the PS2

Game: Ridge Racer 7

- Mini Game
- Tilt Controls
- Race for different car companies
- Have purchase nitrous
- Drifting physics seems easy as NFS: Carbon
- New racing feature: slip-stream: seems useful
- Cars can fly over hills while slip-streaming

Game: Genji 2

- Opening cut-scene is long and cant be skipped...
- No sixaxis controls.
- Fighting is pretty cool
- Real-time weapon change works perfect
- Weird like mystic slowmo fighting combo thing
- Seems to easy
- Combos and attacks are pulled off smoothly

Game: Madden 2007

- Manual is smaller
- Can only do 4 things with the tilt
- No graphical update???
- Game only 480i?

Game: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007

- Tilt controls (control ball spin)
- Create a character showed
- Spectators will laugh if you hit someone in the nuts with a ball.

Game: NHL 2K7

- Tilt Controls (knock around other players)

Game: Resistance: Fall of Man

- Each clip of starting weapon has 50 bullets
- Chimera still isn't confirmed if they are aliens or bio-weapons.

Game: Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire

- cant really say much they suck at playing
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